What if 20 Million Illegal Aliens Vacated America?

06 Oct 2010 16:45 #21 by Blazer Bob

Scruffy wrote:

HEARTLESS wrote: There is a web site (made famous by Stephen Colbert) that offered to teach Americans how to do jobs that illegal and migrant workers do. In the entire country, only 16 people signed up. I think illegals and migrants do jobs that Americans do not want to do.

Here's the web site: http://www.takeourjobs.org/

Well DUH. Only liberals watch Colbert. Everyone knows that no lib wants an honest job.

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06 Oct 2010 16:49 #22 by Scruffy

HEARTLESS wrote: When they stop draining our system, wages will be able to go up to hire Americans. Or do you think all these employers will simply choose to go under because they don't want to remain in business?

I'm sure that employers of lettuce and tomato pickers will have to pay more wages to hire Americans to do these jobs, but the downside is: Are you willing to pay more for your produce? Because that will be one effect of no more illegal aliens.

I'm just asking questions, okay? I don't know the answer and I'm asking if any of you have answers other than the usual platitudes. Do you have data that shows that our economy will not tank if they leave? Or does the data show the opposite? I'm just asking.

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06 Oct 2010 16:52 #23 by Scruffy

Grady wrote:

Nmysys wrote: I find it ludicrous that you find anything that a comedian does, as a valuable resource of any kind.

Remember how many liberals thought Sara Palin actually said she could see Russia from her house, when it was really just a Saturday Night Live, Tina Fey bit. I guess that’s what happens when you get your news from the comedy channel.

I don't get my news from the Comedy Channel. I can't afford cable or satellite. I don't watch teevee, although I sure wish I could watch the Broncos. I get news from the paper and the internet. This particular news report was on a radio show a couple weeks ago that was talking about the migrant worker issue and they mentioned Colbert in passing.

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06 Oct 2010 16:53 #24 by HEARTLESS
If every hard or dirty job was being done by illegals "only", the argument might stand. Wages are the key.

The silent majority will be silent no more.

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06 Oct 2010 16:57 #25 by Grady

Scruffy wrote:

HEARTLESS wrote: When they stop draining our system, wages will be able to go up to hire Americans. Or do you think all these employers will simply choose to go under because they don't want to remain in business?

I'm sure that employers of lettuce and tomato pickers will have to pay more wages to hire Americans to do these jobs, but the downside is: Are you willing to pay more for your produce? Because that will be one effect of no more illegal aliens.

I'm just asking questions, okay? I don't know the answer and I'm asking if any of you have answers other than the usual platitudes. Do you have data that shows that our economy will not tank if they leave? Or does the data show the opposite? I'm just asking.

A well run, well regulated "guest worker" program will still allow employers access to cheap migrant labor.

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06 Oct 2010 17:03 #26 by Grady

Scruffy wrote:

Grady wrote:

Nmysys wrote: I find it ludicrous that you find anything that a comedian does, as a valuable resource of any kind.

Remember how many liberals thought Sara Palin actually said she could see Russia from her house, when it was really just a Saturday Night Live, Tina Fey bit. I guess that’s what happens when you get your news from the comedy channel.

I don't get my news from the Comedy Channel. I can't afford cable or satellite. I don't watch teevee, although I sure wish I could watch the Broncos. I get news from the paper and the internet. This particular news report was on a radio show a couple weeks ago that was talking about the migrant worker issue and they mentioned Colbert in passing.

He was the clown who "spent a day" doing migrant labor then "testified" before congress. I did a lot of kind of work in high school and college. It's not easy work and paid like crap unless you worked your ass off.

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06 Oct 2010 17:07 #27 by HEARTLESS
Besides, with the predictions of coming water shortages, we may have to abandon row farming (land and water intensive) in favor of bio-intensive crop raising (favors hand picking). And row farming isn't a function of the oil industry, but working animals like oxen and horses, fuels just caused a switch to mechanical equipment.

The silent majority will be silent no more.

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06 Oct 2010 17:24 #28 by Travelingirl
I've posted this before. They are a financial drain on our educational system and they have negative impact in the classroom.

"Martin also added an estimate of 597,000 U.S.-born children whose parents are illegal immigrants arriving at a total of 1,022,000 children. Multiplying the number of children by the estimated $7,577 the state spends on average per pupil, the study arrived at the $7.7 billion figure."
http://www.nctimes.com/news/local/artic ... a577c.html

A very high percentage of illegal aliens' children do not speak English. In the 2004/5 school year in Colorado, 114,857 students, almost 15% of the state's K-12 public school student population, were English language learners. The state does not ask about citizenship, so the cost of educating children of illegal aliens in Colorado public schools is unknown but somewhere between $500 million and $1.2 billion per year, depending on whose numbers you want to use for the number of children of illegal aliens that are in school. Thus, in Colorado, just the education costs for the children of illegal aliens is somewhere between $270 and $650 per household, an amount that would buy a lot of lettuce, even at twice the cost per head.
http://www.usillegalaliens.com/impacts_ ... ation.html

Immigration will account for 96 percent of the increase in the school-age population over the next 50 years. If mass immigration continues, the education of all children in America will continue to be undermined. Education costs will continue to escalate and quality of education will continue to decline.

• The total K-12 school expenditure for illegal immigrants costs the states $7.4 billion annually—enough to buy a computer for every junior high student nationwide.

"The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, or preventing all possibility of its continuing as a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities."

- Theodore Roosevelt

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07 Oct 2010 06:12 #29 by HEARTLESS
As I see it, solve the illegal alien problem and many others will take care of themselves.

The silent majority will be silent no more.

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07 Oct 2010 06:55 #30 by Rockdoc
Saudi Arabia and much of the Middle East have a work programs that support the use of expatriates to do everything form janitorial, street sweeping, gardening, construction, maid service, taxi driving, shop keeping, etc., the kinds of jobs locals feel is beneath them. It is another form of business. Mainly they bring in people form Bangladesh, Sir Lanka, India, Pakistan, and the Philippines. Their pay relative to nationals or professional expatriates is miniscule, but in talking with some of these workers over the past twenty years, they still are better off here than in their home country. Work programs certainly can provide the manpower to do any job Americans feel too good to do thus making the argument or impression that America could not function without illegal aliens weak at best. There are lots of people out there who would come for work in the US.

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