Senior Who Shot At Men Stealing Trailer Sentenced

28 Sep 2010 09:53 #21 by BearMtnHIB
The police report says "as the truck was exiting his property". That's not what the guy said this morning on the radio. Another lie was that the shots entered the truck from the back - and clearly the shots entered the truck from the side through the passenger door.

None of that really makes any difference to me - this 81 year old man was protecting his property- and should be given an award for protecting the neighborhood.

The illegal's still have not been charged with any crime- and that in itself is a crime.

Storey needs to resign - or we need to recall him from office.

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28 Sep 2010 11:17 #22 by Something the Dog Said
According to the police reports, Wallace reported that he saw the thieves pulling away on NORTHBOUND SHERIDAN with his trailer. Also, according to the police reports, he told his neighbor that he shot at the back of the truck pulling his trailer away from him. The neighbor also told police that he heard the trailer being pulled down SHERIDAN. Wallace, according to the police reports, also told the police that he fired shots in the direction of the truck.

Another lie is that the "illegal's still have not been charged with any crime- and that in itself is a crime."

"One of the suspects, 28-year-old Alvaro Cardona-De Lorea, was shot through the eye, leaving him with serious brain damage and a disfigured skull. Cardona has undergone a competency evaluation which showed he may not be competent to stand trial. His case has been continued.
The second theft suspect, Damacio Torres-Ochoa, 32, was arrested by federal immigrant authorities at his Boulder workplace on an immigration violation, authorities said. Torres is charged with theft of an at-risk adult. His next court appearance is Oct. 4." ... etail.html

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then always be batman." Unknown

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28 Sep 2010 12:06 #23 by Travelingirl

posteryoyo wrote:

outdoor338 wrote: Defending what you own, who you love, and protecting yourself means nothing to some folks. never know who owns a shooting iron and will use it up in these parts. Don't mess with mountain people, if ya wanna get stung :VeryScared:

You are funny, people around here are wimps with guns. That is why this is news. It would not be news if it happened all the time.

Guns don't protect people, people protect people. In our case all the big talk about needing to protect yourself is replaced by the PCSO and its duties. And yes, when they come, unless they come in your home, you are supposed to do nothing and call the police. We have many employed and do so such that response times are shorter. This is the society we accepted by design, shooting people in general is a sentence to jail, protecting yourself or not.

"Don't mess with mountain people" you mean all the yuppies in their fancy condensed front range neighborhoods posting on message boards. Haha. Anyone who has shot someone in self defense not in war, please post now, flood this forum.

Mountain people are tame at this point, esp here. Don't mess with inner city people with guns, you might just get hurt in stead of getting empty mountain people threats.

You can still be tough, but those that shoot people for little to no reason won't be posting on this board, they will be taking it from behind in jail, is that worth it? No, that is why Mountain people are not a gun threat.

Mountain people are in southern Appalachia and are all but gone. I guess you could include the militant pot growers on the west coast as well. Those are the folks you don't want to mess with.

Am I pissing you off? come shoot me :)

I shot a snake between the eyes not too long I'd say I'm a pretty good shot and I AM a GUN THREAT!

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28 Sep 2010 13:18 #24 by Nmysys
So we mountain people are wimps? Realize this happened in the metro area not here in the mountain communities. Part of the reason we have so little crime like this is that most properties are protected by Smith and Wesson. Try stealing one of my trailers! We are not all 81 years old or unpracticed. Enough said.

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28 Sep 2010 13:32 #25 by BearMtnHIB
Well - I'm glad to see at least one of them faces a charge over this incident - I bet the charge did not come until after Wallace's plea bargain a few weeks ago- since the Jeffco DA was going to use these criminals to testify against Mr. Wallace.

The whole thing makes me sick. I'm going to personally donate money to see that Jeffco DA Storey no longer has a career in Jefferson County - several people I know are also going to donate against this DA.

This guy can't tell the difference between a citizen and a criminal - so he needs to go now.

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28 Sep 2010 14:16 #26 by Grady
If ICE had been doing it's job and deported these criminal illegals a long time ago, Alvaro Cardona-De Lorea wouldn’t have been stealing Mr Wallace’s trailer and would not now be a burden on the good taxpayers. I say he still should be deported and the sooner the better.

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28 Sep 2010 14:36 #27 by Spykster

Martin Ent Inc wrote: Remeber a cop is always just 10 minutes away+/-.

Sometimes an hour or so away +/-... :VeryScared:

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28 Sep 2010 14:41 #28 by Spykster

Something the Dog Said wrote: The second theft suspect, Damacio Torres-Ochoa, 32, was arrested by federal immigrant authorities at his Boulder workplace on an immigration violation, authorities said. Torres is charged with theft of an at-risk adult. His next court appearance is Oct. 4."

Boulder...the state's hotbed of irrational liberal idiocy...Well, it's been established he's an Illegal Alien...They should crucify his employer for breaking the law as well, just like Napolitano said they are supposed to be doing.

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28 Sep 2010 14:47 #29 by Spykster

travelingirl wrote: [You are funny, people around here are wimps with guns.
Guns don't protect people, people protect people.
Am I pissing you off?

No, I'm not pissed off, I'm still laughing about this :lol: ...Now I'm composed...Lemme see..."Guns don't protect people, people protect people"...Well, if you ever find yourself in a life and death situation, and you obviously don't have time to call those wimpy people with guns - the cops - my suggestion would be to play act with your hand - form it into the shape of a pistol like kids do, and yell BANG BANG...and see what happens next... :VeryScared:

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28 Sep 2010 14:58 #30 by Local_Historian
Hmm - so that means you live in Highlands Ranch if we're all front range yuppies, eh?

How IS your wife doing on that prozac then? I thought it was in the HOA down there as a requirement.

Wimps with guns. You keep thinking that.

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