I have a question

17 Jan 2011 20:23 #21 by Sunshine Girl
Replied by Sunshine Girl on topic I have a question

Becky wrote: I realize that the individuals who find themselves in this same situation as SandyD was in are reluctant to speak about it because they don't want to continue to fuel the fire of the us vrs them controversy between these websites but I just cannot be quiet about the latest in the continuing POS saga.
I have read through that thread several times and one thing that is abundantly clear is that most people in our community cannot conceive of an individual or a group of individuals being SO PETTY as to ban members of this community from even having the opportunity to just view POS.
I now understand the reason for the hand slap that SandyD received from "Lead Moderator" and threat in regards to the TOS at POS.(Pinecam)
JMC and Cinnamongirl...... I know you did not want to make this the subject of yet another crappy POS thread but their behavior regarding this is just sooooooooo petty that I think it rates some discussion by the community. Here in the last month or so....both owners of this site have been summarily removed from the membership of Pinecam.com. There was no infraction of the TOS in either case. Just a desire by the management at POS to silence their voices. In the last few days.....these two fine individuals have not even been permitted to view Pinecam.com at all because their IP addresses and email addresses have been blocked.
What could possibly be the reason for this.
(Thank you SandyD for your unfortunate situation at the website your IP address was blocked from. Though I am sorry you had to go through this....I appreciate your timing)
Why would a community website treat it's customer base and community members in such a way?
What is wrong with people that they can stand in the light of day and defend their behavior? Instead, they hide in the dark and hope no one will notice.
Why does the community continue to stand for being treated this way.
(That may be the even bigger question)
JMC and CG. I am so sorry that you have been treated this way. Your love and respect for this community shines in everything you do.
You have given so much to all of us and there just aren't words to express our appreciation. You have given us all a voice. You have given this community the ability to hear and speak the truth and decide what to do when we see something bad going on.
Shame on Pinecam for being soooooooo petty as to block someone from even viewing community information.
That was so wrong on so many levels.

As usual....extremely well said Becky! A new low even for PC.

" I'll try anything once, twice if I like it, three times to make sure. " Mae West

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17 Jan 2011 20:24 #22 by CinnamonGirl
Replied by CinnamonGirl on topic I have a question

How many other people are unable to get information? I never, ever expected something like this. They all are welcome here and sign in regularly.

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17 Jan 2011 20:28 #23 by Sunshine Girl
Replied by Sunshine Girl on topic I have a question

CinnamonGirl wrote:

How many other people are unable to get information? I never, ever expected something like this. They all are welcome here and sign in regularly.

I can still see it but I'm sure that will change soon. The reason you and JMC don't block them is because you are GOOD people, smart business owners, and members of this community that care about ALL members of our community and beyond. Oh - and you aren't threatened by them as well. :wink: They continue to amaze me with their juvenile behavior. lol

" I'll try anything once, twice if I like it, three times to make sure. " Mae West

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17 Jan 2011 20:42 #24 by MyMountainTown
Replied by MyMountainTown on topic I have a question
Their strategy is to do things to hurt this site that are not visible and when we respond,try to make us look bad. It works for some. We will continue to speak openly and let the cowards do their deeds under the table.

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17 Jan 2011 21:25 #25 by MeadowMouse
Replied by MeadowMouse on topic I have a question
I'm not sure why you guys even care about the other site. what is the atrraction? I would rather see what this site is doing, it seems these responses have shown a threat or something.

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17 Jan 2011 21:57 #26 by CC
Replied by CC on topic I have a question
Why would you think that our responses show some kind of threat?

I just think it is a real crappy way to treat the community they are trying to serve.

I care because the people they do this to are people I care about!

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18 Jan 2011 08:56 #27 by mtntrekker
Replied by mtntrekker on topic I have a question

MeadowMouse wrote: I'm not sure why you guys even care about the other site. what is the atrraction? I would rather see what this site is doing, it seems these responses have shown a threat or something.

you know that is usually my thinking - who even cares. but this thread clearly shows again and again how petty the other site is. i hope it means more business for 285bound. here's to the better website!

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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18 Jan 2011 09:19 #28 by Nobody that matters
I read the post 'over there' and the first thing that popped into my mind was "Which banned user is playing troll this time?"

Can't blame the lead moderator for thinking the same.

"Whatever you are, be a good one." ~ Abraham Lincoln

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18 Jan 2011 09:53 #29 by CC
Replied by CC on topic I have a question
I am always amazed at how when POS does something really crappy behind the scenes.......others are blamed for it.
Is this normal, rational thought?

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18 Jan 2011 09:55 #30 by CC
Replied by CC on topic I have a question
By my read.....the "Lead Moderator" had a guilty conscience and really didn't want the discussion to continue.

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