If you're reading this post, you're probably on it right now. MyMountainTown.com. Meet our beloved Sharon Trilk, she's the face behind My Mountain Town, the leading news and forum website for the foothills. 🏔
Sharon is ĂĽber-passionate about our local mountain towns and is constantly striving to strengthen the fabric of our community. Learn about her story and how she came to take over My Mountain Town back in 2011 as well as what MMT has to offer.
"Our goal is to connect everyone in the community—the businesses, the non-profits, the community members… because we all help each other succeed and thrive. But it takes more than just being online. You have to get out in your community. So I'm going to challenge everyone. Pick a favorite non-profit in the area and find one you love, and just volunteer for an hour or two a month or an hour a two a week. Whatever you have time for. When we all pitch in and get to know each other, we make it the place to live that it is. It's beautiful; this is the place to be. This is our heart."
Sharon Trilk, Owner of My Mountain Town