ACA (Obamacare) updates for 2014

16 Jan 2014 13:40 #21 by Reverend Revelant

ScienceChic wrote: Good lord no! I'm all for efficiency - I actually grinned when I saw that graphic because it was so laughable. I have no idea if it's correct or not (they consider one DNA base pair a line of code for example - I wouldn't because a single base pair won't do squat - as far as I know, the smallest functional DNA molecule is 22 base pairs - needed to create a microRNA that can in turn affect gene regulation), but if so, it's sad that they can't hire quality programmers.

Yes... but if you need to initialize a variable for each base pair... like...

base_pair_one = "BP1";

Then that is considered a line of code. And depending on the coding language, you may have to have two lines of code to initialize that variable.

base_pair_one varchar(3);
base_pair_one = "BP1";

So... there is two lines of code to initialize a variable. Now, if you need to load 22 variables, each one with a base pair identifier of some sort then you would need up to 44 lines of code just to build a internal model of a single DNA molecule.

base_pair_two varchar(3);
base_pair_two = "BP2";

So lines of code, even though sometimes almost a clip and paste affair (I could build all those variables in a few minutes), there is still a lot of lines of code just to model one molecule, and that doesn't include the code that you write to do something with that model.

Then you would use those variables in various ways to manipulate the individual base pairs in some algorithms or something (now we're into molecular biology, not my area of expertise).

I tried to make this explanation simple.

Waiting for Armageddon since 33 AD

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16 Jan 2014 14:17 #22 by homeagain
WHY would this be any different than SECURITY AT BENEGAHI.....they did NOT deem that
location as NEEDING extra,HIGH level security............and you know the end result of that
decision.....I watched the hearings on C-SPAN for this was very apparent to me,as
a lay-man/novice/ordinary person that O Care was seriously in trouble from the getgo.

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16 Jan 2014 23:09 #23 by jf1acai
When those in control of a project, as well as those working under them, have no clue what the end goal really is, or how to reach that goal, the end results are likely to be somewhat less than efficacious.

Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again - Jeanne Pincha-Tulley

Comprehensive is Latin for there is lots of bad stuff in it - Trey Gowdy

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20 Jan 2014 08:46 #24 by Reverend Revelant
Figures don't look too good.

"Only 11% of consumers who bought new coverage under the law were previously uninsured," according to a survey of 4,563 consumers eligible for the health insurance exchanges done by McKinsey & Company and reported in Saturday's Wall Street Journal.

The Journal reports that "insurers, brokers, and consultants estimate at least two-thirds" of the 2.2 million people who have so far signed up in the new exchanges are coming from those who already had coverage.

This also tells us why the first three months of the Obamacare enrollment had a relatively high average age––they came from the same market that tended to skew older that the health plans already covered.

Why isn't Obamacare attracting the, what is the new number now, 15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50 (the quoted number keeps changing over the last year) million people who have not been able to afford health care insurance.

When McKinsey asked why subsidy eligible people weren't buying, 52% cited affordability as the reason. Readers of this blog will know that I'm not shocked to hear that given what I have been writing about the high after-tax premiums, net of the subsidies, people are finding, as well as the high deductibles and narrow provider networks the subsidized Silver and lowest cost Bronze exchange plans are offering people.

http://healthpolicyandmarket.blogspot.c ... s-say.html

If Obamacare can't get the enough young people to sign up (and so far the numbers are way down) and this law is not going to be affordable for the folks that really need coverage (maybe for the first time in their lives)... then why did the Democrats pass this?

Waiting for Armageddon since 33 AD

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20 Jan 2014 13:22 #25 by Rick

Reverend Revelant wrote: If Obamacare can't get the enough young people to sign up (and so far the numbers are way down) and this law is not going to be affordable for the folks that really need coverage (maybe for the first time in their lives)... then why did the Democrats pass this?

Votes... we will give you this as long as you always remember who gave it to you (politicians, not taxpayers). And we don't need to read no stinkin bills, understand math, understand economics, understand business expenses... just vote for us and we'll take care of you poor worthless drones. And then comes the minimum wage and immigration promises... same strategy, same results.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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21 Jan 2014 17:28 #26 by LOL
The Journal reports that "insurers, brokers, and consultants estimate at least two-thirds" of the 2.2 million people who have so far signed up in the new exchanges are coming from those who already had coverage.

So in other words, the ACA is a Trillion dollar program that resulted in mostly people who already had insurance getting their insurance cancelled so they can re-sign up for a more expensive ACA insurance plan with higher out of pocket costs and risk subsidies paid to insurance companies. And a narrower network of health providers.

Keep up the good work!

Tic Tock Tic Tock.

If you want to be, press one. If you want not to be, press 2

Republicans are red, democrats are blue, neither of them, gives a flip about you.

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22 Jan 2014 08:02 - 22 Jan 2014 11:26 #27 by Rick

LOL wrote: The Journal reports that "insurers, brokers, and consultants estimate at least two-thirds" of the 2.2 million people who have so far signed up in the new exchanges are coming from those who already had coverage.

So in other words, the ACA is a Trillion dollar program that resulted in mostly people who already had insurance getting their insurance cancelled so they can re-sign up for a more expensive ACA insurance plan with higher out of pocket costs and risk subsidies paid to insurance companies. And a narrower network of health providers.

Keep up the good work!

Tic Tock Tic Tock.

Liberal logic in a nutshell.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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22 Jan 2014 11:04 #28 by Venturer
I have chosen to look at this a different way. Until the American people get royally screwed and they are, even more so in 2014, they won't wake up and see that they have been had. So onward we go.

Maybe when they figure out that the system doesn't work and that a lot of people will have to pay even higher obumacare insurance and we also have to bail out the insurance companies because we promised we would if they didn't meet their quotas that people will get the idea they have been had? By then will there be any hope of changing any of it?

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04 Feb 2014 13:08 #29 by Rick
From your house minority leader...

From the CBO:

Health-care law will mean 2 million fewer workers

The Affordable Care Act will reduce the number of full-time workers by more than 2 million in coming years, congressional budget analysts said Tuesday, a finding that sent the White House scrambling to defend a law that has bedeviled President Obama for years.

After obtaining coverage through the health law, some workers may forgo employment, while others may reduce hours, according to a report by the Congressional Budget Office. Low-wage workers are the most likely to drop out of the workforce as a result of the law, it said. The CBO said the law’s impact on jobs mostly would be felt after 2016.

Yay! More time to spend learning how to weave baskets or play the guitar!! ... story.html

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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04 Feb 2014 13:32 #30 by FredHayek
And the CBO also raised estimates of costs from 900 billion(Dem guess) to 2.1 trillion!

Why is this plan still moving forward? Time for Sen. Udall to demand a freeze until after the Nov, 2014 election?

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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