current hate movements reminding me of the NAZIs.

29 Aug 2010 17:13 #41 by LadyJazzer

AspenValley wrote:

HEARTLESS wrote: You flat line thinkers (not so much a brain dead reference), those that cling to the old communists on the left and facists on the right, need to update your thought process. There is more freedom (both personal and collective) versus less freedom (this includes communism, facism, totalitarinism and all other less freedom methods).

From what I've seen of your intellectual depth, I think I'd take being thought of as a "flat line" thinker by you as quite a compliment.

Now, THAT'S a great reply, AV. I'll let your reply on this one be mine, if you will be so kind.

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29 Aug 2010 17:14 #42 by HEARTLESS
Intellect or intelligence are only partially derived from book learnin'.

The silent majority will be silent no more.

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29 Aug 2010 17:53 #43 by PrintSmith

AspenValley wrote:

PrintSmith wrote: Oh please. Both fascism and communism are liberal in their nature. You do remember what the acronym from which Nazi was generated stood for, don't you? National Socialist German Workers Party. National Socialists. The USSR - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Any form of government that seeks to have full control over the population and the economy can in no way be described as a conservative government - it is a liberal creation at its core.

Oh please, yourself.

You are conflating economic systems with political systems and putting icing on the cake by confusing liberal/conservative scales with authoritarian/libertarianism scales.

And as you very well know, there can be and have been authoritarian governments that espoused extremely communistic economic systems (like the USSR) and authoritarian governments that were extremely capitalistic shading into oligarchic. (Facist European governments and any number of Central and South American dictatorships)

Garden variety American liberal thought is authoritarian in some regards and quite libertarian in others - as is garden variety American conservative thought. They tend to disagree on which items they are authoritarian about, that's all.

However, I think for the most part the kind of potentially dangerous types of authoritarian thought are more prevalant on the right. The right doesn't want anyone to force them to pay for social entitlement programs, but they are very willing, even eager, to participate in oppresive social control through things like drug laws, "law and order" mandates, contraceptive and abortion laws, forced military conscription, and the like.

More nonsense. Who was it again that initiated the drug laws? Which party was in control of the Congress when they were passed? Which group thinks that primary seat belt laws are a good idea again? Which party enacted the draft again? Seems to me that both times it was done in the 20th Century it was at the behest of a Democratic President and a Democratic Congress.

The Nazi's rose to power condemning capitalism, didn't they. The communists rose to power condemning capitalism, didn't they. Social democracies view capitalism as bad, don't they. The Democrats are rising to power condemning capitalism, aren't they. See the pattern?

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29 Aug 2010 18:09 #44 by archer

PrintSmith wrote: [More nonsense. Who was it again that initiated the drug laws? Which party was in control of the Congress when they were passed? Which group thinks that primary seat belt laws are a good idea again? Which party enacted the draft again? Seems to me that both times it was done in the 20th Century it was at the behest of a Democratic President and a Democratic Congress.

The Nazi's rose to power condemning capitalism, didn't they. The communists rose to power condemning capitalism, didn't they. Social democracies view capitalism as bad, don't they. The Democrats are rising to power condemning capitalism, aren't they. See the pattern?

It appears to me that you have bought the party line hook line and sinker. You see what you have made up in your mind, the truth according to PrintSmith. Well you don't have the truth PS, only your own warped version of it. maybe when the kool-aid turns rancid you'll stop drinking it.

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29 Aug 2010 18:55 #45 by PrintSmith

archer wrote: It appears to me that you have bought the party line hook line and sinker. You see what you have made up in your mind, the truth according to PrintSmith. Well you don't have the truth PS, only your own warped version of it. maybe when the kool-aid turns rancid you'll stop drinking it.

The kool-aid was rancid archer - that's what led me to conservatism in the first place. The progressive kool-aid, otherwise known as collective salvation, is indeed a rancid concoction.

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29 Aug 2010 19:06 #46 by LadyJazzer
Just what I would expect from the Party-of-Hate and the Party-of-Selfish. You never disappoint.

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29 Aug 2010 19:25 #47 by PrintSmith
Empty charges LJ. Call me all the names you want, it still doesn't change the reality of the concept one bit. Tell me that progressivism isn't collective salvation through government force. Tell me that the government is a better conservator of capital than the individual is. Tell me that you can honestly see a way to tax into solvency a Social Security System that will only have 2 contributors for every beneficiary by the year 2037. Go ahead and tell my why the federal government has made ponzi schemes illegal because of their inevitable outcome and why the Social Security ponzi is somehow any different. Paying off earlier investors with current money inevitably results in the money running out. There is not one single defined benefit pension plan that is solvent in this nation for that very reason. You can't pay 13% of your money in for 30 or 40 or even 50 years and get back a significantly larger amount than you paid in for 20+ years. The math doesn't work, the math will never work.

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29 Aug 2010 19:35 #48 by archer

PrintSmith wrote: Empty charges LJ. Call me all the names you want, it still doesn't change the reality of the concept one bit. .

You miss the point reality is not reality but delusion of your own making. I will give you points for believing in it against all fact and logic.

FYI......kool-ail comes in all flavors, you variety's time has come and gone......thus it's rancidity. What scares me is how fervently you dismiss, even vilify, half of this nation......

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29 Aug 2010 20:05 #49 by PrintSmith

archer wrote:

PrintSmith wrote: Empty charges LJ. Call me all the names you want, it still doesn't change the reality of the concept one bit. .

You miss the point reality is not reality but delusion of your own making. I will give you points for believing in it against all fact and logic.

FYI......kool-ail comes in all flavors, you variety's time has come and gone......thus it's rancidity. What scares me is how fervently you dismiss, even vilify, half of this nation......

The current fiscal nightmare of the federal government exists only in a delusion of my own making? I've got to have some of what you've been smoking archer, it's got to be some fantastic stuff.

It is fact that this year the federal government will spend 100% of tax revenues on social entitlement programs and the interest on the federal debt. The so called discretionary spending items, things like the military, the Department of Education, the EPA, the FDA and all the rest of it will be 100% financed with new debt. All of it archer, every penny. We are literally borrowing money to pay the interest when it is due, going further into debt without touching the capital amount owed at all. The trust vaults in Virgina for the Social Security Ponzi isn't filled with rare gold coins or gold bullion, it is filled with paper I.O.U.'s from a federal government that is borrowing more money to pay the interest due on the money it has already borrowed. That isn't a delusion, it is a reality.

Tell me this archer, how secure would you feel in knowing that the person who borrowed money from you was borrowing more money to simply pay the interest they owed you on the money they had borrowed from you? Not to repay the principle they had borrowed mind you, just to pay the interest they owed you. Would you be counting on getting your money back from that person?

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29 Aug 2010 20:46 #50 by navycpo7

Satchmo wrote: First, the chapel at the Pentagon is only 20 steps away from the crash into the Pentagon. A service is held every Thursday at 2:00 pm for muslims.

Facism and Nazi-ism (sp) are both conservative movements. That may be why some of the liberals here fear it. But you conservatives need to do a little research. Yes, it is insidious. As has been said, you don't speak up, the loss of rights keeps creeping up.

The Patriot Act, for example, infringes on basic Constitutional rights. The conservatives and liberals were in the majority in it getting passed (vote-wise). It's as bad as John Adams and his law along the same lines. Except that was struck down by the Supreme Court.

I don't care who your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles are and were forced to fight. So were Americans. Ever hear of the draft? The WWII Marines said, "if you love your country enough to live in it, you should love it enough to fight for it."

No one knows what they would do in such a situation. But we must always be vigilant against the erosion of our rights.

I think it's lousy thinking by the Muslims in NYC, but it's their right if they have the land and follow the building codes.

Please show me where Nazi-ism is conservative movement. You need to do some research on that. Here is a good reading site.

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