Democrats Blame Everyone But Loughner

11 Jan 2011 23:14 #21 by Residenttroll returns
We have too many libots on this board. Someone needs to unplug their MSNBC.

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12 Jan 2011 07:47 #22 by cydl
Certainly JL is a big boy and is responsible for his actions. But I can't help but think that there are several failures of social systems along the way that contributed. It's obvious (I know, I know...) in hindsight that this kid has some serious problems that have been manifested for quite some time. It seems to me that either no one wanted to take the time or get involved or whatever to either try to help him out or turn him in.

Now, I know that the mental health "system" is a mess. I personally know a woman who's son has been a problem and a danger to her for years. She has tried to have him committed. But she's been told that until he "does something" she's out of luck. So what does he have to "do"??? :VeryScared:

This is very sad on so many levels.

And no, I'm not a Democrat - or a Republican...

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12 Jan 2011 07:57 #23 by lionshead2010
As with the aftermath of Oklahoma City, Columbine, the terrible loss at Platte Canyon and numerous other recent, senseless tragedies in America we will wonder about this one for a long, long time....scratch our collective heads....and likely not find a "reason". There can be no justification for ANY of these events.

The blame game makes some people feel good but does little to heal the wounds and may actually prolong the pain.

One other with previous tragedies, it's unlikely that our elected officials can legislate all our problems away and make the world perfectly safe either. Again...those who look for answers in legislation are likely chasing and trying to capture clouds. You may feel like you are making progress...but in the end you come up empty handed and tired.

Sometimes we just need to look to God for answers.

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12 Jan 2011 07:59 #24 by Nmysys
I sure hope the Democratic Administration doesn't drag this tragedy out for a long time in order to avoid for an even longer time, getting to work on the real important issues facing this country like Jobs, the economy, the deficit, over-spending, Defense, Immigration and the border, etc.

Any excuse to avoid their main responsibility of working for the solutions to these problems.

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12 Jan 2011 08:17 #25 by cydl
You are so right, lionshead. Sometimes bad things happen. There's no rhyme or reason, and that's just the way it is. I think a little more compassion and patience (in both speech and actions) on the individual level goes a lot further than legislation and finger pointing.

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12 Jan 2011 08:55 #26 by Residenttroll returns

Nmysys wrote: I sure hope the Democratic Administration doesn't drag this tragedy out for a long time in order to avoid for an even longer time, getting to work on the real important issues facing this country like Jobs, the economy, the deficit, over-spending, Defense, Immigration and the border, etc.

Any excuse to avoid their main responsibility of working for the solutions to these problems.

Obama will make a speech today and we will all feel better. Isn't that how it works? I am sure that he will use his pulpit to blame the right on the senseless killing of Americans by a leftist educated whacko who noted his favorite books as Mein Kampf and Communist Manifesto. Wow, that would have made him a potential candidate for the Obama admin but disqualified him for the U.S. military.

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12 Jan 2011 11:40 #27 by The Viking
All the people blaming the right, and talk radio, can kiss my ARSE!!! It just came out that He did not watch TV. He disliked the news. He didn’t listen to political radio. So you guys who want to blame talk radio and try and use this to stop free speech can crawl back under your rock! ... ws_b48040#

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12 Jan 2011 12:17 #28 by Scruffy

residenttroll wrote:

Nmysys wrote: I sure hope the Democratic Administration doesn't drag this tragedy out for a long time in order to avoid for an even longer time, getting to work on the real important issues facing this country like Jobs, the economy, the deficit, over-spending, Defense, Immigration and the border, etc.

Any excuse to avoid their main responsibility of working for the solutions to these problems.

Obama will make a speech today and we will all feel better. Isn't that how it works? I am sure that he will use his pulpit to blame the right on the senseless killing of Americans by a leftist educated whacko who noted his favorite books as Mein Kampf and Communist Manifesto. Wow, that would have made him a potential candidate for the Obama admin but disqualified him for the U.S. military.

Like Palin did this morning? How's that "blood libely" thing working out for ya?

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12 Jan 2011 12:22 #29 by Whatevergreen
You mean this one? Another case of open mouth insert foot.

Sarah Palin's charge of 'blood libel' spurs outcry from Jewish leaders.,0,6783660.story

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12 Jan 2011 12:26 #30 by LadyJazzer

Clyburn: Palin 'Intellectually' Incapable Of Understanding Arizona Shootings

WASHINGTON -- Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's first spoken words on the shootings in Tucson, Ariz. -- a lengthy denunciation of both violence and pundits who are "manufacturing a blood libel" -- was more an effort in media critique than post-tragedy reconciliation.

And in the immediate aftermath, the reaction to it was a bit of incredulity, shock or simple confusion. Assistant House Minority Leader James Clyburn (D-S.C.) became one of the first lawmakers to weigh in Wednesday morning.

"You know, Sarah Palin just can't seem to get it, on any front. I think that she's an attractive person, she is articulate," Clyburn said on Bill Press' radio show. "But I think intellectually, she seems not to be able to understand what's going on here."

Clyburn's comments were tame compared to the chilly reception and head-scratching that Palin's statement received on the Internet and cable, where the anti-Semitic roots of the term "blood libel" did not go unnoticed.

"Whether it was her intention or not today, she is feeding the beast of what has really been a pretty nasty ideological finger-pointing fight that we have been watching on Twitter and the Internet and on some forms of cable television," NBC News' Chuck Todd said on MSNBC. ... 07871.html

"Intellectually incapable" is about as polite as I've heard it put lately...

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