current hate movements reminding me of the NAZIs.

19 Aug 2010 12:17 #11 by AV8OR

You really like taking creative liberties and project words into other's mouths don't you?

That is not what Outdoor said. He told you what happened during Bush's last 2 years under a Democrat controlled Congress. Do you now get it? As long as you keep drinking the Jim Jones' juice, this country will continue its course "off the cliff" (as he put it).

Take the blinders off and look at what is happening! When you are in the foodstamp line, notice how many more people seem to line up in front of you each month. Concerning, isn't it?

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19 Aug 2010 12:17 #12 by The Viking

Scruffy wrote:

The Viking wrote:

Scruffy wrote:

outdoor338 wrote: I see liberals driving the car off the cliff, while many are bailing out of the car..obama, and his liberal pals, are drunk with power having no clue what's about to happen at the bottom of the cliff. Nov will be very telling..are you listening libs?

You're a hoot.

Turn it around: November 2008 was very telling. The republicans got booted in a strong way. Many voters thought the conservatives were drunk with power, had no idea what they were doing and drove the car off the cliff. Were you conservatives listening?

Bush was not doing great and then when the Dems took over the house and Senate in 2007-2008, he allowed it to get steered into the ditch. He didn't go off of any cliff. Now Obama took over and many American's believed him so they gave him trillions to get it out of the ditch and back on the road but the problem is that Obama pointed the car in the wrong direction and is now headed straight towards a cliff. And instead of applying the brakes or asking for directions and turning around, he is asking for more gas, in the form of tax payers dollars for more and more failed programs and bailouts and stimulus packages and now we are going down a 45 degree hill right towards a cliff. I don't think there is anyway to stop it at this point.

My point was that Outdoor constantly points at the libs and says "Just you wait! We're gonna get our revenge."

With him (and you) it's always us versus them. Never, We the People. It's always "You libs have f****d it all up." I'm just saying, start looking in a mirror, okay?

Hey I wasn't happy with the Dems bailout that Bush signed in 2008 and I wan't happy with the $400 billion dollar deficit we had in 2008 either. It is not about us and them it is about fiscally responsible decisions vs fiscally irresponsible ones. Now it just came out today that our deficit will be $1.3 trillion in 2010 and that is if they let the tax cuts expire which they won't. So if I wasn't happy with $400 billion dollar deficit 2 years ago, then why would I be happy that we have more than trippled it in just 18 months and it is the largest one year deficit in over 65 years.

You darn right I am going to be against those who keep voting for all of this spending without having anyway to pay for it and it hasn't helped our economy at all. They just has well have flushed it down the toilet. They did it all wrong. I was against Bush doing it in his last 2 years and am more against it now that it is on steroids. I am for fiscal responsibility and I am against those who don't care about that and right now it is the Democrats who are spending like they have no care in the world who is going to pay for it.

So when you say us vs them, you are right. I am against whoever is fiscally irresponsible and that is 'them' and right now that is the Democrats and any Republican who votes for all this crap.

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19 Aug 2010 13:49 #13 by Martin Ent Inc
Don't think you have the Nazi thing down right. THE GOV was the Nazi power and not the people. People in this case are fed up sick and tired of the government telling Us what we need and not listening to a damn thing we say.
Sorry if you are illegal, muslim etc. Better make an effort to correct your crap or get the f out.
Rights are rights, become a citizen and you have rights.
WE the Citizens have Rights, quit giving them away, and if you are so inclined too feel sorry for them then maybe you better start packing yourself.


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19 Aug 2010 14:04 #14 by The Dude
When the GOP says no christian churches in Oklahoma City, no U.S. flag flying over Baghdad & Kabul, then maybe Ill take their NY/Islamic center rage (a tiny bit) more seriously

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20 Aug 2010 11:47 #15 by The 500 Foundation
wow conservatives are just like Nazi's?

where are the camps where are the trains?
where yo yo?

Death squads?
soldiers kicking in doors?
seizing property?
where is this happening yo-yo?

any ideas? or are you just going to spew a bunch of mindless drivel?

I tire of this comparison made frequently by those who cannot/will not conceive the horrors perpetrated by that regime.

You are ignorant yo-yo
either by choice or a lack of historical knowledge. please make the attempt to educate yourself before opening that hole in your face.

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22 Aug 2010 16:07 #16 by Martin Ent Inc

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22 Aug 2010 16:10 #17 by UNDER MODERATION
Replied by UNDER MODERATION on topic current hate movements reminding me of the NAZIs.

posteryoyo wrote: The current movements against Mexicans, illegal or legal, and Muslims, radical or not, really remind me of the moment behind the hatred against Jewish people in the 30's in Europe.

Poor economy because of factors having nothing to do with these groups.
Stats that say that these groups are of no threat or the threat is decreasing.
Leaders, national and local, that encourage a somewhat uneducated populous to hate and the populous, educated or not, really being able to buy into it hook line and sinker....even Jewish people.

If it is private property, it is America, it is up to the owner. He can build whatever he wants there. If it is public property, put up a memorial a monument or otherwise, if you hate someone who has not directly stolen from you or hurt you, give it up.

If you are going to continue down this path, perhaps some armbands that ID these folks would be helpful, you could label them JUDEN, echem, I mean MEXI and MUSI, so that it was clear who to hate and that folks around you understand as you treat these humans as less than human with less rights than you know you deserve. This would also help your children as they watch you hate and learn how to hate properly, I mean you wouldn't want your kids to hate them just cause of their skin color, there is a little more to proper hate.

I am personally ashamed we are even having this debate, especially watching little Jewish grandmothers that lost their whole family to the gas chambers in Europe getting right behind the next version of Nazi hate because now they align with the Republican Party. Sorry, I am wasting my time. Osama has already won, he already changed you and your country forever.

Me too, There are good people here, but lets get real-the board is mostly made up of scared, easily minipulated ignorant haters.

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22 Aug 2010 16:26 #18 by rlcarolyn
About the NY/Islamic center How dare they want to build so close to ground zero. Just out of respect for what happened I would think they would find a different place. Now this is absurd saying why shouldn't we!

Come on now enough is enough! Where is the respect for what happened there? Put it somewhere else and quit poking at our wounds.

They are the selfish inconsiderate ones wanting to place it there. PERIOD.

Let's put the shoe on the other foot where it fits.

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28 Aug 2010 21:13 #19 by archer

rlcarolyn wrote: They are the selfish inconsiderate ones wanting to place it there. PERIOD.

Maybe congress can pass a bill making selfish and inconsiderate illegal. I'm sure the Republicans would jump right on that bandwagon, since our rights don't seem to mean much to them anymore.

......I guess they would like to make being a Democrat illegal what will it oligarchy? a monarchy? a fascist state? what is it you republicans want? Because you sure as hell seem to hate democracy/republic.

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28 Aug 2010 21:45 #20 by mtntrekker
posteryoyo i don't know where you get that there are lots of hate movements today. i grew up with racism and this doesn't look like racism to me. it looks like a number of people taking a position and wanting to be heard.

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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