The Republicans get a A- for last night. A total review

03 Nov 2010 15:57 #21 by FredHayek

netdude wrote: Really Viking? Have you read ANY of the threads today? ANY? Every one of the righties here have gloated, called names, acted like this never happens in the election cycle.... yes the number was high on the house side, 60, but that was predicted. It happens. We all expected something more than 55. It needed to happen in my eyes to get a balance to the government.
But, I also expected at least Buck to win....
But what did we get from you guys? How many suicides it would cause.... how we are all dejected... how the left must be hating today.


Sore winners fits.

I haven't been that way. There were some major gains in the Rust Belt, but many of those 60 seats were just being returned to the GOP, best examples, Markey & Salazar, their seats going back to Republicans. And I don't see the wins as a validation of conservative principles, more like people upset with the economy. I sincerely doubt 20% of the population is going to switch from "D" to "R" in two years. And the other reason for the sea change, the TEA party was more enthused and better organized.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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03 Nov 2010 16:12 #22 by Residenttroll returns

O’Connell pointed to the ground-game efforts of progressive organizations like, New Era Colorado and the union efforts working most notably on behalf of Majority Leader Harry Reid in Nevada, where union groups have been busing hotel service workers to the polls.

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03 Nov 2010 16:26 #23 by Scruffy

The Viking wrote:

archer wrote:

Nmysys wrote: Pineguy: You and Archer are full of crap and you both know it. The Tea Party was what caused this whole shellac are using the same old tactics you have used constantly. The truth is the Liberal agenda received a huge setback and you can throw out the BS all you like but we can see you are just like LJ, clueless!!

Get a life and stop blaming the right. You will be safer and richer now that the GOP has won so many seats. Your taxes won't skyrocket and you may end up in the long run safer down there in Arizona, even though you would willingly give our country away to the Illegals.

I just knew you would be as sore a winner as you were a loser.

Sore winner? It is really sad that you guys can't step up and say congratulations Republicans, and the Tea Party for all the energy you sparked that led this takeover. And you can't admit that America didn't want what the Dems in the last two congresses were handing out and this was a wake up call to them too.

Yes, you are a sore winner. Your gloating is not unexpected, as you seem to think this is all some sort of sports contest. This is not the part where we all line up on the 50 yard line and shake hands, saying "good game." This is all about the future of our country and where the Republicans will take us.

You really expect liberals to congratulate the conservatives on their win? You want us to say "Congrats on electing those people that we know will take this country down the road to ruin like they did before." You really expect that? Would you do it? Doubtful.

What did you in 2008? Did you congratulate the liberals on their sweeping takeover? Didn't think so. You probably moped and whined and bitched about it. Again, this is not a sports event, it's our lives and while you think your way is the best, I don't. I'm disappointed in much of what happened last night, but I will live on, knowing that in two years, it will probably flip back to the liberal side after the Republicans screw it up. Again.

So enjoy your victory. I am glad that you take so much joy in it.

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03 Nov 2010 16:30 #24 by Residenttroll returns
Yeah! I would spike the ball if I just ran 100 yard touchdown too - especially on your home field!

Congratulations Liberals and Progressives, you scored a couple of first downs.

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03 Nov 2010 16:42 #25 by AV8OR

Scruffy wrote: This is all about the future of our country and where the Republicans will take us.

AMEN to that!

This is where the Republicans and Tea Party and Democrats and Socialists must NOW:

1.) Must REPEAL ObamaCare/Socialized Medicine!

2.) Must CEASE Bailouts!

3.) Must STOP DEFICIT SPENDING (Park County Commissioners, listen to this one)!

4.) Must STOP using taxpayer dollars to fund abortions!

5.) Must STOP passing 1,400 - 2,200 page legislative bills!

6.) Must STOP using taxpayer dollars to buy auto dealerships to turn over to the unions!

7.) Must STOP allowing the wipe out of BONDHOLDERS and SHAREHOLDERS of companies under creditor protection so that a union can come in and takeover the business!

8.) Must STOP FNMA and FHLMC and other socialized programs from furthering ruining our financial stature!

9.) Must STOP the practice of giving people home loans that DO NOT have the ability to REPAY the damn loan!

10.) Must STOP growing government with the intent of providing a job for everyone!

11.) Must STOP making these damn highway signs to "pat each other on the back" for stealing from the citizens to build this damn road!

Did I miss anything?!!!

We are no longer the party of [HELL] NO.

We are the party of STOP!

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03 Nov 2010 16:45 #26 by The Viking

netdude wrote: Really Viking? Have you read ANY of the threads today? ANY? Every one of the righties here have gloated, called names, acted like this never happens in the election cycle.... yes the number was high on the house side, 60, but that was predicted. It happens. We all expected something more than 55. It needed to happen in my eyes to get a balance to the government.
But, I also expected at least Buck to win....
But what did we get from you guys? How many suicides it would cause.... how we are all dejected... how the left must be hating today.


Sore winners fits.

And it is really sad that you see us being proud of Americans and the Republicans and the Tea Party and how they finally took a stand against big government and fiscal irresponsibility, and how they want to turn this country back around, as gloating. We are just hapy for America!

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03 Nov 2010 16:52 #27 by The Viking

Scruffy wrote:

The Viking wrote:

archer wrote:

Nmysys wrote: Pineguy: You and Archer are full of crap and you both know it. The Tea Party was what caused this whole shellac are using the same old tactics you have used constantly. The truth is the Liberal agenda received a huge setback and you can throw out the BS all you like but we can see you are just like LJ, clueless!!

Get a life and stop blaming the right. You will be safer and richer now that the GOP has won so many seats. Your taxes won't skyrocket and you may end up in the long run safer down there in Arizona, even though you would willingly give our country away to the Illegals.

I just knew you would be as sore a winner as you were a loser.

Sore winner? It is really sad that you guys can't step up and say congratulations Republicans, and the Tea Party for all the energy you sparked that led this takeover. And you can't admit that America didn't want what the Dems in the last two congresses were handing out and this was a wake up call to them too.

Yes, you are a sore winner. Your gloating is not unexpected, as you seem to think this is all some sort of sports contest. This is not the part where we all line up on the 50 yard line and shake hands, saying "good game." This is all about the future of our country and where the Republicans will take us.

You really expect liberals to congratulate the conservatives on their win? You want us to say "Congrats on electing those people that we know will take this country down the road to ruin like they did before." You really expect that? Would you do it? Doubtful.

What did you in 2008? Did you congratulate the liberals on their sweeping takeover? Didn't think so. You probably moped and whined and bitched about it. Again, this is not a sports event, it's our lives and while you think your way is the best, I don't. I'm disappointed in much of what happened last night, but I will live on, knowing that in two years, it will probably flip back to the liberal side after the Republicans screw it up. Again.

So enjoy your victory. I am glad that you take so much joy in it.

Why don't you people get it and see reality?? It was the Dems who took us down this road after they took over in 2006. SO of course we wouldn't be happy in 2008 that they added more people who wanted to keep doing the same thing. Now we finally after 4 years fo Dem control and total disastor since 2007, are going to try and right the ship again. We did not have deficit when the Republicans were in control up till 2007. Look at the facts!!! We can take things back to 2006 which is 10 times better than 2007-2010 when the Dems had control. We never had huge deficit spending until 2007 when the Dems took over both houses of congress and have controlled everything up until last night.

Again, it is not gloating, it is cheering for America! And the Dems should be happy that we are able to stop the out of control spending that has gotten us nowhere and the 10% unemployment that only happened under a Democratic controlled congress. So yes you should be congratulating them if you were so blinded by partisan politics.

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03 Nov 2010 16:55 #28 by Photo-fish

residenttroll wrote: Yeah! I would spike the ball if I just ran 100 yard touchdown too - especially on your home field!

Home field? What state do you live in? How many of the conservative ballot measures were voted in?

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03 Nov 2010 16:57 #29 by Scruffy

The Viking wrote:

Scruffy wrote:

The Viking wrote:

archer wrote:

Nmysys wrote: Pineguy: You and Archer are full of crap and you both know it. The Tea Party was what caused this whole shellac are using the same old tactics you have used constantly. The truth is the Liberal agenda received a huge setback and you can throw out the BS all you like but we can see you are just like LJ, clueless!!

Get a life and stop blaming the right. You will be safer and richer now that the GOP has won so many seats. Your taxes won't skyrocket and you may end up in the long run safer down there in Arizona, even though you would willingly give our country away to the Illegals.

I just knew you would be as sore a winner as you were a loser.

Sore winner? It is really sad that you guys can't step up and say congratulations Republicans, and the Tea Party for all the energy you sparked that led this takeover. And you can't admit that America didn't want what the Dems in the last two congresses were handing out and this was a wake up call to them too.

Yes, you are a sore winner. Your gloating is not unexpected, as you seem to think this is all some sort of sports contest. This is not the part where we all line up on the 50 yard line and shake hands, saying "good game." This is all about the future of our country and where the Republicans will take us.

You really expect liberals to congratulate the conservatives on their win? You want us to say "Congrats on electing those people that we know will take this country down the road to ruin like they did before." You really expect that? Would you do it? Doubtful.

What did you in 2008? Did you congratulate the liberals on their sweeping takeover? Didn't think so. You probably moped and whined and bitched about it. Again, this is not a sports event, it's our lives and while you think your way is the best, I don't. I'm disappointed in much of what happened last night, but I will live on, knowing that in two years, it will probably flip back to the liberal side after the Republicans screw it up. Again.

So enjoy your victory. I am glad that you take so much joy in it.

Why don't you people get it and see reality?? It was the Dems who took us down this road after they took over in 2006. SO of course we wouldn't be happy in 2008 that they added more people who wanted to keep doing the same thing. Now we finally after 4 years fo Dem control and total disastor since 2007, are going to try and right the ship again. We did not have deficit when the Republicans were in control up till 2007. Look at the facts!!! We can take things back to 2006 which is 10 times better than 2007-2010 when the Dems had control. We never had huge deficit spending until 2007 when the Dems took over both houses of congress and have controlled everything up until last night.

Why don't you get it and see reality? It was the Republicans that took us down this road to financial ruin. It's been shown to you over and over again and yet you refuse to face reality. Look at the facts! The Repubs had a veto pen from 2001-2009. Where is the responsibility? Huh?

Oh, and now I get to start asking "Why haven't the Republicans fixed the economy yet?" It's going to ba aninteresting two years.

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03 Nov 2010 16:57 #30 by Photo-fish

The Viking wrote:

Scruffy wrote:

The Viking wrote:

archer wrote:

Nmysys wrote: Pineguy: You and Archer are full of crap and you both know it. The Tea Party was what caused this whole shellac are using the same old tactics you have used constantly. The truth is the Liberal agenda received a huge setback and you can throw out the BS all you like but we can see you are just like LJ, clueless!!

Get a life and stop blaming the right. You will be safer and richer now that the GOP has won so many seats. Your taxes won't skyrocket and you may end up in the long run safer down there in Arizona, even though you would willingly give our country away to the Illegals.

I just knew you would be as sore a winner as you were a loser.

Sore winner? It is really sad that you guys can't step up and say congratulations Republicans, and the Tea Party for all the energy you sparked that led this takeover. And you can't admit that America didn't want what the Dems in the last two congresses were handing out and this was a wake up call to them too.

Yes, you are a sore winner. Your gloating is not unexpected, as you seem to think this is all some sort of sports contest. This is not the part where we all line up on the 50 yard line and shake hands, saying "good game." This is all about the future of our country and where the Republicans will take us.

You really expect liberals to congratulate the conservatives on their win? You want us to say "Congrats on electing those people that we know will take this country down the road to ruin like they did before." You really expect that? Would you do it? Doubtful.

What did you in 2008? Did you congratulate the liberals on their sweeping takeover? Didn't think so. You probably moped and whined and bitched about it. Again, this is not a sports event, it's our lives and while you think your way is the best, I don't. I'm disappointed in much of what happened last night, but I will live on, knowing that in two years, it will probably flip back to the liberal side after the Republicans screw it up. Again.

So enjoy your victory. I am glad that you take so much joy in it.

Why don't you people get it and see reality?? It was the Dems who took us down this road after they took over in 2006. SO of course we wouldn't be happy in 2008 that they added more people who wanted to keep doing the same thing. Now we finally after 4 years fo Dem control and total disastor since 2007, are going to try and right the ship again. We did not have deficit when the Republicans were in control up till 2007. Look at the facts!!! We can take things back to 2006 which is 10 times better than 2007-2010 when the Dems had control. We never had huge deficit spending until 2007 when the Dems took over both houses of congress and have controlled everything up until last night.

Again, it is not gloating, it is cheering for America! And the Dems should be happy that we are able to stop the out of control spending that has gotten us nowhere and the 10% unemployment that only happened under a Democratic controlled congress. So yes you should be congratulating them if you were so blinded by partisan politics.

OK so we can expect a turn around in our economy and job sitiuation in 18 months like you gave the current administration.

Cool, I really hope they can do it.

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