CNN's bad news for Obama: 6 of 10 doubt U.S. birth story

05 Aug 2010 19:40 #31 by The Viking

Whatevergreen wrote:

Scruffy wrote:

The Viking wrote:

Scruffy wrote:

The Viking wrote:

Scruffy wrote: I am fairly sure that once a person is sworn in as President, they are then President, regardless of their origin of birth. The Viking, you brought this up - you posted this article here. Why? Will you provide equal opportunity bashing and also post conspiracy links to President Bush's election?

This just confirms my opinion that you will take every opportunity to bash OUR President. Why not get behind him, support him when you think he's right, offer constructive ideas rather than just posting negative attacks every day?

So tell me what I should get behind. I don't believe in the stimulus, the bailouts, cash for clunkers, the trillion dollar healthcare bill which the majority of Americans don't want. I don't belieive in suing Arizona to protect illegal immigrants, higher taxes, an out of control deficit, (Which is why I was upset with Bush the final couple years too), ridiculous spending or pet projects, activist judges, bowing to other world leaders, being soft or nations who are a threat to us, ticking off our ally nations, being one of the most anti Israel Presidents in history, the slow response to accepting help for cleaning up the oil which destroyed a lot more of our coast than was necessary, the quick response to the moratorem on drilling. (I was for him when he said he was up for more drilling off the coast, but that didn't last long.)( one of the few things he got right and then he changes his mind on it) So which one of these should I change my mind on when none work and most economists say all will just raise our deficit, raise our expences, raise our taxes and not really create any jobs. Not sure what I am suppose to get all excited about and jump on board about. And I am with the Majority of Americans who are against all of thes things. So I am not some wingnut.

Look, I supported President Bush, I support President Obama. I am not in favor of bashing a President in office just because he is on the opposing side.

For the record, The Viking, I am neither Democrat nor Republican, so quit labeling me "you guys" or "your side," okay? I just cannot stand watching people put down a sitting President simply because they are on the other side. He's OUR PRESIDENT! YOU ARE AN AMERICAN. QUIT WITH THE PETTY NEGATIVE ATTACKS.

I am through with you.

So you are saying that you don't want to have a voice in the future of America? You are saying that if you don't agree with what they are doing and that if it is destroying America that you should just sit down, shut up and applaude him and support the mistakes? That is not the America I live in. I am not just a 'yes' man who will go along with destroying our great country. You can be if you like, but if there is something you don not agree with, then you should not just ignore it and let them continue without voicing your opinion. You need to stand up and be heard.

And nice way to quit a debate. 'I am through with you'? Really? You are very passive aren't you? You need to keep voicing your opinions. Don't attack me for saying it. How about you tell us what you think about the whole list I posted above. Are you for all of it? If not speak up!

Okay, I'll chime in one more time. You can disagree with the President all you want, as that is your right. You can also continue childishly posting negative, petty attacks on our President, just as the left did against President Bush. In all truth, I expect you to continue, since that is your standard M.O. I've been reading here for a while, without posting much, and it seems that is all you do. You find the most trivial, idiotic things you can about the Democrats and then post it with this gloating attitude like "Look, I found another thing wrong with the left" without ever realizing how petty you are.

You say you want debate, but in reality, all you want is to throw mud at the left and see what sticks, waiting for high fives from your conservative friends. If someone here on the left did that with the same ferocity and frequency that you do, I'd call them on it as well. I call em as I see em, The Viking. You, sir, need to grow up and realize that it's not all left and right. We are all Americans and divisive attitude is not the way to bring our country together and out of the mess we are currently in.


You are right. It is not all left or right. It is all right or wrong. And I don't mean right as is Republican. The policies that this President has put is place are all wrong and the majority of Americans dont' want any of them. I don't care what party he is with. I was against Bush signing the Democatic passed bailout of 2008 when he was in office too. It has nothing to do with the party. I will go back and copy and paste all the issues I am against. I don't care if Reagan tried to pass them, I would be against them. So you need to grow up and look at reality and stop blindly defending policies just because they are from the left or from a very inexperienced community organizor turned President who is getting it all wrong according to the majority of Americans and economists.

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05 Aug 2010 19:41 #32 by The Viking

archer wrote: ScienceChic you are a great thread killer....once facts are brought to bear upon allegations and innuendo, the originators of these threads crawl back under the rock.

I understand, Viking, that similar stuff was propagated against Bush, though I don't recall such vitriol (I could have convenient amnesia on that). What I don't understand is how you castigate democrats for bring up Bush, as a "he did it too" defense, then use that same defense in any number of threads to justify your posts containing dubious outrages about Obama.

And just because I am not on here for a few hours does not mean that facts make me crawl under a rock. I am not a Liberal. I stand up for what is right for America not what is just right for me.

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05 Aug 2010 19:48 #33 by The Viking

pineinthegrass wrote: But this blogger plays the trick I've seen other biased people do. If you answer that Obama was probably born in the US, he interprets that to mean that you question if Obama was born in the US. So he groups them with the people who say Obama wasn't or probably wasn't born in the US. Very dishonest.

So if you play that trick, you do get about 60% (actually 100%-42%=58%) "question" that Obama was born here.

If I were part of the poll, I'd of probably voted that Obama was probably born in the US as well. But that in no way means I question he wasn't born here. I think there is plenty of evidence that he was. I do wonder why he hasn't bothered to dig up his original birth certificate to put this all to rest, but with all the other evidence I figure it's maybe just a 1 in 1000 chance he wasn't born here.

You can spin all you want. Only 42% said that they are sure he was born in the US. Even you question it or you would have said that you are positive too. So you are one of the 58% who are not positive if he was born here or not. Simple math.

If you asked this question about Bush or Clinton or Reagan or Carter, you would get well over 90 or 95%% that said they are sure of it and have no reason to question it. None of them tried to hide anything about where they were born. So to say that 6 out of 10 or 58% if you want to be specific, are not sure if he was born here is a totally accurate statement. This is the least transparent and most secretive President in decades. I am not spinning anything. I posted the facts.

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05 Aug 2010 19:48 #34 by Scruffy

The Viking wrote: You are right. It is not all left or right. It is all right or wrong. And I don't mean right as is Republican. The policies that this President has put is place are all wrong and the majority of Americans dont' want any of them. I don't care what party he is with. I was against Bush signing the Democatic passed bailout of 2008 when he was in office too. It has nothing to do with the party. I will go back and copy and paste all the issues I am against. I don't care if Reagan tried to pass them, I would be against them. So you need to grow up and look at reality and stop blindly defending policies just because they are from the left or from a very inexperienced community organizor turned President who is getting it all wrong according to the majority of Americans and economists.

I am not blindly defending policies of the community organizer. That's what you do. Well, actually, you attack anything the community organizer does or says, which is my problem with you. I would hope that you would open your eyes and examine what he (and liberals) do rather than just knee jerk react to the story of the day. In fact, from your posts, it appears that you don't even read the stories that you post. You seem to read the headline and then make your post bashing the liberals.

I can sum up your stand on any issue very easily: "If a liberal proposes it, I blindly oppose it."

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05 Aug 2010 19:50 #35 by archer

The Viking wrote:

archer wrote: ScienceChic you are a great thread killer....once facts are brought to bear upon allegations and innuendo, the originators of these threads crawl back under the rock.

I understand, Viking, that similar stuff was propagated against Bush, though I don't recall such vitriol (I could have convenient amnesia on that). What I don't understand is how you castigate democrats for bring up Bush, as a "he did it too" defense, then use that same defense in any number of threads to justify your posts containing dubious outrages about Obama.

And just because I am not on here for a few hours does not mean that facts make me crawl under a rock. I am not a Liberal. I stand up for what is right for America not what is just right for me.

You stand up for what is right for you and your right leaning friends and politicians, not what is necessarily right for America. Protest all you want.....that is what comes across in every one of your posts.

You want yours, you appear not to care what the rest of this nation wants, or deserves.

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05 Aug 2010 19:50 #36 by The Viking
And what evidence are you talking about? It is not a certificate of birth but instead it is a certification of birth which is what Hawaii gives to those not born in Hawaii. And there are many people from Kenya comig forward including a doctor and family members who said he was born there. So what evidence are you talking about?

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05 Aug 2010 19:51 #37 by archer

The Viking wrote: And what evidence are you talking about? It is not a certificate of birth but instead it is a certification of birth which is what Hawaii gives to those not born in Hawaii. And there are many people from Kenya comig forward including a doctor and family members who said he was born there. So what evidence are you talking about?

Just as I figured, you really didn't read, or comprehend, what ScienceChic posted.

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05 Aug 2010 19:53 #38 by The Viking

archer wrote:

The Viking wrote:

archer wrote: ScienceChic you are a great thread killer....once facts are brought to bear upon allegations and innuendo, the originators of these threads crawl back under the rock.

I understand, Viking, that similar stuff was propagated against Bush, though I don't recall such vitriol (I could have convenient amnesia on that). What I don't understand is how you castigate democrats for bring up Bush, as a "he did it too" defense, then use that same defense in any number of threads to justify your posts containing dubious outrages about Obama.

And just because I am not on here for a few hours does not mean that facts make me crawl under a rock. I am not a Liberal. I stand up for what is right for America not what is just right for me.

You stand up for what is right for you and your right leaning friends and politicians, not what is necessarily right for America. Protest all you want.....that is what comes across in every one of your posts.

You want yours, you appear not to care what the rest of this nation wants, or deserves.

I want mine? are you kidding me? In the situation I am in right now, all of this bailout crap and healthcare would actually benefit me if I decided I wanted it but I don't! It is bad for America and I don't want handouts when it forces someone else to pay for it. I am not selfish like that.

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05 Aug 2010 19:54 #39 by The Viking

archer wrote:

The Viking wrote: And what evidence are you talking about? It is not a certificate of birth but instead it is a certification of birth which is what Hawaii gives to those not born in Hawaii. And there are many people from Kenya comig forward including a doctor and family members who said he was born there. So what evidence are you talking about?

Just as I figured, you really didn't read, or comprehend, what ScienceChic posted.

I just got in and didn't have time to read all the pages of attacks on me while I was gone. I will go back and read it.

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05 Aug 2010 20:00 #40 by The Viking

archer wrote: You stand up for what is right for you and your right leaning friends and politicians, not what is necessarily right for America. Protest all you want.....that is what comes across in every one of your posts.

You want yours, you appear not to care what the rest of this nation wants, or deserves.

I am going to copy and paste what I wrote on page 2. Here it is. Please tell me which one of these America wants. Everything that I am for or against is what the majority of Americans want. You my friend seem to want what is best for YOU and whatever Obama tells you is good. Everything listed below is what Obama and appareently you want. But yet everything listed below polls that the majority of Americans don't or didn't want it, and most think it is bad for America. Why do you think we 'deserve' things that are bad for America? You are against what the majority of Americans want and deserve if you are agreeing with Obama.

So tell me what I should get behind. I don't believe in the stimulus, the bailouts, cash for clunkers, the trillion dollar healthcare bill which the majority of Americans don't want. I don't belieive in suing Arizona to protect illegal immigrants, higher taxes, an out of control deficit, (Which is why I was upset with Bush the final couple years too), ridiculous spending or pet projects, activist judges, bowing to other world leaders, being soft or nations who are a threat to us, ticking off our ally nations, being one of the most anti Israel Presidents in history, the slow response to accepting help for cleaning up the oil which destroyed a lot more of our coast than was necessary, the quick response to the moratorem on drilling. (I was for him when he said he was up for more drilling off the coast, but that didn't last long.)( one of the few things he got right and then he changes his mind on it) So which one of these should I change my mind on when none work and most economists say all will just raise our deficit, raise our expences, raise our taxes and not really create any jobs. Not sure what I am suppose to get all excited about and jump on board about. And I am with the Majority of Americans who are against all of thes things. So I am not some wingnut.

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