This is why Colorado is doomed for now

03 Nov 2010 07:35 #1 by aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
There is an old saying, "Beware of stupid people in large groups". Never has this been more evident than in Colorado. Put in simple terms Colorado is on a one way track downhill faster than an out of control learner coming down Two Smokes. As I said in an earlier posting, the American psyche has been drastically altered. The natural default of what made America the greatest country the world has known was, "What can I do to make it better". Sadly today that has been replaced by "What can you and you and you do for me and what does govt. owe me because it is my right ?"

We need only look at California yesterday to see where this mindset leads to. What California did yesterday is evidence that this disease has overwhelmed the entire state. It is the equivalent of if there was a state wide epidemic of child molestation and they opted to hire the president of NAMBLA to deal with it. My fondest wish for that place is that the cartels take it over completely.

Let's leap across to the heartland. Unemployment is rampant. But few places have felt its sting like Elkhart County, IN. A local reporter did these on the spot interviews with residents of this community that has suffered greatly. Start at the top and just listen to the complete lack of motivation, logic or comprehension of what it takes to generate a dollar from nothing. Witness the the complete lack of internal fortitude to do something about the economic disaster that they are immersed in. This is mainly because they don't have a f.....g clue. I would love to play the first video of these where she asks the moron with the cigarette her opinions and play that on a monitor outside military recruitment offices, and watch the volunteer military disappear. These people are merely the face of millions just like them. But for the language, this interview could easily have been taking place in Finland. It is like watching meth addicts without the sores. The only person interviewed that had any life in him was passing there from out of town. ... ght-voices

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03 Nov 2010 08:13 #2 by Nmysys
This video you posted is sickening to even watch, to consider how little people even pay attention to what is going on around them. The only impact is the negative ads to one.

I have referred before to the dumbing down of America and it sure is evident in the video. Amazing.

I agree that Colorado will suffer. Let's hope not as extreme as we have feared with a sanctuary state.

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03 Nov 2010 08:20 #3 by FredHayek
There is still hope, the GOP took back a couple of seats in the House and the state legislature still has a chance of having a Republican majority.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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03 Nov 2010 08:29 #4 by swoop
We (Colorado) continue to be doomed due to dip Looper and moron Bennet. Cannot believe the people of Colorado voted for these two.

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03 Nov 2010 08:30 #5 by aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
The older gentleman(I use that term loosely) in the bicycle shop almost starts laughing when talking about friends and relatives being out of work. He has a govt. pension and is taking a job that could probably be done by a young person. But the young people probably don't want to work for $8.00/hr butit works for him when combined with the cheque from the taxpayers. But like an educator, totally out of touch with the real world and how things really work, when she asks how the bike business is doing, he admits to being totally oblivious to how it is doing. These people think it grows on trees.

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03 Nov 2010 08:44 #6 by BearMtnHIB
My personal take on the election last night….

It looks like we will have the gridlock that stops the Socialist advance in Washington – the tea party has been effective out east in un-seating bad republicans and seating new people who say they are in tune with limited government.

If those newly elected republicans do what they were elected to do – cap and trade and other destructive major bills are now in the trash can. In this regard – the conservative cause has reason to celebrate.

Colorado – on the other hand, remains liberal and progressive. My observations are that the Colorado tea party was a 100% dismal failure. They as a group were completely in-effective and unable to advance the core principles of the movement. I have my opinions on why - those will be topics for future discussions. Colorado remains firmly in the hands of the modern progressive movement. The core goals for conservatives this election being smaller government, less taxes and a return to constitutional governance found no notable achievements in our state.

Reality check….

A liberal governor was elected who will advance the progressive agenda.

New Fees and taxes will continue to be the norm – more will be added as they have for the last 4 years.

The citizens could not even help themselves to place any barriers in the way of state and local governments. Property taxes appear to have a clear road for increases, government can still issue debt 30 or more years into the future –rendering any future elected government more subject to past administrations debt, and even vehicle license and cell phone fees could not be restrained. They will all go up for us in the next few years. 7 million dollars were spent by local Governments and teachers unions to defeat 60,61 and 101 – a testament to the power these organizations have to sway public opinion.

Colorado could not even find enough support to tell Washington that we won’t be forced to buy health insurance as those provisions of the health care bill kick in – in the next few years. Little hope exists that the health care bill will be repealed anytime soon.

The only amendment that passed in Colorado was one initiated by the state government itself – a provision to spend more state money to set up an emergency seat for the government itself – away from Denver – in case of an emergency. The state government will now have the tax payer paid facilities to high-tail it out of town – leaving all the city dwelling “suckers” behind in an emergency event to fend for themselves and with the pending chaos.

The conservative cause will not have a better opportunity than the one we had last night, maybe for decades. I see little hope that we can be successful in limiting local government, wasteful spending, higher property and sales taxes or control future levels of debt. I would not stop trying, but Colorado appears to be going the way of California, with no real incentive to stop it.

It will cost me personally. I will need to work more, for a few years longer in order to pay for all this. My ability to afford retire in my home town is more questionable than ever before – I still hope my financial condition will allow me to stay here. The cost of living in the future is on a course to increase substantially.

While I’m glad that we have made gains nationally – we have made no gains locally. The only comfort I can turn to is that all those who voted – conservatives and liberals alike are now in the same boat. The liberals will have to find a way to pay for this too!

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03 Nov 2010 08:58 #7 by Nmysys

Sorry you feel this way about the efforts of the Colorado Tea Parties, but we have one feeling of redemption to support us, WE TRIED, rather than doing nothing. We will not give up or feel ashamed of what we have done, at least our local group, and if not for some similarly named groups stupid enough to stick to party lines and support a failure for Governor, we might very well have been successful.

Many sat around and complained, but did nothing about it, IMO everyone who got out and voted at least attempted to have their voice heard and counted, and for that there is no shame for anyone of them, regardless of who they voted for.

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03 Nov 2010 09:04 #8 by BearMtnHIB
I would totally agree with your post Nmysys. I'm glad you tried - I did too. I talked to everyone I ran into, spent many hours explaining to my neighbors and friends why we need their vote to help out.

I just think it was not effective. Now we need to ask ourselves why, and what can be done to stop what is about to happen to the cost of living here. Add this on top of the national problems and the impending wave of inflation to come - I just think we are in big trouble.

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03 Nov 2010 10:12 - 03 Nov 2010 10:23 #9 by Residenttroll returns

Colorado is not a liberal or a progressive state - it's a welfare state. The past two years, Colorado has enjoyed it's federal welfare status - thanks to Obama. When the checks from the U.S.Treasury run out - well, expect real change.

I would also offer that many of the recent Colorado transplants have been more conservative that the previous California defectors. These recent transplants came to Colorado looking for jobs because they saw our lower than average unemployment and voted back in their home state. Our unemployment is below average because of the Front Range's dependent government spending - spending that must begin to slow.

As the college students graduate over the next two years, they will question why they voted for Obama. Many of the 2010 grads who voted for Obama can't find jobs and voted Republican. Oops.

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03 Nov 2010 10:18 #10 by aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

BearMtnHIB wrote: I just think it was not effective. Now we need to ask ourselves why, and what can be done to stop what is about to happen to the cost of living here. Add this on top of the national problems and the impending wave of inflation to come - I just think we are in big trouble.

Deport anyone from California or east coast with a dem registration and keep all the illegal Mexicans

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