I read that trash - and I know that Ron Paul himself would object to that non-sense. Everyone knows that Reagan wanted smaller government and fought with his entire administration against big government. It was not just lip service to him - unlike your "libertarian" columnist from berkley.
We all know that just because you call yourself a libertarian does not mean you are one. There are wolves in sheeps clothing.
With the exception of the military - Reagan cut government at all levels. He was ashamed of a 1 trillion dollar federal budget - and he said so - (Obama is proud of the 3.55 trillion dollar 2010 budget). Unemployment went down and people got back to work. Reagan cut social programs and flushed the left out of government positions in record numbers. He lowerered tax rates - putting billions of dollars back in the hands of the private sector - energizing the economy. He inspired patriotism for millions of citizens who were proud to be Americans.
Unlike the left we see today - who apologize for America - Reagan was proud of America. Reagan would never have allowed a foreign president to lecture us on political policy.
If Ron Paul had any objection to Reagan's policy - it would have been on matters military. With that one exception - Ron Paul and Ronald Reagan have much in common. They would agree on almost everything. Reagan's military spending paid off in my opinion - saving us from a 50+ year cold war. Now that's a good reason to borrow a little money if there ever was one. It paid off big time.
Anyone who knew the state of the economy Reagan started with - knows how great he was at fixing the mess.
Placing blame on Reagan for spending from a democratic congress in power at the time (as this socialist from berkley has done) is disingenuous to the great American that Reagan was.
You had to go back to 2004 to dig up that garbage - right?
It's trash - and anyone not totally stoned on dope knows it.
BearMtnHIB wrote: Placing blame on Reagan for spending from a democratic congress in power at the time (as this socialist from berkley has done) is disingenuous to the great American that Reagan was.
You had to go back to 2004 to dig up that garbage - right?.
Well, of course. If you're going to reference articles about a president who was in office 20 years ago most of them are going to be from the past.
You keep saying Lew Rockwell is a socialist from Berkley, but he didn't attend college there or teach there, as far as I can tell.
BearMtnHIB wrote: Where did my post go? Wayne can post a link to a berkley socialist full of lies about Reagan but my post calling him out gets deleted?
I thought this site wasn't deleting posts.
You borrowed my old nic ( wheredidmypostgo) from PC
Promise nobody pulled your post. Tech error. Let us know if it was our fault
BearMtnHIB wrote: Where did my post go? Wayne can post a link to a berkley socialist full of lies about Reagan but my post calling him out gets deleted?
I thought this site wasn't deleting posts.
Do you have the subject? We can search and see if it is lost somewhere. We have not deleted a post yet. But they do get moved occasionally.