I would have gone just for the experience and to get some cool pics. I can't be much worse than the hordes of Deadheads that invade Morrison several times a year (they are coming end of September). It is actually a fun time and if you have never experienced it before, I suggest you do so. It's not contagious and it is good to let your freak flag fly once in a while. I have been to many of these kinds of events.
Oh please. These so called "hippies" are a hell of a lot more polite and clean than a lot of the locals. At least they pick all their crap up - just drive around the back roads up here and look at the crap people have piled in their yards - serious fire risks too.
So the event scared you. I'm sorry different types of people scare you. You decided to check out something, didn't like it, and left. That doesn't make them wrong or evil. If you'd been that concerned, you'd have called the police right then and there - even my POS pay as you go phone gets signal in the Eos Mill area.
Thanks for a heads up on a non issue. You could have found out the facts a lot sooner with a simple phone call rather than be all offended and up in arms after the fact.
No, I didn't go - it's not my scene, though I do have friends who go. Sorry of the scary different looking and acting people bothered you so much. Perhaps next time, get to talk to them. They're more like you than you think. Some are even more conservative politically.
Couldnt have said it better myself LH!! I laugh at the thought of Bailey Patriot getting home and hiding under his covers thinking the hippies are coming the hippies are coming!
HEARTLESS wrote: Can this thread be renamed "Attack the Messenger"?
In official internet jargon, this is what's known as a "thread backfire". It's when you're ranting about something that was legal that you didn't like, and someone's smart enough to question the ranter about the legality of their own actions.
I think having a 50' bonfire in our mountains is insanely stupid, a monument to not only the lack of sense on the organizer's part, but the incredible lack of balls on the county official's part to say "FAWK NO! Are you nuts?!?!?!" to a group that's going to scream discrimination or repression, or fascism, or something like that when someone points out that a big-assed fire isn't art, it's just stupid and dangerous juvenile behavior.
"Whatever you are, be a good one." ~ Abraham Lincoln
I have not checked the scanner reports over the weekend. Were there ANY calls for fire and LEO investigations for this (as the OP calls it on another forum) 'drug fest'? Any injuries to persons or property? Crimes? Overdoses?
Well, if it was hippies, there MUST have been drugs....right? (And there were probably some liberals too!!) That there should be enough to call in the law!!
LadyJazzer wrote: Well, if it was hippies, there MUST have been drugs....right? (And there were probably some liberals too!!) That there should be enough to call in the law!!
Heck yeah!
Along with all them 'mentally expanded' hippies, I bet there were even worse around there....
"Whatever you are, be a good one." ~ Abraham Lincoln