Why do Blacks vote mostly Democrat? The truth about the KKK

05 Nov 2010 13:20 #21 by Something the Dog Said
Interesting article in Huff Post by Colorado Republican Muhammad Ali Hussan about why the Republican party is going extinct.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/muhammad- ... 79223.html

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then always be batman." Unknown

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05 Nov 2010 13:25 #22 by BearMtnHIB
The civil rights act would not have passed without republicans. There was a considerable group of southern democrats who refused to sign it.

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05 Nov 2010 13:30 #23 by FredHayek

Something the Dog Said wrote: Interesting article in Huff Post by Colorado Republican Muhammad Ali Hussan about why the Republican party is going extinct.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/muhammad- ... 79223.html

Seems he was off by a a decade or so after this landslide.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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05 Nov 2010 13:40 #24 by BearMtnHIB

Something the Dog Said wrote: Interesting article in Huff Post by Colorado Republican Muhammad Ali Hussan about why the Republican party is going extinct.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/muhammad- ... 79223.html

Hasan is wrong about his numbers - and he has a big bug up his butt about the mosque issue. A full 70% of people in arizona support the bill - and a majority of hispanic citizens also support it. I think his numbers are closer when you ask the illegal's for their opinion though.

The democratic party is a collection of just about every freak group you can find - seperate them and they will never have the numbers that republicans have - but together they all are a force.

Add in the socialists, communists, big government types, baby killers, unions, gay rights activists, save the children helicopter moms, anti-war hippies, the global warming hoax believers, ethnic interests and those who depend on the welfare state - they are gettin hard to beat in populated states.

Republicans need to figure out how to work them against each other.

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05 Nov 2010 16:48 #25 by mtntrekker
from a latina perspective - i grew up being told that repubs only wanted to get rich and that the democrats cared about the people - thus more government helping people. even now i hear that the repubs want to cut back government which can seem like a callous disregard for the people.

i think though that as the economy continues to tank and it becomes more obvious that spending into oblivion is not creating jobs, more will come to understand that since government does not create jobs, there has to be a better solution - smaller government and less government spending and tax cuts for businesses who can provide jobs. the concept isn't clear yet - kensyian economics doesn't work - but people will get it.

ok now i don't want you to think i am racist cuz i'm not but i am just gleeful that all this job loss is happening to the middle class comprised mostly of 'white people' cuz now there is some focus on how we can get this fixed. it isn't just a latino or black issue.

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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05 Nov 2010 17:10 #26 by archer

BearMtnHIB wrote:

Something the Dog Said wrote: Interesting article in Huff Post by Colorado Republican Muhammad Ali Hussan about why the Republican party is going extinct.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/muhammad- ... 79223.html

Hasan is wrong about his numbers - and he has a big bug up his butt about the mosque issue. A full 70% of people in arizona support the bill - and a majority of hispanic citizens also support it. I think his numbers are closer when you ask the illegal's for their opinion though.

Not true....a mojority of citizens of Arizona support it, about 55 %, (the 70% you quote is the number of Arizonans who support immigration reform), but a majority of the hispanic population of Arizona does not support it.

Fifty-five percent of those surveyed support the law while 36 percent oppose it, according to a poll conducted by WestGroup Research. Nine percent were neutral or didn’t have a view.
http://tucsoncitizen.com/view-from-baja ... o-you-are/

Twelve percent of second-generation Latino voters in the state say they support S.B. 1070, according to a recent Latino Decisions poll. That jumps to nearly 30 percent in the fourth generation.
http://www.npr.org/templates/story/stor ... =127105843

hardly a mandate here in AZ. Actually 1070 is much ado about nothing, Arizona has been racial profiling and carrying out 1070 type raids for years, this law would just make it legal.

What most here want is for both parties to get off their butts and do immigration reform. What is interesting, and I'll have to search for the numbers, but a majority here in AZ also want amnesty for current illegals, the border closed to further illegal crossings, and the drug lords put out of business. Is that too much to ask?

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05 Nov 2010 17:26 #27 by aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
On the subject of why do people vote for a certain party, Why do all the Jews vote dem, when the dems are Israel's worst enemy?

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05 Nov 2010 17:36 #28 by JMC

Teddy wrote: On the subject of why do people vote for a certain party, Why do all the Jews vote dem, when the dems are Israel's worst enemy?

Good point, why do poor whites vote for rich peoples interests when it hurts their own financial interests?
We are all being manipulated all the time. We take these meaningless talking points and only care about wining.
We have become a nation of fans and winning, not logic and self interest. Shame on our childish ability to be manipulated.
If we always voted for our personal self interest we would be much better off than this cheering for "our team" mentality.
It makes me sick and I want to just withdraw from the stupidity.

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05 Nov 2010 18:02 #29 by aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Still doesn't answer why Jews who are equally vilified by supremacists like the KKK continue to vote for the very party that gave birth to those organizations and publicly hate Israel.

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05 Nov 2010 18:29 #30 by major bean
I believe that the preference of blacks for the Democratic Party is because of the difference of views of governmental remedies by the two political parties.
The black segment of our society had immediate need for civil and ecomonic equality. The Republican Party offered little assistance by government, whereas the Democratic Party offered immediate remedy by government.
This difference in philosophical views of the role of government to solve social problems forced the blacks to migrate to the big government party.
The Republicans did not see the role of government as the answer but would leave the solution of social problems to the private sector.
BIG mistake by the Republican Party.

Major Bean

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