President Obama’s foreign policy is based on fantasy

03 Mar 2014 23:10 #21 by archer
So none of this is Putin's fault? It's Obama's fault, or Hillary's fault? Or maybe the fault of the liberals/Democrats, but certainly not Putin's. What happened to talking responsibility for ones own actions? Why not place the blame for the 'invasion" of Crimea firmly where it belongs, on Putin's shoulders. He made the decision, he did what he wanted to do, Turnin this into a Republican campaignn ad is disgusting. . You all aren't Americans, you are just Republicans.... Party first, country second. Just my opinion folks of what I have been reading on here the last few days, added to what I hear from the likes of Lindsay Graham and John McCain.

I have yet to hear a true condemnation of Putin and what he has done, he appears to get a pass because it's not his fault, Obama and Hillary made him do it, or let him do it, or whatever it is you all think. It's right up there with an earlier post where it appears we shouldn't blame Hitler for WWII because it's all Chamberlain's fault.

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04 Mar 2014 06:43 #22 by Whatevergreen
Good post Archer. Not far off the mark at all.

Reverend Revelant wrote: (Sarah Palin never said she could see Russia from Alaska, that was said by Tina Fay during a comedy routine).

No. Palin didn't say that SHE could did she?
PALIN: They're our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.

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04 Mar 2014 06:51 - 04 Mar 2014 08:31 #23 by Reverend Revelant

archer wrote: So none of this is Putin's fault? It's Obama's fault, or Hillary's fault? Or maybe the fault of the liberals/Democrats, but certainly not Putin's. What happened to talking responsibility for ones own actions? Why not place the blame for the 'invasion" of Crimea firmly where it belongs, on Putin's shoulders. He made the decision, he did what he wanted to do, Turnin this into a Republican campaignn ad is disgusting. . You all aren't Americans, you are just Republicans.... Party first, country second. Just my opinion folks of what I have been reading on here the last few days, added to what I hear from the likes of Lindsay Graham and John McCain.

I have yet to hear a true condemnation of Putin and what he has done, he appears to get a pass because it's not his fault, Obama and Hillary made him do it, or let him do it, or whatever it is you all think. It's right up there with an earlier post where it appears we shouldn't blame Hitler for WWII because it's all Chamberlain's fault.

You got that broad brush out again, didn't you?

First off show us where anyone said "Obama and Hillary made him do it" or "let him do it?" And if you have a few minutes you can also enlighten us to where it was said that "we shouldn't blame Hitler for WWII because it's all Chamberlain's fault?"

This may "just" be your opinion of what you have been reading, but your reading comprehension skills are faulty and I contend you have not read anything like I've detailed in the first paragraph of this comment.

Now foreign policy is not created overnight. It is based on how a county and it's political class view world issues, how they perceive other countries political climate and a keen understanding of history. Foreign policy is grown, it doesn't appear out of nothing. And most important, our foreign policy is a signal to world leaders as to how we will act and react to world events.

In regards to the Russians, the Obama administration has let their progressive wish list cloud the realities of the world, while the world has stayed rooted in that reality.

"Obama has given up proposed missile defense sites in Poland and the Czech Republic (sometimes called the "third site"). They argue that this will will serve to embolden Russia and increase our vulnerability to Iran's missile capabilities." ... -under-bus

"WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel plans to shrink the United States Army to its smallest force since before the World War II buildup and eliminate an entire class of Air Force attack jets in a new spending proposal that officials describe as the first Pentagon budget to aggressively push the military off the war footing adopted after the terror attacks of 2001." ... .html?_r=0

"Russia has allowed NATO to develop a transit hub at a base in Ulyanovsk to move cargo by air, road and train from Afghanistan through the country to its northern ports. At least a third of the cargo coming out of Afghanistan is expected to move by that route — if Moscow doesn’t shut it down. ... le/2544891

“We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus,” Obama said. “That would change my equation. . . . We’re monitoring that situation very carefully. We have put together a range of contingency plans.” ... story.html

"GENEVA — Two days before a deadline for getting its most deadly chemical weapons out of the country, and despite an international effort to mobilize the resources needed to do so, Syria has apparently not even begun to move them, observers familiar with the mission said Sunday." ... apons.html

"Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, in greeting Sergey V. Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, presented him with a red plastic button emblazoned with the English word “reset” and the Russian word “peregruzka.”" ... diplo.html

"The Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in Russia’s parliament, Mikhail Margelov, said on Monday that his country expects all economic sanctions against Iran to be removed immediately, Israeli daily Ma’ariv reported." ... be-lifted/

These are all proof-positive foreign policy missteps by the Obama administration. Just the fact that Kerry made the incredulous remark ""You just don't in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pretext." shows that this administration is out of touch with historical and current realities.

Yes, this invasion is Putin and Russia's fault. But world leaders do not make political and strategical decisions in a vacuum. They carefully gauge the ability of other countries to respond, study the "war weariness" of other countries population, stay acutely aware of the political climate in other countries and decide if the over all costs of an action can be absorbed by their nation.

Putin did all of this, and he has been doing this for the length of his career in Russian politics. And what has Obama been thinking about? When he gave a speech at the UN at the beginning of his presidency he said "no nation can or should dominate another."

Well nations do want to dominate other countries whether they should or not, and it's thinking like this that has shaped our administrations world view. Nice sentiment, sounds good in speeches but it it totally out of touch with reality.

And these are not "my opinions." It's certifiable facts.

Waiting for Armageddon since 33 AD

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04 Mar 2014 06:55 #24 by FredHayek
I would be against Obama's foreign policy if I only knew what it was. Team Obama really does seem to be out of their element.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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04 Mar 2014 06:59 - 04 Mar 2014 07:01 #25 by Reverend Revelant

Whatevergreen wrote: Good post Archer. Not far off the mark at all.

Reverend Revelant wrote: (Sarah Palin never said she could see Russia from Alaska, that was said by Tina Fay during a comedy routine).

No. Palin didn't say that SHE could did she?
PALIN: They're our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.

You're correct...

Tina Fay - “I can see Russia from my house.”

Palin - “They're our next-door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”

Henceforth, invocations of Sarah Palin frequently employed the line "I can see Russia from my house," rather than the words she actually spoke, "You can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska."

Read more at ... lel15oG.99

She never said she herself can see Russia from her front door nor did she say she saw anything of Russia from Alaska. But the fact remains she was mocked and misquoted by adults that knew better. Lying adults.

But you already knew that.

Waiting for Armageddon since 33 AD

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04 Mar 2014 07:00 #26 by Reverend Revelant

FredHayek wrote: I would be against Obama's foreign policy if I only knew what it was. Team Obama really does seem to be out of their element.

Then you need to read my comment above yours, that spells it out.

Waiting for Armageddon since 33 AD

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04 Mar 2014 07:45 #27 by Rick

archer wrote: So none of this is Putin's fault? It's Obama's fault, or Hillary's fault? Or maybe the fault of the liberals/Democrats, but certainly not Putin's. What happened to talking responsibility for ones own actions? .

Where did I say this was Hillary's or Obama's fault? All I'm saying is that the American people will see very clearly how well these people have handled their foreign policy. Both Obama and Clinton have proven to be very naïve when it comes to sizing up these foreign leaders and their populations. You may disagree and think the red lines written in pink crayon were a good idea, or maybe trusting that our people would be safe in Benghazi was a good strategy, but I think most Americans will see those failures in leadership.

These failures in leadership make this country appear weak... so if guys like Putin feel they have nothing to fear due to empty threats of the past, maybe Obama should take some responsibility. But we know that would be so unlike him.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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04 Mar 2014 08:22 #28 by Rick
Who thinks these two are giggling for the same reason?

Very naïve... I'll bet Putin was laughing his ass off.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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04 Mar 2014 09:02 #29 by FredHayek
When President Obama told Medevev that he could be more flexible after being re-elected, I don't think this is what he intended.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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04 Mar 2014 09:15 #30 by Rick

FredHayek wrote: When President Obama told Medevev that he could be more flexible after being re-elected, I don't think this is what he intended.

Maybe by "more flexible" Obama meant being better able to bend over and grab his ankles?

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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