Shhhhh! There's A Communist Living In The W.H.

17 Sep 2011 06:38 #11 by Nmysys
I see the word Communist applied to what is going on, on a constant basis on many other sites, FaceBook, Huffpo, etc. Many opinion pieces refer to Executive Orders and tactics applied by the Administration as tending towards a Communist approach to things including the Socialist spreading of the wealth. The advance towards an attitude of a dictatorship lends credence to it, as well. It seems to me, that the word Progressive is synonymous with Communism. Sorry, but I see no other explanation.

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17 Sep 2011 06:48 #12 by LadyJazzer

Nmysys wrote: I see the word Communist applied to what is going on, on a constant basis on many other sites, FaceBook, Huffpo, etc.

Yes, by the same kind of wingnut radicalized people such as yourself. I'm sure you DON'T see anything else. Since words can mean anything you want them to, why be smart enough to look them up?

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17 Sep 2011 06:52 #13 by AspenValley

Nmysys wrote: I see the word Communist applied to what is going on, on a constant basis on many other sites, FaceBook, Huffpo, etc. Many opinion pieces refer to Executive Orders and tactics applied by the Administration as tending towards a Communist approach to things including the Socialist spreading of the wealth. The advance towards an attitude of a dictatorship lends credence to it, as well. It seems to me, that the word Progressive is synonymous with Communism. Sorry, but I see no other explanation.

Fascinating. What you have just described is the process of being brainwashed to associate an emotional "hot" word/idea with a word/idea with a totally different meaning. And you seem completely unaware of what has happened to you.

Consider: How many times do you have to call a bear a turkey before people start believing that a bear is in fact a turkey?

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17 Sep 2011 08:11 #14 by Nmysys
Since I definitely know the difference between a bear and a turkey that is not a problem. Since I see a trend that appears to be Communist, the leap is not a difficult one to make. I'm not looking for an argument, just a logical civil debate, Is that a possibility.

Yes, we see things differently based upon our principles and ideological beliefs, but believe it or not, AV, I actually think you are a reasonable person from having read many of your posts and replies. Is it possible to look at everything that Obama has done and still not see his agenda as being influenced in it's entirety by his training by Saul Alinsky?

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17 Sep 2011 08:21 #15 by AspenValley

Nmysys wrote: Since I definitely know the difference between a bear and a turkey that is not a problem. Since I see a trend that appears to be Communist, the leap is not a difficult one to make. I'm not looking for an argument, just a logical civil debate, Is that a possibility.

Yes, we see things differently based upon our principles and ideological beliefs, but believe it or not, AV, I actually think you are a reasonable person from having read many of your posts and replies. Is it possible to look at everything that Obama has done and still not see his agenda as being influenced in it's entirety by his training by Saul Alinsky?

You know the difference between a bear and turkey but is it only because there has been no concerted outside effort to try to conflate them in your mind? If someone, some group, for whatever reason, decided it was in their interest to make the words "bear" and "turkey" synonyms in your mind, and had sufficient resources to do so, are you so very sure that at some point you might not consider the words to have virtually the same meaning?

I ask this because by your own account, you have come to believe that "communist" and "progressive" are one and the same. You do not say they have certain similarities (tacitly implying that they also have differences) you say they are synonymous. That is rather startling to me, although it probably should not be. I am well aware of the War of Words going on in this country. A crude example would be the villification of words like "feminism" and "liberal" but the drumbeat to equate communism with the obviously middle-of-the-road politics of the Obama Whitehouse amazes me in just how far it asks the targeted audience to depart from objective reality. And how willing at least some of them are to make such an illogical leap.

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17 Sep 2011 09:43 #16 by Residenttroll returns
I guess's the point!

If you get you arms and legs bitten off by a something in the don't care if its named a fish or a mammal....its still trying to kill you.

At the point, socialist, communist, marxist, radical, progressive, high school punk, thug, political bully...does it really matter.....the living fish or mammal in the White House is killing America.

The sad part is that there are too many Americans applauding it's efforts.

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17 Sep 2011 09:51 #17 by AspenValley

residenttroll wrote: If you get you arms and legs bitten off by a something in the don't care if its named a fish or a mammal....its still trying to kill you.

Yeah, it does matter. Because if something bites you in the water, and you have been conditioned to act as though it's a pirahana when it's really just a lil' ole sunfish, you are prone to making big, big mistakes.

It's one thing to mistake the occasional sunfish for a pirahana, but it's a whole lot more sinister when someone is trying to make you believe those sunfish are really pirahanas to get you to react in a way that benefits them.

There is nothing accidental about the efforts of some to hang scary, emotionally-charged words like "Communist" on Obama.

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17 Sep 2011 14:11 #18 by Nmysys
I will replace Communist with the word Thug. Satisfied? Thuganomics is what we have seen and it damn sure isn't Middle of The Road either.

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17 Sep 2011 14:25 #19 by Wayne Harrison
Can someone who thinks Obama is a communist explain why a communist would bail out Wall Street and large corporations? That seems to be very un-communistic.


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17 Sep 2011 14:34 #20 by Blazer Bob

Can someone who thinks Obama is a communist explain why a communist would bail out Wall Street and large corporations? That seems to be very un-communistic.

Crony communism. :lol:

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