15 Aug 2010 16:50 #21 by ColoradoXprss
Replied by ColoradoXprss on topic YOU BE THE JUDGE!!!!

navycpo7 wrote:

ColoradoXprss wrote: repsonding to navycop7:


:Thanks: :wave:

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15 Aug 2010 17:58 #22 by navycpo7
Replied by navycpo7 on topic YOU BE THE JUDGE!!!!

ColoradoXprss wrote: Please check the links below and then explain to me how Fred Wegener received the number of votes that have been published by the Park County Clerks Office as a "WIN". The numbers DO NOT ADD UP!! Next steps..thoughts!!

Contact the local media outlets, newspaper and television. Contact the Colorado Secretary of State and the Attorney Generals Office. ... enuID=1466

Once at the website above click on the "all reports- June Excel, click on the Congressional District tab then scroll down to Park County (line 79)".
According to the Colorado State information as of 3:06am on 7/1/10; the active republican registered voters for Park County was 1,963 with 209 inactive registered republicans; total 2,172.

Now go to the Park County 2010 Primary Election - Unofficial Results

click on the 2010 Unofficial Primary Election Results once on the above link. The count for Fred Wegener 1,526 and Michael Graves 738 which makes a total of 2,264 total ballots cast. Here's the problem folks; the numbers DO NOT ADD UP, 2,264 ballots cast ONLY 1,963 active registered republicans in Park County. So where did the additional 401 votes come from?? Even if you add the inactive republican registered voters (348) the numbers STILL don't add up.

This was a PRIMARY election whereas only Republicans COULD VOTE!!!!!! I am of the firm belief that there was ballot tampering, plain and simple.

Thank you for reading.

I am alittle confused. I took a look at this website and what I see and what you stated is different.

for Republicans active in Park county is 4,103 Inactive is 721 this under tab "Party and Status"

Under Congressional District 5 Park Cty Republicans active is 2140 with 373 Republicans inactive
Under Congressional District 6 Park Cty Republicans active is 1963 with 348 Republicans inactive

So this equals the total for Park Cty Republicans of 4103 with 721 inactive. Park Cty is divided up with (2) congressional districts. You looked at only one. So the numbers add up just fine, except there were alot of folks out there that did not vote. Of the 4103 Republicans that could have voted only 55% did. Of that 55% Fred Wegner got 37% of the vote and Michael Graves got 18%. So before you go contacting anyone, you might want to look at your numbers again. Just a thought.

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15 Aug 2010 18:01 #23 by navycpo7
Replied by navycpo7 on topic YOU BE THE JUDGE!!!!
Forgot to add this was as of 3:06am on 7/1/10

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15 Aug 2010 18:09 #24 by mtntrekker
Replied by mtntrekker on topic YOU BE THE JUDGE!!!!

PrintSmith wrote: Oh lighten up Xprss. It's pretty clear that you didn't stop to think about the number of people that might have either changed affiliations or picked an affiliation in order to have the ability to have their say in picking our next Sheriff in the Republican Primary before you went of half baked with your allegations of vote fraud. There were also many provisional ballots cast by people who showed up to register an affiliation and vote on election day whose signatures would have to be verified within 48 hours (IIRC) of the closing of the polls before their ballots were tallied into the total.

Perhaps, if you don't enjoy being the butt of jokes after exhibiting foolish behavior you should play the fool a little less often. If you do your research before you hit the send button, instead of starting it after your premise has been poked full of more holes than an air mattress that a porcupine slept on, perhaps, just perhaps mind you, folks might be willing to presume that your argument has some merit instead of dismissing it outright.

uncalled for printsmith. at least xprsss looked at the figures and brought forth what she found and her concern.

and thank you navycpo7 for providing more information.

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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15 Aug 2010 18:20 #25 by ColoradoXprss
Replied by ColoradoXprss on topic YOU BE THE JUDGE!!!!
Thank you for pointing this out to me Navyco7...I did only see the one line item for Park with CD6 at 1,963 active republicans registered. I was unaware of the other line which had Park CD5 on it.

Agree with you that there were numerous folks who did not turn out to vote. Don't agree that Fred won on "honest ballot counting". Before anyone goes spouting off about its done and over with, its not over...with the information that has been coming to light by various concerned citizens, I have serious concerns on the individual precinct number counts.

With the turnouts that I witnessed on Meet the Greets and Debates Michael Graves' loss by that wide of a margin is not phathomable. JUST MY OPINION!!!!!

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15 Aug 2010 18:25 #26 by ColoradoXprss
Replied by ColoradoXprss on topic YOU BE THE JUDGE!!!!

mtntrekker wrote:

uncalled for printsmith. at least xprsss looked at the figures and brought forth what she found and her concern.

and thank you navycpo7 for providing more information.[/quote]

Thanks mtntrekker...I was honestly and in good faith reviewing the numbers. So yes, I made a mistake...but I don't worry about those that like to act like a "town bully" thinking they know it all or are better than anyone else.

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15 Aug 2010 18:26 #27 by navycpo7
Replied by navycpo7 on topic YOU BE THE JUDGE!!!!

ColoradoXprss wrote: Thank you for pointing this out to me Navyco7...I did only see the one line item for Park with CD6 at 1,963 active republicans registered. I was unaware of the other line which had Park CD5 on it.

Agree with you that there were numerous folks who did not turn out to vote. Don't agree that Fred won on "honest ballot counting". Before anyone goes spouting off about its done and over with, its not over...with the information that has been coming to light by various concerned citizens, I have serious concerns on the individual precinct number counts.

With the turnouts that I witnessed on Meet the Greets and Debates Michael Graves' loss by that wide of a margin is not phathomable. JUST MY OPINION!!!!!

I had to look twice also so. but I do not believe there was any voter fraud or ballot tampering. As I have asked and so far the answer was no, was or did anyone see D Green handling the ballots. If not then that is a dead issue. We would have to proof of ballot tampering or voter fraud to take it to a higher authority. I do not believe that is there. Have a great evening.

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15 Aug 2010 18:39 #28 by ColoradoXprss
Replied by ColoradoXprss on topic YOU BE THE JUDGE!!!!
Same to you NavyCPO7

I still have concerns though that need further questioning and that is the individual precinct ballot counts. ie: how many registered republican voters live in Fairplay vs how many votes cast in Fairplay by registered republican voters, same with each of the other precincts. There has been some speculation and I know its only speculation at this point in time; about the individual precinct counts.

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15 Aug 2010 18:55 #29 by Local_Historian
Just a note - 55% is a very high turnout for a primary.

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15 Aug 2010 20:05 #30 by PrintSmith
Replied by PrintSmith on topic YOU BE THE JUDGE!!!!

mtntrekker wrote: uncalled for printsmith. at least xprsss looked at the figures and brought forth what she found and her concern.

A bit over the line, perhaps, but I wouldn't say uncalled for. CX didn't have a concern so much as a conclusion cemented in their brain before they started looking. The first post by CX, and the accompanying title for the thread, clearly evidences this.

Look, there were allegations that Deb Green would tamper with the vote before the election was even held. When, surprise, surprise, the vote comes back that the Republicans of Park County wished to retain their current Sheriff the only possible explanation to some automatically became that the vote was tampered with.

Never mind that incumbents usually retain their position. Never mind that the only people who generally attend a debate for local offices are either an active partisan for one of the candidates or those who have yet to make a decision regarding how they will cast their vote. Never mind that the research the person did showed a 100% or better turnout, something that doesn't ever happen, for a primary election, which should have been the first huge red flag that they were overlooking something.

Nope, they knew that Deb Green was crooked and tampered with the election results to make sure that Sheriff Wegener won the primary. All they needed was the proof and in their rush to injustice they seized the first bit of information that seemed to confirm the belief cemented in their brain with a death grip in both hands and started running down main street yelling at the top of their lungs that they had the proof that Deb Green was crooked and tampered with the election.

Call the media!!! Call the CBI!!! Start the investiga..............uh, what's that? Park County is split between two national congressional districts? You don't say.........hmmmmm........well there still must have been some election tampering, all I need to do is look a little harder to find it.

C'mon trekker, you and I just had ringside seats watching someone make a complete and total fool of themselves and I hope they learned a good lesson from it, though I doubt there is much of a chance of that happening. My initial responses may have been a bit rough around the edges, but I think CX earned every bit of what they received with their foolish behavior.

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