I thought...

25 Mar 2013 19:43 #41 by Hoot Owl
Replied by Hoot Owl on topic I thought...
Photofish --- is this helpful?

nobody wrote: Not to sound rude or unthankfull ..but i see close to 300 people have read this ..just how may have them called the county to see why the sewer hasn`t been fixed. This has gottten to be just too much . I don't sleep much any more because of this AND more of the chit the park is pulling With the sewer also comes the chit with after 4 years of buying this place ,,i am still trying to get the owners to get this damm junk out of my garage !!!!!!! I have been paying taxes on the house and the garage since the day i bought this place . The garage IS listed on my tax bill and the porches etc. And the garage is NOT listed on the park tax assessment!!!! is this a "Opps i forgot to tell the tax assessor" situation??? We have the garage on out taxes and an oral agreement that we were buying the garage along with the house . The last time i saked then to remove thier junk the reply i got was "Do you have on paper the garage belongs to you?"" SOOO whats the deal ?? is the garage mine OR is the some tax evasion crap ????????? I did call the assessors and was told Yes the garage is yours ..you have been paying taxes on it and it is listed as ....Garage: Detached 384 area or units. The park did finally fixed the main water leaks in the park after many many months of leaking had YUP my water bill went up HAHAHAHA And another question ..why did the park spend the money to buy and install the type of water faucet <above ground> the one uses to fill a water trough/ tank ?? i see noe meters on them lines so when the water is turned on how will it be meter OR does the park get free water and the rest of us have to pay yet higher water bills?????????????????????????? http://www.parkco.org/prop2.asp?ScheduleNumber=18813
Copy that and google it ..can you anything where taxes have been paid by the park for BUILDINGS they claim are theirs??? Theirs to sell to the young couple that had to move out. I looked up their taxes and YES the wood storage shed was on the taxes ..taxes they paid .....on the shed they paid to the man that sold them the trailer. So did anyone see anything on the assessors page where the parl owners claimed my garage and shed and the neighbors shed as being theirs ???? If they are making claims to these building the why in the H am i paying taxes on them ???????????????? Why was the neighbor paying taxes on them?????????????????? Why does everyone have to pay higher water bills because the park wouldn`t fix the main line water leaks??? Hellll we cant even sell the trailer now ..tho office told my wife to he face ..they will not sign a lease with anyone we sell the house to They installed water facets WITHOUT meters on them ..if they installed these faucets ,,im sure they have the intention of using them ... without a water meter????? How about this everyone get on the phone and make some calls it you money also tax money water bill money your health <can anyone prove sewer isn`t going into anyont well..there has been no one to check this ..the Environmental Health Department .. gave me all this "Talk" how he was going to this that have sewer fixed blaa blaaa and blaaaaa . as you see i am too confounded to see this crap going on and nothing has been done ...yes the deleting my posts ..it got the the point nothing will be done about any of these problem photo-fish and science girl i do appreciate your concern and your trying to help I have called the senators representives etc etc dozens and dozens and dozens of people with no results .. So in a final note Thank you all as i have stated but remember its you health how much your bills are and the TAX thing that you have to deal with Science girl if you want to repost my posts do so Remember ..i started this ordeal ,many many months before i ever thought of posting on the forum here. Aint his a hick in the head i was told garage was mine ..now i have to try to figure out how to get the park to remove their junk from it !! I am ornery right now because i got woke from a nap to be told on the phone is out of the office and should be in tomorrow .THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for that info I didnt get woken to get told that the sewer will positively get done ..>HAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA OK F*** THIS SH** !!! tax office wont even tell me who to call to report possible tax evasion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and i have to wait untill may to file a complaint on the taxes i pay on a garage that it was told was mine BS BS BS BS BSSSSS BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS This is why i stopped my posts this is all bullsh** !!!! Sicence chic delete all of this if you want Not a problem with me . I am sure some people out there are having a big fkng laugh over this .

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25 Mar 2013 19:47 #42 by Hoot Owl
Replied by Hoot Owl on topic I thought...
or this????

nobody wrote: Confused..no worry..this started simply to get a sewer ,,multi-sewer problem fixed in Park Coutny .... since this started other problems have risen . the water ..ownership of property I am paying taxes for peoperty that was sold to me but yet i cant have access to the garage i THOUGHT i payed for .. oh well time to give up they win you people have to live with the situations if you live here .Gee and i thought a govt was supposed to take care of people and their well being :o) HAHAHAHAHHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAAHAHAAHAHA If anyone knows ..could you tell me when park county is going to have the POO-POO Festival ..i don`t want to miss it Yes sirree i don't want to miss the POO_POO Float !!! hahahahahahaahhaahahahahhahahaahhahhahhahizhzhuhzuahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahaahahha OH wait maybe i can just look into my bathtub and see the POO-POO FLOAT :o)

I dont understand why there is a communication problem

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26 Mar 2013 08:46 - 26 Mar 2013 21:41 #43 by nobody
Replied by nobody on topic I thought...
Thank you

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26 Mar 2013 09:16 - 26 Mar 2013 21:41 #44 by nobody
Replied by nobody on topic I thought...
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26 Mar 2013 10:12 - 26 Mar 2013 21:42 #45 by nobody
Replied by nobody on topic I thought...
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26 Mar 2013 10:49 - 26 Mar 2013 21:42 #46 by nobody
Replied by nobody on topic I thought...
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26 Mar 2013 11:53 - 26 Mar 2013 21:43 #47 by nobody
Replied by nobody on topic I thought...
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26 Mar 2013 12:42 #48 by BuyersAgent1
Replied by BuyersAgent1 on topic I thought...
I'm so sorry to read (for the first time) of your situation. Equally sorry to say, not sure I understand all of the components.
If you'd like informal input from my end -- not as a broker but just as a community member -- could you please flesh it out for me?
1. You bought a home. Do you have a deed? Is there actual land attendant to your deed, or is it a deed to your mobile home only? (I am addressing the issue of whether or not you bought the garage. If it's on land that you bought, you did. If you bought only the mobile home itself, with the real estate being a lease with the "park manager," and your agreement with the garage was only verbal, I'd imagine it may or may not be enforceable and would question whether its value is equal to the cost of recovering possession/use).
2. You are experiencing unsanitary living conditions, this is unsafe. Have you contacted Parkco Environmental Services? Have you contacted a consumer advocate at Hickenlooper's office? The State Water Engineer? In other words, who have you complained to thus far, that has ignored you (please forgive me if you've posted this information multiple times already, I understand you're frustrated and haven't received an appropriate response). Are you concerned that the park itself may be closed down if it fails to meet standards? -- do you have a backup plan in place? -- or are you counting on the state requiring the park to fix your condition?
3. You want to sell the mobile home but the park manager won't approve a lease. Why? Was it your understanding when you bought the place that you'd be stuck there forever as though your personal selves had been "grandfathered in?" When was the first time you learned the park wouldn't approve a lease, and what does your own lease agreement provide by way of (a) termination of the lease and (b) approval of successor lessees? A lawyer should be able to tell you if there is an implication of the right of sale that affixes at the time of purchase. Common sense would suggest that unless you bought the place for 10 cents on the dollar, subject to a "forever" condition, you should be able to sell and arrange for a new lease. This leads me to my final confusion:
4. How did you get somebody to agree to buy your place, given the sanitation condition that exists?

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26 Mar 2013 14:07 - 26 Mar 2013 21:44 #49 by nobody
Replied by nobody on topic I thought...
Thank you

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26 Mar 2013 14:22 #50 by BuyersAgent1
Replied by BuyersAgent1 on topic I thought...

nobody wrote: We paid cash for the trailer WITH the understanding that the garage and shed went with it ..the agreement was verbal so i guess the bailey Mobile home Park lied directly to our faces. Even the we have been paying the taxes on the garage and shed ..we still don`t own it ...the park owners made the fact clear they own it by NOT lettings us use the garage or the shed . They own it ..so why in the hell aint they paying the taxes on it ??? I call it tax fraud. I would consider this a civil issue and suggest you try calling Bill Finger in Evergreen or Bob Martin, 303-697-1245 in Conifer. Various theories might apply such as "unjust enrichment" (you're paying the taxes, they're using the shed) Before calling, calculate the total you've unfairly paid so he'll know how much $$ you're talking about. I don't know but would imagine your rights under the tax assessment are to dispute the assessment and I understand you didn't do that, because you thought you had an agreement with the "owner" about the shed.

We are renting the space .

I glanced at an earlier post citing a statute. Do you have any leverage under that text? if so, suggest it be reposted. In other words: what is the right of a park manager to refuse to allow a new lessee to enter into the park? -- do you know? (I don't.)

As for calling it more like who havent we called Gov office senators representatives the FBI about whats going on and our now fear that there may be some relaliation against us other county officials..attorney ,, who just tell us "Its a conflicts of interest Dozens of attorneys! the CBI to make them aware of the situation..state water and sewer the health guy for the county etc etc ..get the point?? even the tax people here to let them know whats going on with the tax situation..they wouldnt even tell me where or who to call to turn in tax fraud!!!!!!!

Have you been told it's a "conflict of interest" because of threats posed against the public entity? if not, what's the conflict as you understand it to be?

This all started last January BUT the health guy for the county did not tell us until around sept or oct that a complaint has to be i writting ..so fine he BSed for months on how sewer would be fixed ..SOOOOOOO what has happened since last sept / oct ... NOTHING!!!!!!!!! He went as far as telling the State water guy i talked to over and over gain that the sewer was FIXED!!!!! OOPss he made it SOUND like the sewer was fixed! Call the state water and sewer board YES they know who i am .. yeah BOB health guy for the county told me ""The stae people will do anything to get out of doing thier jobs ..ask them to put in writting that the county is supposed to take care of the problem you can bet they won`t" >>>i didnt record that ..sorry i am too stupid to realize some people will lie straight to another persons face Sad sad world!!!

I'm concerned that your complaints may lead to your being out of a place to live -- not because of retaliation but because the place isn't safe. Would it be mechanically possible to relocate the trailer, or is it a permanent fixture for practical purposes? Also, what exactly is the sanitation problem? -- a shared septic with a failed field? or do you participate in community services and if so, what is that arrangement and do you pay for it?
Given the history as you cited, it's URGENT that you call an attorney immediately since, if you do have any potential civil claims against a government entity in Colorado, you have to give notice of them within a prescribed period of time.

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