Tracking down my online haters

24 Jan 2011 11:32 #21 by mtntrekker
rofllol rofllol rofllol vl you always make me laugh. amazing how many buttons you can push. have a great day!

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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24 Jan 2011 12:57 #22 by Rockdoc

Vice Lord wrote:

Rockdoc Franz wrote:

Vice Lord wrote:

Rockdoc Franz wrote: Would I engage you as a friend? I doubt it given your boastful and less than honest personality. Each to his own. Your expressed opinions and thoughts come close to being slanderous and at the very least should be embarrassing for you. I'd venture a guess, that there are some folks out there whom you have hurt. Your list of people whom you perceive as haters are not among that group. They are all people who are secure in who they are. Those are my thoughts and opinions. I only hope that some day you will realize your freedom of expression is not endearing to most even though you may think so. Cheers.

Yeah yeah yeah I know I'm not perfect. I go overboard sometimes and i'm mean. I'll try to work on that, but I really do believe that you ignorant, selfish, short sighted republicans are ruining the world, and I just can't sugar coat it...My kids gotta live in it

Most of us are ignorant about one thing or another. There are those who are aware of their ignorance and able to do something about it and others who do not recognize their ignorance and thus can not be helped. Aside from the other beliefs you hold about me that are nothing worthy of a response, I do want you and everyone else to know I'm apolitical. I'm neither republican or democrat. What I am is a scientist whose work helps everyone realize a better way of life as long as the world depends on hydrocarbons.

Yeah and our use of hydrocarbons is ruining the world..Good life's work there Schultz

I take it you do not drive a car, buy products that are in plastic bottles, take medicines sheathed in plastic, that your wife uses make up, wear stockings, that you use plastic products in your kitchen, have storage baggies, plastic bags for waste baskets, you buy water, always take your own cloth bags to go shopping, etc. etc. etc. As long as you use any of those you're depending on my and others like me doing my work. So now tell me who is ruining the world? Hydrocarbons in themselves do not ruin the world, or are you too stupid to realize they are a natural product derived from plants? What ruins the world how HC are refined and processed. So once you stop using them, you can mouth off all you like. But even if you do use them, you will still mouth off in the same stupid way that makes you the laughing stock of 285bound.

And what pray tell do you bring to the table? Union membership, a loud mouth, and penchant for insulting others, and a brain case that mosquitoes use to invade space.

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24 Jan 2011 13:41 #23 by Pony Soldier
Wow Rocdoc, you invented all of those things?

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24 Jan 2011 14:57 #24 by UNDER MODERATION
Replied by UNDER MODERATION on topic Tracking down my online haters

towermonkey wrote: Wow Rocdoc, you invented all of those things?

He has an incredibly inflated opinion of himself.

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24 Jan 2011 15:04 - 24 Jan 2011 16:00 #25 by UNDER MODERATION
Replied by UNDER MODERATION on topic Tracking down my online haters

Rockdoc Franz wrote: I take it you do not drive a car, A CNG POWERED CAR buy products that are in plastic bottles, NEVER take medicines sheathed in plastic, NO that your wife uses make up, HARDLY EVER wear stockings, ONLY ON AIRPLANES that you use plastic products in your kitchen, have storage baggies, WE USE TUPPERWARE plastic bags for waste baskets, YES you buy water, NO always take your own cloth bags to go shopping, YES etc. etc. etc. As long as you use any of those you're depending on my and others like me doing my work. So now tell me who is ruining the world? Hydrocarbons in themselves do not ruin the world, or are you too stupid to realize they are a natural product derived from plants? What ruins the world how HC are refined and processed. So once you stop using them, you can mouth off all you like. But even if you do use them, you will still mouth off in the same stupid way that makes you the laughing stock of 285bound. REAL NICE RocDoc

And what pray tell do you bring to the table? Union membership, a loud mouth, and penchant for insulting others, and a brain case that mosquitoes use to invade space.

And my works have enriched the lives of literally thousands of people, and their future generations. My work has allowed people to buy houses, take vacations, have healthcare for their family's and send their kids to college. What i've done has created a positive ripple effect on humanity well into eternity. And i'm not exzagerating

Not too shabby!

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24 Jan 2011 15:12 #26 by UNDER MODERATION
Replied by UNDER MODERATION on topic Tracking down my online haters

mtntrekker wrote: rofllol rofllol rofllol vl you always make me laugh. amazing how many buttons you can push. have a great day!

Oh thanks...He has it coming to him. At his age i'm suprised someone hasn't taken him down a few notches before. He reminds me of an immature teenager that thinks he knows everything. I'm probably the best thing that ever happened to RocDoc, he could use some more humility

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24 Jan 2011 15:29 #27 by UNDER MODERATION
Replied by UNDER MODERATION on topic Tracking down my online haters

Rockdoc Franz wrote: So now tell me who is ruining the world? Hydrocarbons in themselves do not ruin the world, or are you too stupid to realize they are a natural product derived from plants?

Yeah, and there's a lot of poisonious gasses and molten lava down there too...Lets just leave it there, ok?

And I thought you were gonna control yourself and stop the infantile name calling? Couldn't control yourself for even 24 hours could ya? Weak

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24 Jan 2011 15:47 #28 by ScienceChic

Vice Lord wrote: Oh thanks...He has it coming to him. At his age i'm suprised someone hasn't taken him down a few notches before. He reminds me of an immature teenager that thinks he knows everything. I'm probably the best thing that ever happened to RocDoc, he could use some more humility

Sorry, but I just don't see his behavior/attitude that way at all VL. Maybe if you were a little less combative, people wouldn't respond likewise to you that way. But that wouldn't be nearly as much fun for you, now would it?

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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24 Jan 2011 15:55 #29 by UNDER MODERATION
Replied by UNDER MODERATION on topic Tracking down my online haters

Science Chic wrote:

Vice Lord wrote: Oh thanks...He has it coming to him. At his age i'm suprised someone hasn't taken him down a few notches before. He reminds me of an immature teenager that thinks he knows everything. I'm probably the best thing that ever happened to RocDoc, he could use some more humility

Sorry, but I just don't see his behavior/attitude that way at all VL. Maybe if you were a little less combative, people wouldn't respond likewise to you that way. But that wouldn't be nearly as much fun for you, now would it?

Well you know how you can just see through somebody? Even though nobody else can? It's like that and he's not that smart, if he was he'd just steer clear of me like Nymisis does. He's never gonna win-

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24 Jan 2011 16:13 #30 by mtntrekker
rofllol rofllol i wasn't necessarily speaking of rockdoc, but you do know how to push the buttons. have a great day!

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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