ObamaCare: Dr's Will be Fined or Jailed if they Put Patient.

30 Oct 2010 07:40 #1 by outdoor338
ObamaCare: Doctors Will be Fined or Jailed if they Put Patients First
10-30-2010If Obamacare is completely implemented, doctors will no longer be practicing medicine. They will instead become the drones tasked with deciding who gets the meager healthcare crumbs doled out by the bureaucrats who have the ultimate power over patient life and death. Those who are deemed to have illnesses that require treatments which are not cost effective can expect a one way ticket to a hospice.

Like so many bills passed by Congress, there was a hidden provision in the Stimulus bill passed in 2009. It spends 1.1 billion dollars to create an important piece of the framework for the healthcare bill called the Coordinating Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research. It is based on the false premise that doctors in consultation with their patients don’t have the ability to make the right healthcare choices (see executive summary). The council consists of 15 people appointed by the President.

http://visiontoamerica.org/story/obamac ... first.html

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30 Oct 2010 07:53 #2 by Nmysys
We have to pass it before we can read it!!! (Pull the wool over the eyes Pelosi)


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30 Oct 2010 08:22 #3 by Rockdoc
If his appointments are anything like the committee he established for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, not one expert will be named. Dhu.

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30 Oct 2010 08:32 #4 by Wayne Harrison
Why We Need Comparative Effectiveness Research

In 2008, over $50 billion was spent on new pharmaceutical research and development with the goal of creating the next superstar drug. With that type of investment comes incentives to make sure there is some market return on new discoveries. Proving the efficacy of the new drug (demonstrating its worth versus a placebo, for example) is key to passing the FDA trials on the way to approval.

However, comparing the new drug to any and all other similar drugs or therapies that treat the same condition is not part of the current process. This type of side-by-side analysis, known as comparative effectiveness research (CER), will receive a $1.1 billion shot in the arm from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act stimulus bill. Now, a new study reveals the sad current state of medication research, showing how much this new funding is needed.

Defined as the comparison of "the benefits and harms of different interventions and strategies to prevent, diagnose, treat and monitor health conditions," CER has the potential to finally deliver the elusive goal of evidence-based medicine. Patients facing a new diagnosis may often have multiple options for treatment including medications, therapies and/or surgery. They rely on the advice of their physicians, sometimes checking that against second opinions. Physicians face an exponential growth in medical information and need tools to stay current not only on new treatments but how they compare with existing treatments.

http://health.change.org/blog/view/why_ ... s_research

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30 Oct 2010 08:36 #5 by archer

Rockdoc Franz wrote: If his appointments are anything like the committee he established for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, not one expert will be named. Dhu.

They all look pretty expert to me.....quite a distinguished group.

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30 Oct 2010 08:49 #6 by aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Every last one of these assholes is from the world of academia. They don't have a single day of practicing medicine between them.
Typical of yet another obamadinejad cluster f....

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30 Oct 2010 08:51 #7 by Wayne Harrison
Who peed in your Wheaties this morning, Teddy?

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30 Oct 2010 09:11 #8 by archer

Teddy wrote: Every last one of these assholes is from the world of academia. They don't have a single day of practicing medicine between them.
Typical of yet another obamadinejad cluster f....

Guess you didn't completely read the bios....most have been/ or still are... practicing physicians, with many and varied specialties. But that's OK, I never expect you to read beyond a headline or the bolded portion of an article, it strains that tiny little brain too much.

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30 Oct 2010 09:13 #9 by Jonathan Hemlock
What ever happened to free market competition to stimulate brilliant results from science and manufacturing? Socialization has never, ever made small minds great and great minds ever greater.

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30 Oct 2010 09:29 #10 by aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

archer wrote:

Teddy wrote: Every last one of these assholes is from the world of academia. They don't have a single day of practicing medicine between them.
Typical of yet another obamadinejad cluster f....

Guess you didn't completely read the bios....most have been/ or still are... practicing physicians, with many and varied specialties. But that's OK, I never expect you to read beyond a headline or the bolded portion of an article, it strains that tiny little brain too much.

As usual the prune makes it up to suit her agenda. Not a single reference to any one of them practicing medicine currently. They all had to have practiced at some point when they graduated, but there isn't one who is seeing patients on a daily basis as most doctors do.

Those who can, do. Those who can't, manage or teach.

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