Keeping Up With The Community - Native Vibrations

The next time you're in downtown Bailey, drop into the new location of Native Vibrations Crystals & Gifts! This eclectic gem and crystal store is full of positive energy and beautiful trinkets. Meet Boyd Brookhart, the owner, who has had an affinity for digging crystals and gems since he was three. Mention you saw this video and receive a discount! Details inside.

Native Vibrations has recently relocated from Crow Hill to the heart of downtown Bailey.  It's an eclectic rock shop offering crystals, art, gifts, clothing, CBD products, candles, glass, soaps, and much more!  Click below to watch our video interview.

Trang: What made you decide to open this business?

Boyd: I've had a life-long thing with rocks. My dad was a science teacher. And he would have summers off, so he would take us to the desert or the mountains and we would look for arrowheads or rocks, so it just stuck with me. When I was about three, I saw a tiger's eye for the first time and I believed it was a real tiger eye so it started my interest in rocks.

Trang: For someone who doesn't know a lot about crystals, could you explain how crystals could benefit someone's everyday life?

Boyd: You know, there a lot of people who put meaning into crystals as far as a healing process and things like that go, and then some people really don't. But I think that when someone puts their faith behind something, it could work for them, whether it's religion, crystals, herbal medicine... so I really think it's more faith-based. 

Trang: Do you handpick and/or carve all or the rocks in the store?

Boyd: Both. I go to rock and mineral shows in Tucson and Denver, and I also dig for rocks, and I'm also a rock-cutter, or what they call a lapidary. I make my own jewelry. A lot of the crystals are sourced locally in Harris Park. It's a really mineral-rich area where amazonite, smoky quartz, topaz, and fluorite are found.

Trang: Anything else you want viewers to know?

Boyd: We have a lot of local art and lots of local diggers who bring rocks in. If you're an artist, this might be a good place to display it. Bring it in and show me and we can work on some kind of consignment.

Mention you saw this video and receive 20% off your purchase! ​

Native Vibrations
33 County Road 68
Bailey, CO 80421

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