Batifa Zaxo wrote: Archer, I agree with you, you are correct in everything you say. Many americans are fighting against socialism in the US, its a better system, and I admire the way you are fighting for it. Thank you!
You are wrong isn't socialism I fight for, it's the uniquesly American system that allows this country to take the best of the differing systems of governing and meld them into the unique American experience. We revere the free market and capitalism and temper it with social programs that help bring the American Dream to all of our citizens. Without a balance there would be no America, we treasure all our citizens, at least that is the idea. It seems some here would just as soon American only looked like them, and thought like them, and believed like them. They abhor abortion but wish death to those who disagree with them. teddy, if you had your way half of America would die tomorrow, that is a pretty sad commentary about you.
Batifa Zaxo wrote: Archer, I agree with you, you are correct in everything you say. Many americans are fighting against socialism in the US, its a better system, and I admire the way you are fighting for it. Thank you!
You are wrong isn't socialism I fight for, it's the uniquesly American system that allows this country to take the best of the differing systems of governing and meld them into the unique American experience. We revere the free market and capitalism and temper it with social programs that help bring the American Dream to all of our citizens. Without a balance there would be no America, we treasure all our citizens, at least that is the idea. It seems some here would just as soon American only looked like them, and thought like them, and believed like them. They abhor abortion but wish death to those who disagree with them. teddy, if you had your way half of America would die tomorrow, that is a pretty sad commentary about you.
The Liberal Ode of Moral and Financial Bankruptcy has been delivered. All Hail! Or Hell!
P.S. There are too many Baby Boomers who believe it's a right to bankrupt and enslave future generations so they can live collecting government checks. Why is that? Spoiled generation? Not enough saving? Too much excess? Depending on govt in old age? What are the reasons?
Batifa Zaxo wrote: Archer, I agree with you, you are correct in everything you say. Many americans are fighting against socialism in the US, its a better system, and I admire the way you are fighting for it. Thank you!
You are wrong isn't socialism I fight for, it's the uniquesly American system that allows this country to take the best of the differing systems of governing and meld them into the unique American experience. We revere the free market and capitalism and temper it with social programs that help bring the American Dream to all of our citizens. Without a balance there would be no America, we treasure all our citizens, at least that is the idea. It seems some here would just as soon American only looked like them, and thought like them, and believed like them. They abhor abortion but wish death to those who disagree with them. teddy, if you had your way half of America would die tomorrow, that is a pretty sad commentary about you.
The Liberal Ode of Moral and Financial Bankruptcy has been delivered. All Hail! Or Hell!
What is it you disagree with? the American Dream? Capitalism? Free market? ahhhh....must be those pesky social programs that bring dignity to the elderly, help for those in need? I knew it, another who would just let them die. That is the new direction they want....survival of the fittest/wealthiest. I am so glad that America was not founded on THOSE principles.
What is it you disagree with? the American Dream? Capitalism? Free market? ahhhh....must be those pesky social programs that bring dignity to the elderly, help for those in need? I knew it, another who would just let them die. That is the new direction they want....survival of the fittest/wealthiest. I am so glad that America was not founded on THOSE principles.
I disagree in your position - government solves all.
I want to fittest to survive and not trampled so the unfit can remain unfit.
The committee that advises the committee has just been revealed by a request made via the freedom of information act. The committee members on the committee that advises the committee include several well known practitioners in the medical and pharmaceutical fields: Dr. Kevorkian, Dr. Doolittle, Dr. Kildare, Dr. Strangelove, Dr. Phil, Dr. Dre and Dr. My Eyes.
ladyjazzer, I applaud you, you are very much in step with socialism, I have read many of your posts, you are very kind in what you say. You would do well in our muslim community in denver.
archer, you and I both know that the free market is only good for the rich, you fight for those who cannot take care of themselves, that is a good thing. I see many of your posts that lean toward socialism, that is good. The rich are taking away from the poor, I know you want that to stop as many do, obama wants the rich to help the poor in America.