In Loving Memory of...

28 Jan 2011 09:08 #1 by LopingAlong
This thread is dedicated to those special ones that are no longer here with us in physical form, but still living on in our hearts.

Post the names, photos, stories and memories of any and any small animals--cats, dogs, birds, fish, hamsters, etc.-- you have loved and lost and our deepest condolences.

285bound will donate $5 to the non profit animal charity of your choice if you post the charity in the same post as your beloved pet/animal!

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28 Jan 2011 09:10 #2 by LopingAlong
Replied by LopingAlong on topic In Loving Memory of...
Buddy was an orange wing Amazon parrot and my friend and traveling companion for over 33 years. She was a rescue bird I got by training a horse for someone who couldn't afford to pay me. We came to Colorado 25 years ago in an old Suburban after being on the road for over a year. She was an ornery bird who didn't like people in general but loved me. I miss her daily and would love to have the $5 285Bound donation go to The Gabriel Foundation in her memory. Thank you.

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28 Jan 2011 09:21 #3 by CinnamonGirl
Replied by CinnamonGirl on topic In Loving Memory of...
This was my missy a week before I said goodbye. I did not know how I was going to ever say goodbye. I made it but I miss her so much. It took me a year to even look at this video. ... I_6667.mp4

File Attachment:

My favorite shelter is (not that I don't love EAPL they are wonderful to work with)

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28 Jan 2011 19:44 #4 by MoCat
Replied by MoCat on topic In Loving Memory of...
MoMo, he is my avatar picture, he has been gone nearly a year, but he is in my thoughts every day. He was only 4 yrs old. Evergreen Animal Protective League is my favorite

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23 Feb 2011 13:33 #5 by CinnamonGirl
Replied by CinnamonGirl on topic In Loving Memory of...


EAPL is my favorite charity. I hope someone can adopt a pet in his memory. He is a wonderful story about an unbelievable cat that no one gave up on. Lost him yesterday.

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23 Feb 2011 13:50 #6 by RY
Replied by RY on topic In Loving Memory of...
this is not my puppy Saddhu - he died of parvo when he was only 8 weeks old, but this little video, so reminds me of him


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05 Aug 2011 15:26 #7 by pacamom
Replied by pacamom on topic In Loving Memory of...
Speckal 11/25/2011- 4/20/2011. Would you please donate the money to IMHS? Thanks

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14 Nov 2011 10:33 #8 by ComputerBreath
This is my baby girl, Ginger, a pure bred Miniature Pinscer. The people that lived in the apartment directly below me when I first moved to San Antonio had her mom and dad and bred them. We moved there in May and Ginger was born in October. The boys were so excited 'cuz we were told we could get one of the puppies...then the puppy that we were supposed to get was stung by a bee and died. So one day I came home and the boys told me we could get one of the other puppies...and so we acquired Ginger at 5 weeks old. She was a ball of energy and stubborn, and she quickly became spoiled rotten.

She was very much my dog and whenever I was home and sitting, she had to be in my lap. She slept under the covers on my bed with me. She was the pickiest food eater I've ever seen...she'd even turn down a treat if she didn't want it. And she'd go up against my Rottie-Lab-Pitt mix in a heartbeat not realizing that he could fit her whole head and then some in his mouth.

I think she had a heart attack yesterday morning starting about 6:15 and she breathed her last at about 7 am lying right next to me in my bed. She was a month over 13 years old and lived a very good, spoiled life. RIP baby girl, I miss you.

I do not know specifically what animal charity I'd like donated to...pick a good one for me.

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14 Nov 2011 10:35 #9 by ScienceChic
Replied by ScienceChic on topic In Loving Memory of...
My condolences for your loss CB. I owe the Dumb Friends League a donation yet this year so I will send them a gift in her honor!

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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14 Nov 2011 10:39 #10 by ComputerBreath
Thanks SC!

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