I agree....I just don't understand people who feel they are entitled to just trash another human being for failing to live up to their personal standards.
My daughter used a great analogy this morning.....
Has any of these people ever run a red light?
If so..... the next time you are T-Boned in an intersection and are killed.....we should all sit around here and talk about how it was your fault because you had run a red light once or twice in your life.
Cause of death: 6 hits of extasy, a liter and a half of Grey Goose, a little marijauna and some heroin. Sounds like a recipe for desiaster.
I did 2 1/2 hits of extasy once, I liked it but for a few years after that I did'nt like video games anymore and couldn't watch a movie unless it was a really good one. I lost some interest in some things for a little while. A few years later I was right back to normal.
Your source is full of it.
"Officials are puzzled as they have not found a cause of death for the singer." ET
Becky wrote: Addiction does a lot of damage to the body. Could have been natural causes associated with the addiction.
It very well could have. Addiction is a very tough thing and I am sure the people that were around her during this time are feeling very awful right now. It is so hard to want to help someone that can't help themselves.
This is why addiction is so difficult. It makes you not want to help yourself. It takes alot of courage and you usually have to hit bottom to decide to change your life. The problem is her bottom killed her first. It is very sad. The other thing is when you have money and fame you get away with more than the regular population and that does not help. I just know that the aftermath for all the people close to her has to be excruciating.
Not to mention that the music industry is, by and large, run by thugs that eat people alive. Her "handlers" probably facilitated her bad habits because as long as she was getting what she wanted she was cooperative and would make them money.