Study Confirms That Fox News Makes You Stupid

15 Dec 2010 23:07 #21 by Residenttroll returns

ckm8 wrote: Yeah, 'cause it's so easy to have a rational discussion with the likes of Residentroll, Teddy, Nymysys & Jussayin.

rofllol ....I wonder why?

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15 Dec 2010 23:16 #22 by Blazer Bob

LadyJazzer wrote:

neptunechimney wrote: Yep... I would have posted it all, but then I would have gotten my hands slapped for posting too much material in violation of copyright laws.... Hence the link to the article....


WOW, that works. Perhaps we can draft a bi-partisan working agreement that alows bandwith impared readers to get to the meat with out clicking on a link.

In case I have not stated it recently, I think that whom ever crafted the copyright part of the TOS here and on PC has their head stuck so far up their ass that you can not see their toes.

I bet they drive 45 MPH in a 55 MPH zone.

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16 Dec 2010 07:40 #23 by FredHayek

WhereDidMyVoteGo wrote: Can you explain your census "politically arranged" comment a bit more, SS?

The census happens every 10 years, regardless of who is in office and they have to have workers. It's a given they will be counted as employed (I have a friend who was out of work and the census job provided a cushion while she continued to look for fulltime employment)... and it's a given when they are no longer needed they will show up as unemployed.

How you suggest they conduct the census so it wasn't "politically arranged"?

They would hire and train census workers so they could claim the jobs and then let them go and hire a new batch weeks later.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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16 Dec 2010 07:50 #24 by Wayne Harrison

SS109 wrote:

WhereDidMyVoteGo wrote: Can you explain your census "politically arranged" comment a bit more, SS?

They would hire and train census workers so they could claim the jobs and then let them go and hire a new batch weeks later.

Is that what you think or do you have some facts to back it up?

What you describe makes no sense. The people hired that would show up as hired would show up as unemployed when they are let go.

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16 Dec 2010 08:56 #25 by mtntrekker
oh good grief i must really be stupid as i watch fox, cnn, nbc nightly news, read online news, blogs and websites and don't believe most of it.

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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16 Dec 2010 09:14 #26 by Nmysys
If this is true, then I am proud to be stupid.

Here I went and offered to take LJ off ignore and attempt to engage in civilized conversation. My Bad!!!

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16 Dec 2010 10:12 #27 by ScienceChic
This was my personal favorite recent bit of news about Fox: ... e-coverage

Media Matters has reported a leaked Fox News memo, quoting Fox Washington managing editor Bill Sammon scolding reporter Wendell Groler and on-air host Jon Scott for discussing actual evidence of climate change without inserting Fox bias into their report.

"...we should refrain from asserting that the planet has warmed (or cooled) in any given period without IMMEDIATELY pointing out that such theories are based upon data that critics have called into question," Sammon wrote.

Sammon went on to say, "It is not our place as journalists to assert such notions as facts, especially as this debate intensifies." The "notion" on this occasion was an objective measurement of Earth's global temperature.

Wow - that sentence sums up a hugely wrong attitude to have about journalists. No wonder their audience is the least accurately informed...
I would like to know how MM got hold of this memo though. Can't find anything on that. ... -0482.html
Leaked Fox News Memo Reveals Network’s Anti-Science Bias in Climate Coverage
December 15, 2010

While UCS has had productive interactions with a number of Fox News staff members, the network’s coverage regularly gives unwarranted weight to anti-scientific claims regarding climate change.

UCS has asked Fox News to improve its poor coverage of climate science. NewsCorp, which owns Fox News, has a stated policy to “engage our audiences and enable them to find ways to reduce carbon emissions in their own lives.” Sammon’s email, which urges reporters to misinform their audiences about climate change, is an apparent violation of that policy.

To date, UCS activists have submitted more than 35,000 letters to Rupert Murdoch, the owner of NewsCorp, urging him to stop allowing false claims about climate science on Fox News and in the newspapers he owns. The letters are part of UCS’s Got Science? campaign, which debunks misinformation about climate change by governments, corporations and the news media.

NewsCorp and Murdoch have not responded.
FOXLEAKS: Fox boss ordered staff to cast doubt on climate science
December 15, 2010 8:08 am ET by Ben Dimiero

In the midst of global climate change talks last December, a top Fox News official sent an email questioning the "veracity of climate change data" and ordering the network's journalists to "refrain from asserting that the planet has warmed (or cooled) in any given period without IMMEDIATELY pointing out that such theories are based upon data that critics have called into question."

The directive, sent by Fox News Washington managing editor Bill Sammon, was issued less than 15 minutes after Fox correspondent Wendell Goler accurately reported on-air that the United Nations' World Meteorological Organization announced that 2000-2009 was "on track to be the warmest [decade] on record."

While it is important to note that some global warming data have been called into questions by critics, most of their allegations have been debunked and not a single thing that they have brought up has diminished the overall overwhelming evidence supporting AGW. But who wants to make that distinction when sowing dissent brings ratings and money...

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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16 Dec 2010 10:42 #28 by ckm8
There was also the leak where Fox instructed their "reporters" how to skew the discussion of a public option-

From: Sammon, Bill
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 8:23 AM
To: 054 -FNSunday; 169 -SPECIAL REPORT; 069 -Politics; 030 -Root (FoxNews.Com); 036 -FOX.WHU; 050 -Senior Producers; 051 -Producers
Subject: friendly reminder: let's not slip back into calling it the "public option"

1) Please use the term "government-run health insurance" or, when brevity is a concern, "government option," whenever possible.

2) When it is necessary to use the term "public option" (which is, after all, firmly ensconced in the nation's lexicon), use the qualifier "so-called," as in "the so-called public option."

3) Here's another way to phrase it: "The public option, which is the government-run plan."

4) When newsmakers and sources use the term "public option" in our stories, there's not a lot we can do about it, since quotes are of course sacrosanct. ... p-using-it

No wonder no one on the right seems to understand what the idea of a Public Option is.

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16 Dec 2010 10:51 #29 by Grady

LadyJazzer wrote:

Study Confirms That Fox News Makes You Stupid
A new survey of American voters shows that Fox News viewers are significantly more misinformed than consumers of news from other sources.
December 15, 2010

Yet another study has been released proving that watching Fox News is detrimental to your intelligence. World Public Opinion, a project managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, conducted a survey of American voters that shows that Fox News viewers are significantly more misinformed than consumers of news from other sources. What’s more, the study shows that greater exposure to Fox News increases misinformation.

So the more you watch, the less you know. Or to be precise, the more you think you know that is actually false. This study corroborates a previous PIPA study that focused on the Iraq war with similar results. And there was an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll that demonstrated the break with reality on the part of Fox viewers with regard to health care. The body of evidence that Fox News is nothing but a propaganda machine dedicated to lies is growing by the day.

The conclusion is inescapable. Fox News is deliberately misinforming its viewers and it is doing so for a reason. Every issue above is one in which the Republican Party had a vested interest. The GOP benefited from the ignorance that Fox News helped to proliferate. The results were apparent in the election last month as voters based their decisions on demonstrably false information fed to them by Fox News.

By the way, the rest of the media was not blameless. CNN and the broadcast network news operations fared only slightly better in many cases. Even MSNBC, which had the best record of accurately informing viewers, has a ways to go before it can brag about it. ... ou_stupid/

Wait for it.....

Wait for it.....

Wait for it.....

Wait for it.....

....You can hear the surprise in *MY* voice.... rofllol :lol: rofllol :lol:

If you actually bother to look at the study instead of what some lefty blogger said the study says. There is nothing to single out Fox News or it's viewers. Yes Fox viewers can be misinformed, but so are viewers of every other news source.

FYI here is link to the actual study, take a look at it. ... nt=671&lb=

The lesson here is don't believe everything you read in a blog. :biggrin:

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16 Dec 2010 11:06 #30 by Blazer Bob

Grady wrote: [If you actually bother to look at the study instead of what some lefty blogger said the study says. There is nothing to single out Fox News or it's viewers. Yes Fox viewers can be misinformed, but so are viewers of every other news source.

FYI here is link to the actual study, take a look at it. ... nt=671&lb=

The lesson here is don't believe everything you read in a blog. :biggrin:


Yea, but that would let a good outrage go to waste. I could just sit and watch it for hours. :rofl

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