CNN's bad news for Obama: 6 of 10 doubt U.S. birth story

05 Aug 2010 14:37 #21 by The Viking

AspenValley wrote: I never mentioned the Bush administration, I mentioned Karl Rove. And his machinations began long before Bush was a candidate, let alone President. It's clear you have little understanding of how we came to this point.

So Rove wasn't part of the Bush Administration? We will have to let him know. And the partisanship really started when Bush beat Gore. The Democrats divided the country almost immediately saying he was not a legitimate President and that he stole the election. That laste 8 years and that is when the partisanship became blown out of proportion. It has carried over every since and still into this President's term. So you shouldn't be surprised when the Republicans fight back the same way. Especially when Obama has become one of the most partisan Presidents in history.

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05 Aug 2010 14:40 #22 by The Boss
Viking you are just silly, shouldn't we talk about facts and things that matter.

Yeah, Obama is not doing a great job of cleaning up the absolute hellish mess that Bush left us in, and the democratic congress in place at the time because even (R) had to do something to temper Bush....but wait, they are not supreme rulers, they function in tandem with the rest of the Gov and so we are really to blame for what happened, we vote them in and then deny that the economy can ever fail if we provide excess services, high taxes, rules for everything and lock everyone up. This is our Focked world, not Bush or Obamas.

By the way, he is an American, in fact I just turned of CNN and there was another POLL, they asked how many American were sure that you were American, none of them could answer yes...does that mean we can take away your citizen ship....or can we ignore your birth cert is when you look at things and can perceive them, are you smart....creative is when you can look at things and make something else up that may even be believable, are you creative...I think you are at least creative but not very, because if you were gonna make something up and then deny anything else, you surely could have come up with something more creative than this, like Obama is half turtle, or something less creative like he is a muslim.

I am not a fan of Obama, but compare any tape of him for 30 seconds and then one of Bush and tell me which grade you think each one should be in? Obama is clearly smarter and more well spoken, thus he could do even more damage, though he has not quite yet. ... e_usa.html

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05 Aug 2010 14:45 #23 by AspenValley
There are about seven infuriatingly erroneous "points" in that last post of yours Viking, but I know from sad experience what a lost cause you are so I will not bother to refute.

You just go right on living in that barely sentient parallel universe of yours and I will return to the real one before my head explodes.

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05 Aug 2010 15:16 #24 by ScienceChic

The Viking wrote:

Even 36% of Democrats are not sure of where Obama's was born.

And this was a CNN poll. Not some right wing poll. So did we even celebrate his correct birthday the other day? 6 out of 10 are not sure.

Viking, do you even read these articles?

First off, the link you cited was to a blog, not CNN, and the CNN poll was conducted by the Opinion Research Corporation who partners with a lot of companies. Second, that guy can't do his math - next time check the poll results yourself before blindly accepting it to be true. Definitely + Probably Born in the U.S. is 42% + 29% = 71%. 100% - 71% = 29% which also corresponds with the numbers in the poll: Definitely born elsewhere + Probably born elsewhere = 27% + 2% No opinion = 29%. 71% + 29% = 100% so the numbers add up, but the last time I checked 27% does not equal 6 in 10 people unless we're in a universe where anti-matter is the dominant matter. 36% of Democrats aren't sure of where Obama was born? No, 7% + 8% = 15%. That there is a partisan difference is not a surprise at all; Democrats will latch on to anything negative about a Republican they dislike and run with it, and Republicans will latch onto anything negative about a Democrat they dislike, what matters is whether it has merit or not. ... l10k1a.pdf
41. Do you think Barack Obama was definitely born in the United States, probably born in the United
States, probably born in another country, or definitely born in another country?
July 16-21, 2010
File Attachment:

Uploaded with [url=][/url]

His birth certificate has been released. ... y_theories

The image posted online at Obama's website is a "Certification of Live Birth" and is sometimes referred to as a short form birth certificate. It contains less information than the longer "Certificate of Live Birth." states that the short form is "prima facie evidence of the fact of birth in any court proceeding".[18] Obama's short form was laser-printed and certified by the State of Hawaii on June 6, 2007. The Hawaii State Department of Health no longer issues the long-form Certificate and issues only the shorter Certification upon request.[34]

Claims that the certification of live birth is meaningless

Some people claim that the certification of live birth produced by Obama does not prove that he is a natural born citizen because, they claim, foreign-born children could acquire Hawaiian certification of live birth (COLB), so that Obama's possession of such a certificate does not prove that he was born in Hawaii; or that the information in such a certificate only has to be based on the testimony of one parent. However, the suggestion that this could have applied to Obama was rejected by Janice Okubo, director of communications for the Hawaii Department of Health: "If you were born in Bali, for example, you could get a certificate from the state of Hawaii saying you were born in Bali. You could not get a certificate saying you were born in Honolulu. The state has to verify a fact like that for it to appear on the certificate".[31] Another fact that refutes this specific claim is that the law allowing foreign-born children to obtain Hawaiian COLBs didn’t exist until 20 years after Obama was born, while Obama’s published COLB says his birth information was recorded four days after his birth in 1961, and explicitly states that he was born in Honolulu.[55]

Now, if your only desire is to vent about a president you don't support, fine. But if you're trying to convince others to support your position, you need to do better than picking the latest info without vetting it, or researching the other side for merit.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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05 Aug 2010 16:04 #25 by archer
ScienceChic you are a great thread killer....once facts are brought to bear upon allegations and innuendo, the originators of these threads crawl back under the rock.

I understand, Viking, that similar stuff was propagated against Bush, though I don't recall such vitriol (I could have convenient amnesia on that). What I don't understand is how you castigate democrats for bring up Bush, as a "he did it too" defense, then use that same defense in any number of threads to justify your posts containing dubious outrages about Obama.

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05 Aug 2010 16:26 #26 by Whatevergreen

Scruffy wrote:

The Viking wrote:

Scruffy wrote:

The Viking wrote:

Scruffy wrote: I am fairly sure that once a person is sworn in as President, they are then President, regardless of their origin of birth. The Viking, you brought this up - you posted this article here. Why? Will you provide equal opportunity bashing and also post conspiracy links to President Bush's election?

This just confirms my opinion that you will take every opportunity to bash OUR President. Why not get behind him, support him when you think he's right, offer constructive ideas rather than just posting negative attacks every day?

So tell me what I should get behind. I don't believe in the stimulus, the bailouts, cash for clunkers, the trillion dollar healthcare bill which the majority of Americans don't want. I don't belieive in suing Arizona to protect illegal immigrants, higher taxes, an out of control deficit, (Which is why I was upset with Bush the final couple years too), ridiculous spending or pet projects, activist judges, bowing to other world leaders, being soft or nations who are a threat to us, ticking off our ally nations, being one of the most anti Israel Presidents in history, the slow response to accepting help for cleaning up the oil which destroyed a lot more of our coast than was necessary, the quick response to the moratorem on drilling. (I was for him when he said he was up for more drilling off the coast, but that didn't last long.)( one of the few things he got right and then he changes his mind on it) So which one of these should I change my mind on when none work and most economists say all will just raise our deficit, raise our expences, raise our taxes and not really create any jobs. Not sure what I am suppose to get all excited about and jump on board about. And I am with the Majority of Americans who are against all of thes things. So I am not some wingnut.

Look, I supported President Bush, I support President Obama. I am not in favor of bashing a President in office just because he is on the opposing side.

For the record, The Viking, I am neither Democrat nor Republican, so quit labeling me "you guys" or "your side," okay? I just cannot stand watching people put down a sitting President simply because they are on the other side. He's OUR PRESIDENT! YOU ARE AN AMERICAN. QUIT WITH THE PETTY NEGATIVE ATTACKS.

I am through with you.

So you are saying that you don't want to have a voice in the future of America? You are saying that if you don't agree with what they are doing and that if it is destroying America that you should just sit down, shut up and applaude him and support the mistakes? That is not the America I live in. I am not just a 'yes' man who will go along with destroying our great country. You can be if you like, but if there is something you don not agree with, then you should not just ignore it and let them continue without voicing your opinion. You need to stand up and be heard.

And nice way to quit a debate. 'I am through with you'? Really? You are very passive aren't you? You need to keep voicing your opinions. Don't attack me for saying it. How about you tell us what you think about the whole list I posted above. Are you for all of it? If not speak up!

Okay, I'll chime in one more time. You can disagree with the President all you want, as that is your right. You can also continue childishly posting negative, petty attacks on our President, just as the left did against President Bush. In all truth, I expect you to continue, since that is your standard M.O. I've been reading here for a while, without posting much, and it seems that is all you do. You find the most trivial, idiotic things you can about the Democrats and then post it with this gloating attitude like "Look, I found another thing wrong with the left" without ever realizing how petty you are.

You say you want debate, but in reality, all you want is to throw mud at the left and see what sticks, waiting for high fives from your conservative friends. If someone here on the left did that with the same ferocity and frequency that you do, I'd call them on it as well. I call em as I see em, The Viking. You, sir, need to grow up and realize that it's not all left and right. We are all Americans and divisive attitude is not the way to bring our country together and out of the mess we are currently in.


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05 Aug 2010 16:34 #27 by pineinthegrass

Science Chic wrote:

The Viking wrote:

Even 36% of Democrats are not sure of where Obama's was born.

And this was a CNN poll. Not some right wing poll. So did we even celebrate his correct birthday the other day? 6 out of 10 are not sure.

Viking, do you even read these articles?

First off, the link you cited was to a blog, not CNN, and the CNN poll was conducted by the Opinion Research Corporation who partners with a lot of companies. Second, that guy can't do his math - next time check the poll results yourself before blindly accepting it to be true. Definitely + Probably Born in the U.S. is 42% + 29% = 71%. 100% - 71% = 29% which also corresponds with the numbers in the poll: Definitely born elsewhere + Probably born elsewhere = 27% + 2% No opinion = 29%. 71% + 29% = 100% so the numbers add up, but the last time I checked 27% does not equal 6 in 10 people unless we're in a universe where anti-matter is the dominant matter. 36% of Democrats aren't sure of where Obama was born? No, 7% + 8% = 15%. That there is a partisan difference is not a surprise at all; Democrats will latch on to anything negative about a Republican they dislike and run with it, and Republicans will latch onto anything negative about a Democrat they dislike, what matters is whether it has merit or not. ... l10k1a.pdf
41. Do you think Barack Obama was definitely born in the United States, probably born in the United
States, probably born in another country, or definitely born in another country?
July 16-21, 2010
File Attachment:

Actually, the blogger can do his math, but he's being very biased in his "analysis".

If you answer that Obama was probably born in the US, that should count with the group that thinks Obama was born in the US as you assume.

But this blogger plays the trick I've seen other biased people do. If you answer that Obama was probably born in the US, he interprets that to mean that you question if Obama was born in the US. So he groups them with the people who say Obama wasn't or probably wasn't born in the US. Very dishonest.

So if you play that trick, you do get about 60% (actually 100%-42%=58%) "question" that Obama was born here.

If I were part of the poll, I'd of probably voted that Obama was probably born in the US as well. But that in no way means I question he wasn't born here. I think there is plenty of evidence that he was. I do wonder why he hasn't bothered to dig up his original birth certificate to put this all to rest, but with all the other evidence I figure it's maybe just a 1 in 1000 chance he wasn't born here.

But even if he did produce the original, that wouldn't satisfy them. They already had a ton of other "proofs" that Obama wasn't born here. As each of those were debunked, they just kept coming up with new conspiracies. It's never ending...

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05 Aug 2010 16:44 #28 by archer

The Viking wrote: So you are saying that you don't want to have a voice in the future of America? You are saying that if you don't agree with what they are doing and that if it is destroying America that you should just sit down, shut up and applaude him and support the mistakes? That is not the America I live in.

It certainly was the America you lived in just a few short years ago.....when Democrats criticized Bush and the wars and thought he was destroying the America we knew.....democrats/liberals were called unAmerican, told to put up or get out....and a whole lot of more hateful things. Some of the same posters here, who are now bashing Obama, were the same ones who told us to have respect for Bush and the office he holds and not to criticize his mistakes because we were not being patriotic.

Paybacks are a bitch viking

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05 Aug 2010 17:00 #29 by The Boss
Seemed like 6 years ago, just about every democrat I knew was planning and researching how to peacefully leave the US, most did not go, but ....are the republicans doing this now? I am neither party and interact with both and I have to say that it does not seem like the Republicans are quite as pissed off now as the democrats were then, yet....but today local republicans are into big spending and more regs, but I guess they were then too (say all you want, this comment is based on actions), so I guess I don't even know which way is up. I still say that Republicans can get much more red in the face before they seem as pissed as (D)'s during the Bush re-election (you remember, the one where even the republicans changed their mind, oh say 45 minutes after the polls closed).

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05 Aug 2010 17:21 #30 by archer

posteryoyo wrote: Seemed like 6 years ago, just about every democrat I knew was planning and researching how to peacefully leave the US, most did not go, but ....are the republicans doing this now? I am neither party and interact with both and I have to say that it does not seem like the Republicans are quite as pissed off now as the democrats were then, yet....but today local republicans are into big spending and more regs, but I guess they were then too (say all you want, this comment is based on actions), so I guess I don't even know which way is up. I still say that Republicans can get much more red in the face before they seem as pissed as (D)'s during the Bush re-election (you remember, the one where even the republicans changed their mind, oh say 45 minutes after the polls closed).

not far off the mark actually....perhaps it is because the democrats were outraged about issues that really did impact each and every invading Iraq to the detriment of Afghanistan, thousands of American young men and women dying for Bush's war of choice.....outrage over a certificate of birth vs a birth certificate pales in comparison.

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