freedom of speech upsets friendly muslims around world!

03 Apr 2011 07:25 #1 by outdoor338
KABUL, Afghanistan - Afghan protests against the burning of a Quran in Florida entered a third day with a demonstrations in the south and east Sunday, while the Taliban called on people to rise up, blaming government forces for any violence.

The desecration at a small U.S. church has outraged Muslims worldwide, and in Afghanistan many of the demonstrations have turned into deadly riots. Protests in the north and south in recent days have killed 20 people.

In southern Kandahar city on Sunday, hundreds took to the streets for the second day in a row, and hospital officials said 20 people were hurt in skirmishes between police and demonstrators. On Saturday, nine people were killed and 80 injured when a protest turned into a riot. ... aLDyE7DyaU

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03 Apr 2011 07:30 #2 by kresspin
I take it from your post you wouldn't be outraged by a muslim burning the Holy Bible then?

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03 Apr 2011 07:40 #3 by outdoor338
It would be sad, would I kill someone over it? no! Were you upset when muslims killed 12 Christians who were in church last week, where was your outrage? The Bible is the word of God, not God!

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03 Apr 2011 08:33 #4 by kresspin
While 12 Christians were killed in another part of the world last week, 50 murders are committed each day in the United States. My outrage is over that.

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03 Apr 2011 08:44 #5 by outdoor338
so you can't be outraged by both, how liberal of you, excuse me, how socialist democrat of you...muslims killing people, its good, christians being murdered, its ok! gottcha..

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03 Apr 2011 09:44 #6 by CinnamonGirl
what would we do today without our daily Muslim thread.

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03 Apr 2011 09:46 #7 by kresspin
Bash some other group. It's like logging on to an Aryan Nations forum.

No outrage over anything conservative. Gotcha.

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03 Apr 2011 13:10 #8 by Blazer Bob

kresspin wrote: Bash some other group. It's like logging on to an Aryan Nations forum.

No outrage over anything conservative. Gotcha.

You are one strange neo-con. rofllol

kresspin wrote:

Nmysys wrote:

Sorry Dude. I'm not a liberal, unless you consider being open minded liberal.

But rather than deflect, why not address the fact that gas went up something like 300% under Bush?


Actually, I'm more of a neo-con. But you spit that out like it's a bad word. It's no different that calling someone a conservative. They are the right and left political movements in the U.S.

Guess what? That's the way it's supposed to be in the United States of America. The Founding Fathers never intended one political persuasion to be the model for this country. If you want to live in a one-party country, maybe you should move.

(Only I wish there were a few more political parties).

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03 Apr 2011 13:17 #9 by major bean
This was hardly a freedom of speech issue. The preacher wanted and expected to provoke the Muslims around the world and domestically. He is guilty of a crime of inciting to riot. He should be prosecuted. Should he be allowed to hide behind the freedom of speech defense? Let the courts decide.

The rioting Muslims also committed crimes. They should be prosecuted for their terrorist acts.

Both actors in these crimes must be prosecuted.

Major Bean

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03 Apr 2011 14:50 #10 by 2wlady
So they incited a riot - in another country. Are you saying Homeland Security should pick up these nuts and send them to The Hague for prosecution?

What happened to freedom of speech in this country?

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