30 Dec 2010 12:43 #31 by Travelingirl

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30 Dec 2010 14:49 #32 by ScienceChic

travelingirl wrote: Good grief SC, who died and made you queen? Could there be some extracurricular reading in order for you too? What a self-righteous directive! Is it possible that your perception is your reality and that there are those whose perception might be a little different than yours? Time for a little chill-axin!

Absolutely no one and I'm always doing extracurricular reading! :biggrin: Sorry if it came across that way, but it wasn't meant as a self-righteous directive at all. Everyone's reality is subjective and unique to them only (this quote I like sums this up well: "There is an objective reality out there, but we view it through the spectacles of our beliefs, attitudes, and values." ~David G. Myers, Social Psychology), but the ability to empathize and truly place yourself in someone else's life and try to experience it as they do is a much more rare gift that should be nurtured every moment in us all. I have had previous conversations with Outdoor about his education so I know he's not ignorant; what I wanted to find out was whether he truly believed that crap that he posted, or if he was clueless about its effects. See the first is racism, which usually cannot be undone even with education and active attempts to lessen the ingrained bias. The second is inconsiderate insensitivity, which can be modified. I don't give a rat's a$$ about political correctness as it's been taken waaaayyy too far, but it's basis is in having compassion and consideration for your fellow Man, which is a trait I think we can all agree is a good one to have or aspire to attain if lacking. If Outdoor merely isn't thinking about the effect that kind of post has on the multitude of readers, then my attempt to point out how wrong it was and to work on not doing things like this in the future was to increase awareness and help modify negative behavioral traits. Maybe it's not my place to try to enlighten and improve others, but I sure ain't gonna let harmful stereotypes like what was presented in the original post go by without calling them out as they are.

daisypusher wrote: Using the same logic, "If those who voted [for] Obama did so because they [agree] with his policies or platform or [think] he had enough experience for the job and was therefore [as] well qualified as the other people running, then no they are not racist; but, if they voted [for] him merely because of the color of his skin (because the color of his skin has nothing to do with how his brain functions, what his professional experience has been, or what his morals are), then yes they are - not too hard to figure out. There is a big difference between political correctness and racism, maybe some extracurricular reading is in order.

Given the percentages, it seems the later is true.

I agree that those who vote for someone based on the color of their skin are also racist. The numbers show that we still have a long way to go before the people of our country and planet judge first on ability and second on superficial irrelevant traits.

ShilohLady wrote: gee ... I've always heard that people fear speaking in public even more than death....

I used to think that! It takes facing your fear, or facing getting failed out of class if you don't! :VeryScared: (Getting a bad grade or getting into trouble was one of my earlier fears - got over those too, by getting them and getting through trouble!).

I personally used to fear childbirth more than anything - convinced myself that I'd never have kids so I didn't have to worry about it. That was a piece of cake to get over - once you're pregnant it has to come out somehow and you've got no choice in the matter!, now I fear something happening to my children more than anything else. If we never feared anything, we'd lose our humanity.

residenttroll wrote: I fear climate change tomorrow.

You should - it's gonna kick your...! rofllol

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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30 Dec 2010 17:32 #33 by outdoor338
Replied by outdoor338 on topic WHAT DO PEOPLE FEAR MOST
So, where is the outrage on these liberal video's? SC, my point in posting this post was to point out the liberal bias on racism, and true to point, a few of you attacked, but never considered the racism in your own party, did you? Racism is on both sides. There are hundreds of racists posting why they voted for obama, and they are blacks. Where is the outrage from you liberals? Many of the attacks from liberals on the tea party were claiming the tea party were racists. Did you say anything about that? Yet, many of you sat on the sidelines saying nothing. Yet a make believe poll, gets you lib's screaming..wow!

Black Woman Doesn't like Obama No-more Oprah and Obama!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TswMeHnh ... re=channel

Blacks For Obama Simply Because He's Black

Vote for Obama Bcz He's Black??

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30 Dec 2010 20:34 #34 by Argyle
Replied by Argyle on topic WHAT DO PEOPLE FEAR MOST
Study: Conservatives have larger ‘fear center’ in brain

Political opinions are considered choices, and in Western democracies the right to choose one's opinions -- freedom of conscience -- is considered sacrosanct.

But recent studies suggest that our brains and genes may be a major determining factor in the views we hold.

A study at University College London in the UK has found that conservatives' brains have larger amygdalas than the brains of liberals. Amygdalas are responsible for fear and other "primitive" emotions. At the same time, conservatives' brains were also found to have a smaller anterior cingulate -- the part of the brain responsible for courage and optimism.


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31 Dec 2010 05:35 #35 by HEARTLESS
I only fear the spread of leftist stupidity for the non thinking individuals.

The silent majority will be silent no more.

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31 Dec 2010 07:17 - 31 Dec 2010 08:03 #36 by LadyJazzer
Replied by LadyJazzer on topic WHAT DO PEOPLE FEAR MOST
1)People that think Sarah Palin is intelligent.
2)People that think Obama wasn't born in Hawaii.
3)People that think FauxNews is news.
4)People that think that "conservatism" is even remotely "compassionate".

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31 Dec 2010 07:54 #37 by outdoor338
Replied by outdoor338 on topic WHAT DO PEOPLE FEAR MOST
Happy New Year LJ :fireworks: :fireworks4:

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31 Dec 2010 08:13 #38 by Residenttroll returns
Liberal fears....

1) GWB Bush will return
2) Jeb Bush
3) Sarah's bush
4) Burning bush stories

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31 Dec 2010 11:45 #39 by ScienceChic

outdoor338 wrote: So, where is the outrage on these liberal video's? SC, my point in posting this post was to point out the liberal bias on racism, and true to point, a few of you attacked, but never considered the racism in your own party, did you? Racism is on both sides. There are hundreds of racists posting why they voted for obama, and they are blacks. Where is the outrage from you liberals? Many of the attacks from liberals on the tea party were claiming the tea party were racists. Did you say anything about that? Yet, many of you sat on the sidelines saying nothing. Yet a make believe poll, gets you lib's screaming..wow!

Black Woman Doesn't like Obama No-more Oprah and Obama!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TswMeHnh ... re=channel

Blacks For Obama Simply Because He's Black

Vote for Obama Bcz He's Black??

Hmm, bait and switch tactic? I call BS - you aren't answering my questions, but deflecting with what looks like a hastily made excuse. If you truly wanted to point out liberal bias on racism, you wouldn't have started with a fake comparison of a black and white subscriber-dominated magazine poll, and you would've made some point about liberal bias instead of making a comment that the results of the fake poll were "pathetic but darn funny". Or you would've cited examples of Democratic politicians being racist; but, you didn't. So either you're embarrassed to admit that you made a mistake posting it without fact-checking it first and are trying to backtrack, or you're embarrassed to admit that you are racist. I spoke up about this poll because you presented it as being true, and made a comment about it that indicated that you wholeheartedly believed it. I could care less whether you are a conservative, liberal, white, black, Christian, atheist, CEO of a Fortune 500, or a homeless man, I will call out something that is blatantly false and applauded. Period. Has nothing to do with liberal vs conservative, although you seem to like to define everything that way.

I never said that there isn't racism in the Democratic party (which, by the way, is not my party), or in any party for that matter. I don't make an effort to divide people's behaviors based on political party and I've never made accusations of racism about Tea Partiers. I focus on individual behavior and pay attention to trends in the big picture.

Racism is everywhere and bias is practiced everyday by people unconsciously. It takes an active effort to overcome those knee-jerk responses and requires an increase in consideration, compassion, and empathy; your post helps none of that occur. That is what I am against.

(And how is it that you define these videos as liberal? Hell, one lady said she voted for him even though she was against all of his policies - sounds like a conservative to me!).

http://www.bookerrising.net/2009/10/rac ... ative.html
Racism: Moderate-Liberal Vs. Conservative Perspectives

But the truth of the matter is that OUTSIDE the eltway, calling out racism on the Right is a very popular sport amongst my Black Democrat and moderate friends. If the charges are indeed valid, I have no problem seeing folks getting called out for this foolishness (such as in this case). What I do oftentimes wonder is why is it so hard for the same group to call it out when the same foolishness appears on their side of the field? I have brought up on numerous occasions the many times Democrats have used racist slang to depict Blacks (Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Clarence Thomas — any Black person who is not a member of the Left) and yet the only response I hear is 'Well, if I knew about it then I would have said something.' So why play Johnny-come-lately when racism is seen on the Left, but then turn around and play Johnny-on-the-spot when it appears on the Right?"

He continues his commentary: "The reason? In the world of politics, racism is not a threat to Black people. Instead, it is a tool that can be wielded to shut up critics and make them cower. There is no threat keeping Black folks away from polling stations in 2009. But the claim that there is one can do far more damage on the political battlefield in today’s America. Same goes for demanding for apologies. It has less to do with offense and more to do with exposing weakness. The sad truth is that if racism was really genuine offense in political theater, it would be called out regardless of who was committing the infraction. But the reality is that some people have simply learned to cohabitate with the 'enemy' in the name of politics."

# DID YOU KNOW? 31.3% of black Americans self-identify as conservative and 24.4% as moderate (43.6% self-identify as liberal, .7% DNA)
http://www.jointcenter.org/index.php/pu ... inion_poll
Would you expect blacks to view Condoleeza Rice as favorably as Barack Obama, because she's black too? How about Bill Clnton - he's white, would he be view more or less favorably than Barack Obama? Check out the results, you'll be surprised. It's not all about racism, people are more likely to vote for whomever they think will benefit them most.

# DID YOU KNOW? 21% of black Americans support a limited government providing fewer social services (69% favor bigger government providing more services, 10% DNA)

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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31 Dec 2010 12:15 #40 by outdoor338
Replied by outdoor338 on topic WHAT DO PEOPLE FEAR MOST
SC, I will respond later on this, I am still laughing at your response..racists, can be anyone in any party, but yet you defend them in your own party (IMHO, you lean pretty far to the left). Sharpton, jackson, wright are just a few of your pals, keep defending them SC, because you certainly have not spoken against them either, have you? Implying anyone being a racist is pretty funny, esp when you don't know them, just to try to prove your point.

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