Tracking down my online haters

24 Jan 2011 16:17 #31 by Rockdoc

towermonkey wrote: Wow Rocdoc, you invented all of those things?

Did I say I invented those things? Those are your words, not mine. All I said is I'm involved in finding hydrocarbons, the raw material that goes into making all those plastics you all use every day.

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24 Jan 2011 16:18 #32 by UNDER MODERATION
Replied by UNDER MODERATION on topic Tracking down my online haters

Rockdoc Franz wrote:

towermonkey wrote: Wow Rocdoc, you invented all of those things?

Did I say I invented those things? Those are your words, not mine. All I said is I'm involved in finding hydrocarbons, the raw material that goes into making all those plastics you all use every day.

Did you invent the internet too?

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24 Jan 2011 16:39 - 24 Jan 2011 16:56 #33 by Rockdoc

Vice Lord wrote:

Rockdoc Franz wrote: I take it you do not drive a car, A CNG POWERED CAR buy products that are in plastic bottles, NEVER take medicines sheathed in plastic, NO that your wife uses make up, HARDLY EVER wear stockings, ONLY ON AIRPLANES that you use plastic products in your kitchen, have storage baggies, WE USE TUPPERWARE plastic bags for waste baskets, YES you buy water, NO always take your own cloth bags to go shopping, YES etc. etc. etc. As long as you use any of those you're depending on my and others like me doing my work. So now tell me who is ruining the world? Hydrocarbons in themselves do not ruin the world, or are you too stupid to realize they are a natural product derived from plants? What ruins the world how HC are refined and processed. So once you stop using them, you can mouth off all you like. But even if you do use them, you will still mouth off in the same stupid way that makes you the laughing stock of 285bound. REAL NICE RocDoc

And what pray tell do you bring to the table? Union membership, a loud mouth, and penchant for insulting others, and a brain case that mosquitoes use to invade space.

And my works have enriched the lives of literally thousands of people, and their future generations. My work has allowed people to buy houses, take vacations, have healthcare for their family's and send their kids to college. What i've done has created a positive ripple effect on humanity well into eternity. And i'm not exzagerating

Not too shabby!

Pray tell, what is the work you have done to enrich humanity? Moved bags from one plane to the next? How has your work allowed people to buy houses and take vacations? What have you done to provide health care much less send their kids to college?? You who is willing to take someone to court for 200 bucks that you want for your daughter's education fund and call it charity? Give me a f***ing break. Talk about an inflated ego!!! :lol: :lol: Why don't you just lay out for us the specifics of what you have done. I'll already wager that you will not mention one thing but try to cover it up in gobbly gook.

BTW, your alleged car has all kinds of parts made from hydrocarbons, I take it you never buy soft drinks, juices or other similar products that come in plastic bottles?, you never buy anything from the store that comes wrapped in saran wrap? You'd have to buy prepackaged foods of any kind cause all of them have some plastic packaging somewhere. BTW tupperware is a plastic derived from hydrocarbons. But nice try. The unfortunate thing about the world today is that HC is present in almost everything we use. Your TV, radio, computer all have HC products in them. I'm just as guilty as the next person. I'd be amazed if you never took a time-released medicine in your life. Get real VL.

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24 Jan 2011 16:54 #34 by Nmysys

Get real VL.

Like that is ever going to happen??


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24 Jan 2011 17:17 #35 by UNDER MODERATION
Replied by UNDER MODERATION on topic Tracking down my online haters

Rockdoc Franz wrote: Pray tell, what is the work you have done to enrich humanity? You who is willing to take someone to court for 200 bucks that you want for your daughter's education fund and call it charity? Give me a f***ing break. Talk about an inflated ego!!! :lol: :lol: Why don't you just lay out for us the specifics of what you have done. I'll already wager that you will not mention one thing but try to cover it up in gobbly gook.

Seriously-My life would be an 1100 page book. And all joking aside, I'm thinking about writing it. And I'm also thinking your life story would be a tiny pamphlet or just a piece of paper you unfold.

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24 Jan 2011 17:44 #36 by Nmysys
1100 pages of self flagellation, I'm sure there are some who would revel in it, not necessarily the sane ones by any means. Wow how exciting your life has been in your simple mind.

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24 Jan 2011 17:59 #37 by UNDER MODERATION
Replied by UNDER MODERATION on topic Tracking down my online haters

Nmysys wrote: I'm sure there are some who would revel in it

So am I, thats why I'd like to find someone to help me write it. I don't know if it would be a best seller but a solid seller for sure and possibly a cult classic.

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24 Jan 2011 18:09 #38 by Nmysys
You are a legend in your own mind!!!!!!

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24 Jan 2011 18:41 #39 by jf1acai
There is a big market for fiction.


Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again - Jeanne Pincha-Tulley

Comprehensive is Latin for there is lots of bad stuff in it - Trey Gowdy

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24 Jan 2011 18:49 #40 by Mayhem
Maybe he can include the yet-to-be-seen world tour photos from last year rofllol

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