Message to Muslims: I’m Sorry

20 Sep 2010 07:40 #21 by Nmysys

Shall we point out how bigoted and hateful the left is? I'll bet that topic would fill this site up enough to overload the servers. How about the B.S. about the rights of women and allowing one to become President, until the first, Black man came along to back as President, and then turning hypocritical against women by trying to totally destroy Sarah Palin because she was a threat? Wasn't that an example of bigotry and hate?

How about all the B.S. about helping the African American Cause for the last 60 years, and doing absolutely nothing except Social Programs, to advance the agenda of the Left extremists?

How about the hate speech about Bush for all these years including continuing to blame him for all of the problems?

All you do is prove continually that you are a liar. You aren't an Independent! You are a bleeding heart Liberal constantly attacking the citizens of this country who are conservative, to any degree to the right of you.

Take a stance and stick to it. You bash Glenn Beck, you bash everybody, except those who hand down the talking points of the day for the mainstream media, of which you have admitted you are a part. At no time have you appeared to be individually any different that what you are professionally, and it is disgusting to us.

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20 Sep 2010 07:54 - 20 Sep 2010 10:08 #22 by LadyJazzer

Sept. 8, 2010
St. Louis, MO

Rabid Dog Briefly Mistaken for Tea Party Candidate

A rabid Doberman Pinscher jumped on stage at a Tea Party rally in Missouri on Labor Day and barked at the crowd for nearly twenty minutes before people realized he was not a candidate.

The dog, later identified by its owner as "Mister Buster," held the crowd spellbound as he barked, growled, and frothed at the mouth, eventually receiving a standing ovation for his exertions.

Gwendolene Thomason, 42, a Tea Party supporter from Jefferson City, was one of the hundreds on hand who were convinced that the Doberman was a Tea Party candidate until he was outed as a dog.

"I liked what he had to say," she said. "He reminded me of Glenn Beck, only furrier."

Rabid Dog Briefly Mistaken for Tea Party Candidate

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20 Sep 2010 07:56 #23 by outdoor338
Wayne, I love it when you show your sympathy towards the terrorists, you back them, protect them, heck..maybe you should move to Iraq, see how well you will be treated in Flujia..since there so peace loving and all. Maybe you can start a muslim terrorist writing club.. :crossed:

wayne's friendly muslim pals shooting at our troops!

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20 Sep 2010 07:58 #24 by outdoor338
Well said Nmysys :yeahthat: :popcorn:

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20 Sep 2010 08:03 #25 by outdoor338
"Rabid Dog Briefly Mistaken for Tea Party Candidate" until the police arrested obama for impersonating a rabid dog, and was heard saying "it's bush's fault, he did it" as he was dragged away to jail. Folks you will see plenty of rabid dog syndrome from the liberal dems this election. Just watch and see how angry and hateful they get with their ads.. :angry:

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20 Sep 2010 08:16 #26 by Wayne Harrison

Nmysys wrote: trying to totally destroy Sarah Palin because she was a threat?

The only threat Sarah Palin is to is the Republican Party.

I hope to God she runs for president. I really do.

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20 Sep 2010 08:26 #27 by LadyJazzer
I'm totally with you there... I'm PRAYING for Palin to run... In fact, the only thing that would please me more would be a Palin/Beck ticket!!

Oh, PLEASE let it happen!!!....

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20 Sep 2010 08:29 #28 by outdoor338
wayne, why not address Nmysys points about how hateful the left is, and not spin it!

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20 Sep 2010 08:44 #29 by Wayne Harrison

Nmysys wrote: How about the B.S. about the rights of women and allowing one to become President, until the first, Black man came along to back as President...

How about all the B.S. about helping the African American Cause for the last 60 years, and doing absolutely nothing except Social Programs, to advance the agenda of the Left extremists?

How about the hate speech about Bush for all these years including continuing to blame him for all of the problems?

Hillary didn't have the delegates to be nominated. It was a long, hard-fought campaign by both. He didn't just "come along" at the last minute. He'd been running since the beginning. Personally I find it refreshing that a major political party had to chose between a woman and a black man for their candidate as president. I wonder how long it will be before that happens in your party?

If it weren't for the social programs advanced in the last 60 years, we'd still have coloreds only and they'd probably still wouldn't be allowed to vote.

The genesis of why we are where we are at this point is the result of past decisions by past presidents. If it had been a Democrat who decided to get us into two wars, give us tax cuts while we're spending billions, hide the spending in the budget so our true deficit spending didn't show up and push affordable housing for all, I'm absolutely positive you'd be on the front line still assigning blame to them.

I'm not happy with what Obama has failed to do that he promised but I am still certain I made the best choice in the voting booth, given the choices I had. McCain would have been an absolute disaster. Remember, the economy was his weak suit.

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20 Sep 2010 09:00 - 20 Sep 2010 10:20 #30 by FredHayek
I know Muslim people and like the ones I know but I also worry about a fifth column in this country that is just waiting for the right trigger to turn them against Americans. The Fort Hood shooter was here for decades, given a free education by our military and he turns upon his fellow soldiers. The Time Square bomber had his American dream collapse so he went home to Pakistan and learned how to build a car bomb. I know there are regular white American ticking time bombs too, but the Islamic ones seem to be that much more dangerous.

And for the belief that moderates need to speak out more against the radicals, I have heard some do that and I clap for them. But when you are dealing with people who will launch a war against cartoonists, I can see why there is reluctance to speak against Imans.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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