freedom of speech upsets friendly muslims around world!

04 Apr 2011 08:29 #21 by kresspin
They'll just add it to the Patriot Act and take away more of our freedoms.

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04 Apr 2011 08:33 #22 by Rick
I wonder how long it will be before these radical Muslims start killing women who expose too much....they already kill their own children for such "crimes", it wouldn't be a great leap. We really should start making laws against this as well as anything else that might offend this religious group. I think they would really love us if all you woman out there started wearing burkas...giddy up!

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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04 Apr 2011 10:32 #23 by bailey bud
"Pastor" Terry Jones is a clown - an idiot - a moron.

Unfortunately, the constitution does not have any clauses that would prohibit any of the above.

I really wish the press would ignore his stupid acts.

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04 Apr 2011 10:58 #24 by Mayhem

bailey bud wrote: "Pastor" Terry Jones is a clown - an idiot - a moron.

Unfortunately, the constitution does not have any clauses that would prohibit any of the above.

I really wish the press would ignore his stupid acts.

Of course you think he is an idiot like a all good muslim apologists do. You're a closet CAIR queer

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04 Apr 2011 16:05 #25 by bailey bud
I'm not a Muslim, I'm an evangelical Christian. I can also assure you that I'm not "queer," although I have lengthly list of gay friends and colleagues.

There's nothing closet about my commitment (as a Christian) to recognize, respect, and reach out to Muslims. The last time I checked, that's what Christians are supposed to do.

From my perspective, "Pastor" Jones is more about show and stunts, than spirit.

I think his actions are the antithesis of the Christian way.

If you'd like me to provide a Biblical rationale: Luke 9:56. (and Acts 8:25)

He knew darn well that his actions would provoke violence --- but he did it, anyway.

That's wrong in my book.

We're specifically told not to provoke anger.

I can understand someone burning a Quran (for example - maybe a convert wants to turn away from his old ways). It need not be a big public event (likely best that it isn't).

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04 Apr 2011 18:51 #26 by Mayhem

bailey bud wrote: I'm not a Muslim, I'm an evangelical Christian.

You really are a good lib. See what you want to see rather than what is written. I never said you were a muslim. You're a muslim apologist like barry. Geddit??

bailey bud wrote: I can also assure you that I'm not "queer,"

Again a lack of command of the language leaves you at a disadvantage. The word queer has a definition that precedes it being hijacked by activist sodomites.

bailey bud wrote: although I have lengthly list of gay friends and colleagues.

Could you try to be a little less cliche

bailey bud wrote: There's nothing closet about my commitment (as a Christian) to recognize, respect, and reach out to Muslims. The last time I checked, that's what Christians are supposed to do.

Another example of a "I know better than everybody else" christian. You are a joke.

bailey bud wrote: From my perspective, "Pastor" Jones is more about show and stunts, than spirit.

I think his actions are the antithesis of the Christian way.

If you'd like me to provide a Biblical rationale: Luke 9:56. (and Acts 8:25)

He knew darn well that his actions would provoke violence --- but he did it, anyway.

That's wrong in my book.

The difference between you and him is he is a patriotic American in his heart and he still has a pair.

bailey bud wrote: We're specifically told not to provoke anger.

Yeah yeah. ANd guns and SUVs kill people. :lol: That human garbage in filthy pyjamas did the killing and rioting, apologist.

bailey bud wrote: I can understand someone burning a Quran (for example - maybe a convert wants to turn away from his old ways). It need not be a big public event (likely best that it isn't).

What it is to walk through this life cowered by fear. You should get a job at the Danish newspaper service. Perfect fit.

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04 Apr 2011 19:57 #27 by major bean
The free speech that is protected in the Constitution is "political" free speech. It guarantees that you can speak against, for, beside, and beneath the government and not be prosecuted or persecuted for that speech.
Our constitutional free speech does not cover vulgar language, obscene language, libel, provocation, incitation, and other forms of irresponsible speech.

Now, start yelling at me.

Major Bean

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04 Apr 2011 20:23 #28 by navycpo7
here it is in simple terms. We have troops serving overseas in Afganistan right now, my son will be there shortly, now we have this idiot down in Florida that decides he knows what should be done. The hell with the fact that alot of folks asked him not to do it. Including the Commanding General of there. So he decided he would do it anyway. Tensions between the military coalition and the native Afgans are already at a high. All this did was throw fuel on the fire. Yep he has the right, doubt there is a damn thing that can be done, I hope he gets back 10 fold what his stupidity has caused. Now the coalition has to basically start from the beginning. Not that things were that great anyway.

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04 Apr 2011 21:24 #29 by Soulshiner
I would think people in the military would let this assclown know that they don't appreciate his actions.

When you plant ice you're going to harvest wind. - Robert Hunter

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05 Apr 2011 09:01 #30 by Mayhem
Like we gave a sh.t what the krauts and zippers thought during WWII. We have a military that is controlled by feminized metrosexuals and wonder why they find themselves in no win situations. I told my kids stay the hell away from the military till it is once again run by men not pussies who are worried about what the enemy "thinks" about us. Talk about self-hobbling. What a joke.

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