Democrats Blame Everyone But Loughner

12 Jan 2011 12:32 #31 by Whatevergreen
Palin 2012!!

Run Baby Run!!
rofllol rofllol rofllol rofllol

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12 Jan 2011 12:58 #32 by archer

Whatevergreen wrote: Palin 2012!!

Run Baby Run!!
rofllol rofllol rofllol rofllol

we can only hope


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12 Jan 2011 13:23 #33 by Rick
You libs with Palin derangement syndrome are just what conservatives need. You and the morons on PMSNBC spend so much time focusing on her, that you will miss out on bashing the real candidate that really matters. She would be a fool to run, there isn't enough security and body armor to protect her from the loving left.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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12 Jan 2011 13:25 #34 by archer
I'd be more fearful that Palin, or one of her minions, would shoot anyone who showed up at her rallies and voiced disagreement with her ideas.

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12 Jan 2011 14:14 #35 by outdoor338

archer wrote: I'd be more fearful that Palin, or one of her minions, would shoot anyone who showed up at her rallies and voiced disagreement with her ideas. your advocating that palin shoot someone if they disagree with her??

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12 Jan 2011 14:43 #36 by archer
What about my post leads you to that conclusion? As I stated in another thread where you dragged this post......I quite clearly posted that I feared she or her minions MIGHT shoot someone who disagreed with her at a rally, not that she, however seem to like the idea since you have brought it up twice now.

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12 Jan 2011 14:52 #37 by outdoor338
archer, we need teddy to spank you...oh teddy, where are you?

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12 Jan 2011 15:06 #38 by archer

outdoor338 wrote: archer, we need teddy to spank you...oh teddy, where are you?

Off cowering somewhere with his tail between his legs.

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12 Jan 2011 16:55 #39 by Nmysys
Amazing with all the charges thrown out by Liberals in the media and here, now that Palin says something, she is the one at fault. She is to blame! Who knew? Oh yeah all you flaming Liberals.

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12 Jan 2011 17:01 #40 by Nmysys
Where in her Blood Libel reply did she advocate any violence at all??? I have just read it and you Libs are still at it.

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