I didn't watch the video. Did this kid have to drop trou-, grab his ankles and have his rectum checked?
I'm against this entire TSA move to grope and/or zap us with more radiation. The arguments that we get more radiation from other things is specious. Why add another item to the growing list of radiation exposure?
A nation thats Federal Government refuses to secure its borders, but subjects its own citizens to near sexual assault to fly on a commercial flight. How is that Hope and Change working for you? He didn't lie, he and his administration are fundamentally changing this nation.
The terrorist are laughing at us in their caves. We're being terrorized by our fellow citizens everytime we go to the airport. Looks like the terrorist won.
what change? This has been goin on for more years than Obama has been president.....that includes the non-secuing of the border. Neither partyt wants to deal with illegal immigration, never have probably never will. I wish there was some alternative to these searches, but I can't think what it would be.
Are you saying that these invasive gropes and scanning of the body, has been going on for years? We know, it is all George Bush's fault, nothing should be placed at the feet of your glorious foreign born President. He is so wonderful, isn't he?
No matter what he does, he will always be your hero!!!! Enough to make me gag how you Liberals blame everything on everyone else but Obumma!!!!