How is the right responsible for the AZ shootings?

12 Jan 2011 14:11 #21 by Nmysys
Their hate has no boundaries. They lost so much power in November and have reinvented themselves as merchants of hatred. Everything said about them they will throw back at the right. They have had no ideas to advance their agendas legitimately and think the fact that they were beaten is totally unfair because they are so wonderful in their own minds. How could this happen to them? They mean so well!!

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12 Jan 2011 14:32 #22 by pineinthegrass

LadyJazzer wrote: Oh, sorry... CriticalBill already played the "Bill Ayers" card on the previous page... LOL (Some things are so predictable...)

Off the meds?...I don't think so... I gave several examples of exemplary "conservatives" to emulate; someone suggested that they were bogus; I provided proof that they weren't... Sounds to me like not only am I not off-my-meds, but I just spanked you guys pretty good...

Got any other irrelevant personal insults? Bring 'em on...

It's getting hard to keep up with everything here, but what list are you referring to? Is it the one where you included Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan as "right-wingers" who shot Democrats? And the Az shooter too? If so, how did you prove they were?

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12 Jan 2011 14:40 #23 by Something the Dog Said
Here is a list of a few of the cases of right wingers going off on "liberals". Then we have our very own cadre of right wingers here who advocate murder and violence against "liberals" and others who don't support their political view point.

-- July 2008: A gunman named Jim David Adkisson, agitated at how "liberals" are "destroying America," walks into a Unitarian Church and opens fire, killing two churchgoers and wounding four others.

-- October 2008: Two neo-Nazis are arrested in Tennessee in a plot to murder dozens of African-Americans, culminating in the assassination of President Obama.

-- December 2008: A pair of "Patriot" movement radicals -- the father-son team of Bruce and Joshua Turnidge, who wanted "to attack the political infrastructure" -- threaten a bank in Woodburn, Oregon, with a bomb in the hopes of extorting money that would end their financial difficulties, for which they blamed the government. Instead, the bomb goes off and kills two police officers. The men eventually are convicted and sentenced to death for the crime.

-- December 2008: In Belfast, Maine, police discover the makings of a nuclear "dirty bomb" in the basement of a white supremacist shot dead by his wife. The man, who was independently wealthy, reportedly was agitated about the election of President Obama and was crafting a plan to set off the bomb.

-- January 2009: A white supremacist named Keith Luke embarks on a killing rampage in Brockton, Mass., raping and wounding a black woman and killing her sister, then killing a homeless man before being captured by police as he is en route to a Jewish community center.

-- February 2009: A Marine named Kody Brittingham is arrested and charged with plotting to assassinate President Obama. Brittingham also collected white-supremacist material.

-- April 2009: A white supremacist named Richard Poplawski opens fire on three Pittsburgh police officers who come to his house on a domestic-violence call and kills all three, because he believed President Obama intended to take away the guns of white citizens like himself. Poplawski is currently awaiting trial.

-- April 2009: Another gunman in Okaloosa County, Florida, similarly fearful of Obama's purported gun-grabbing plans, kills two deputies when they come to arrest him in a domestic-violence matter, then is killed himself in a shootout with police.

-- May 2009: A "sovereign citizen" named Scott Roeder walks into a church in Wichita, Kansas, and assassinates abortion provider Dr. George Tiller.

-- June 2009: A Holocaust denier and right-wing tax protester named James Von Brunn opens fire at the Holocaust Museum, killing a security guard.

-- February 2010: An angry tax protester named Joseph Ray Stack flies an airplane into the building housing IRS offices in Austin, Texas. (Media are reluctant to label this one "domestic terrorism" too.)

-- March 2010: Seven militiamen from the Hutaree Militia in Michigan and Ohio are arrested and charged with plotting to assassinate local police officers with the intent of sparking a new civil war.

-- March 2010: An anti-government extremist named John Patrick Bedell walks into the Pentagon and opens fire, wounding two officers before he is himself shot dead.

-- May 2010: A "sovereign citizen" from Georgia is arrested in Tennessee and charged with plotting the violent takeover of a local county courthouse.

-- May 2010: A still-unidentified white man walks into a Jacksonville, Fla., mosque and sets it afire, simultaneously setting off a pipe bomb.

-- May 2010: Two "sovereign citizens" named Jerry and Joe Kane gun down two police officers who pull them over for a traffic violation, and then wound two more officers in a shootout in which both of them are eventually killed.

-- July 2010: An agitated right-winger and convict named Byron Williams loads up on weapons and drives to the Bay Area intent on attacking the offices of the Tides Foundation and the ACLU, but is intercepted by state patrolmen and engages them in a shootout and armed standoff in which two officers and Williams are wounded.

-- September 2010: A Concord, N.C., man is arrested and charged with plotting to blow up a North Carolina abortion clinic. The man, 26-year--old Justin Carl Moose, referred to himself as the "Christian counterpart to (Osama) bin Laden” in a taped undercover meeting with a federal informant.

The Giffords shooting brings the tally to 19 total cases of domestic-terrorism inspired by right-wing extremism in the past couple of years. ... r-isolated

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then always be batman." Unknown

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12 Jan 2011 15:01 #24 by PrintSmith

The Giffords shooting brings the tally to 19 total cases of domestic-terrorism inspired by right-wing extremism in the past couple of years.

Tells you all you need to know about the accuracy of what this nut wrote, doesn't it? Got any evidence to back the claim that the loon in Arizona was inspired by right wing extremism? Or, more likely, is it hoped that continually repeating a lie will somehow instill some truth into it? This would have to be one of the first instances of a right wing extremist having the Communist Manifesto as one of their favorite books.

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12 Jan 2011 15:03 - 12 Jan 2011 15:19 #25 by archer

PrintSmith wrote: This would have to be one of the first instances of a right wing extremist having the Communist Manifesto as one of their favorite books.

Perhaps, but they are very fond of Mein Kumpf, which he also had a copy of.

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12 Jan 2011 15:07 #26 by outdoor338
oh come on PS, Dog is just repeating the liberal lies they want us to believe...
rights and mein kumph... lol now that's funny..archer get out of the hot tub, its causing you some problems..spin, spin, spin!

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12 Jan 2011 15:08 #27 by LadyJazzer

PrintSmith wrote: This would have to be one of the first instances of a right wing extremist having the Communist Manifesto as one of their favorite books.

Yeah, as well as "Mein Kampf", books by AYN RAND, "The Wizard of Oz"... Sounds pretty fishy to me.... (Gotta watch out for that "selective editing.")

Of course, since FaceBook doesn't have a line that says: "Books I've read for information, or recreational enlightenment, but which are not necessarily 'Favorites': ___________________" I guess, you have to construe according to what the TPN/Tea Party Network tells you....huh?

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12 Jan 2011 15:20 #28 by archer
Outdoor, Are you denying that some right wing extremists, such as the skin heads revere Mein Kumpf? And yeah skin heads are more right wing than left.

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12 Jan 2011 15:47 #29 by outdoor338
skin heads archer are involved with the KKK movement started by democrats, carry on!

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12 Jan 2011 16:01 #30 by Nmysys
Now supposedly Neo-Nazis, White Supremesists are Conservatives? Amazing how this continues!

Talk about hate!!! You poor Liberals!!

The party of divisiveness is and always has been the LEFT!!!!!

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