Jails, trucks, Communication Centers - Without Sufficient Revenue - Nationwide research shows
Park County is a Spendthrift County
if we call ourselves fiscal conservatives are we hypocrites[/center:f3cp224v]
The Jail
I appreciated the concept behind building the new county jail. Park County was improvements to conditions in the old jail was mandated and there was merit to the housing contract prisoners, as private prisons had been doing to defray prison costs and perhaps make a profit.
As all good concepts go when it comes to implementation the devil is in the details. There was insufficient risk analysis and projects into the future did not go far enough.
First, with private prisons economic failure was not as much on the taxpayers’ shoulders. Park County was gambling with our taxes.
Second, there was a risk of economic downturn which would diminish county tax revenue if it came about. The handwriting was on the wall!
I had found many sources about business cycles, booms and recessions and found that Wikipedia had done a good job of putting it all together.
Read the article:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_re ... ted_States
I am not sure if economists have an equation to predict economic downturns but looking back to project forward shows that
since 1970 the economy has cycled into recession approximately ever 10 years, for whatever reason. The present recession came a bit earlier and is both deeper and longer than the previous few. Without going into reason why, economists out of favor with the party in power were forecasting it by the middle of the last decade. Even without those forecasts a large capital expenditure was a bet against the odds,
Third , the trend in the
rate of total incarceration growth began to decrease during the late 90s. Again Wikipedia has a graph.
demonstrating that the rate at which populations of prisoner growth began to decrease during the 90s. The
rate decreased even more just before the present century began. Along with that population trend, each year the proportion of convicts sentenced to probation has increase along with earlier parole. Another fact that needed to be factored in is the fact that the prison populations are aging at an increasing rate because of the baby boom. The death and serious illness rate within prison populations have only begun to tick upward.
How many dollars per capita have we spent?
The Trend in Rural Law Enforcement Spending
I have not reviewed all rural county law enforcement budgets but appears that about
50% of United States sheriffs’ departments have decreased budgeted vehicle replacement spending and increased spending for vehicle maintenance and repair. Have you noticed the newly purchase vehicles? They have been brought to us by the same mindset that brought us our new county jail. The vehicles have already been purchased or ordered. I believe the fact that that spending mindset has not changed would be a greater concern for Park County taxpayers.
How many dollars per capita are we spending?
Communication Center - The Trend in Local Government Capital Expenditures
A similar review of
local government expenditures for construction of new facilities and the build out of old ones have been postponed, and bond issues have almost declined to zero. When more space is needed is being consolidated within existing facilities, and distribute amongst them. Space is leased rather than built and the planned size for new space has been reduced. If the planned communication center is postponed when the county has the funds to build it the space, power and cooling requirements for communication and computer equip will have decreased.
I believe that we need to examine what
our share of the cost will be if the applied for grant is awarded to us. If it is not, it’s unreasonable to go ahead with construction right now.
How many dollars per capita will we be spending?
Hey, this is the Republican Party, why are we supporting spend spend spend with funds we don’t have. If we are looking for areas to cut spending in they are going to be difficult to find. Look ma, we are liberal Democrats.