Egypt's Mubarak resigns as leade

13 Feb 2011 09:33 #21 by LadyJazzer
Sorry, I'm not buying the "extremist Muslim Brotherhood is taking over." All you're peddling is the usual Beck-toons fear.

Wake me when you have proof.

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13 Feb 2011 09:46 #22 by Rick
Since the military is now in charge, what group in that country is the most organized and has the ideology that most Egyptians agree with based on that poll? Or do you believe the poll was fabricated?

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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13 Feb 2011 10:00 #23 by LadyJazzer
Here is what I believe:

Egypt Military Leaders Dissolve Parliament, Suspend Constitution

CAIRO (AP) — Egypt's military leaders dissolved parliament and suspended the constitution on Sunday, meeting two key demands of protesters who have been keeping up pressure for immediate steps to push forward the transition to democratic, civilian rule after forcing Hosni Mubarak out of power.

In their latest communique, the military rulers that took over when Mubarak stepped down Friday, said they will run the country for six months, or until presidential and parliament elections can be held.

The military leaders said they were forming a committee to amend the constitution and set the rules for popular referendum to endorse the amendments.

Both the lower and upper houses of parliament are being dissolved. The last parliamentary elections in November and December were heavily rigged by the ruling party, virtually shutting out any opposition representation.

The caretaker Cabinet, which was appointed by Mubarak shortly after the mass pro-democracy protests began on Jan. 25, will remain in place until a new Cabinet in formed – a step that is not expected to happen until after elections.

The ruling military council reiterated that it would abide by all of Egypt's international treaties agreed in the Mubarak era, most importantly the peace treaty with Israel. ... 22497.html

Go pedal your extremist/radical-Islamist fear elsewhere. When you have proof that this is anything other than a people taking charge of their government in search of a pro-democratic government, you let me know, ya heah? Will there be participation by a Muslim group? Duh! It's a Muslim country. Will it be a Jeffersonian deist/christian-style democracy? Probably not... I realize that nothing less will please the neo-cons; but that's not what this is about. It's THEIR democracy.

As far as your "poll" goes, we don't how it was done; how large was the sample and how was the sample picked? Standing outside of Islamic centers?; Did it include the younger pro-democracy people? the women? I put your poll in the same category as I would put the usual Rasmussen slanted garbage, which, after the last presidential election, I give about as much credence as Glenn Beck's "global caliphate" nonsense...which is to say "none at all."

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13 Feb 2011 10:41 #24 by lionshead2010

CriticalBill wrote: LJ completely missed (or ignored) your point Lionshead. You only posted what Egyptians what based on that survey. So LJ, what part of that post was anti-Muslim? Seems to me he just posted poll you not agree with those?

Instead of deflecting to an Orielly/Beck video, why not give an oppinion of the results of that poll?

Hey Bill...I didn't expect anything other than a response like that from LJ. Basically if you don't see things her way then you are a muslim hater, a homophobe, a racist, a mysogynist or whatever the liberal-flavored diss of the week is. We would really have to see the world through her angry eyes to understand. I just thought it was funny the way she, many other of her liberal buddies and much of the western media have jumped on this bandwagon in Egypt even though it may turn out badly for the Egyptian people who seek democracy. This may be nothing more than a military coup and instead of Mubarak running the will be a crew of equally corrupt and brutal military strongmen with too much invested in the status quo of Egypt to let go of their grip on power.

I really don't know how legitimate the poll is...but, again, if it doesn't fit LJ's understanding of the world then it's as crap by her too. I'm not an expert on the muslim world but I have spent a couple of years living among muslim people overseas. I don't think that poll is so far off the mark in many of the muslim countries..especially the less "progressive" ones.

The fact remains...we have no idea what's going to happen in Egypt..hell..the people in charge there don't know what's going to happen.

And LJ may also be a little embarrassed that she jumped on the bandwagon before checking out some of the details-sort of like the rush to pass a healthcare bill before understanding the contents of the document and their implications. Her, much of the media and the average people of Egypt may have been duped into believing that the military will bring them democracy. :faint:

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13 Feb 2011 11:09 #25 by LadyJazzer
Like I said, Go pedal your extremist/radical-Islamist fear elsewhere. When you have proof that this is anything other than a people taking charge of their government in search of a pro-democratic government, you let me know, ya heah?

Like YOU said, "We have no idea what's going to happen in Egypt..hell..the people in charge there don't know what's going to happen. " Yep, and the fact that you want to run around trying to scare up a radical-Islamist takeover is your interpretation. I happen to think that's not going to happen.

And I've studied the healthcare bill enough to know that you guys are guilty of the same thing. Yep... People are now starting to see the benefits of having their kids be able to stay on their policies until they turn 26; seniors are getting a break on their drug-coverage on the donut-hole; pre-existing conditions are no longer an excuse for terminating coverage--at least for kids; and the insurance-exchanges are beginning to be established. Embarrassed for "jumping on the bandwagon"? I think not. RUN, RUN! FEAR, FEAR!!


Whatever will you bitch about when the military does, in fact, turn things over to the newly elected majority? Ah well, I'm sure you'll have Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity, ad nauseum, to tell you what to think.

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13 Feb 2011 12:26 #26 by lionshead2010

LadyJazzer wrote: Like I said, Go pedal your extremist/radical-Islamist fear elsewhere. When you have proof that this is anything other than a people taking charge of their government in search of a pro-democratic government, you let me know, ya heah?

Like YOU said, "We have no idea what's going to happen in Egypt..hell..the people in charge there don't know what's going to happen. " Yep, and the fact that you want to run around trying to scare up a radical-Islamist takeover is your interpretation. I happen to think that's not going to happen.

And I've studied the healthcare bill enough to know that you guys are guilty of the same thing. Yep... People are now starting to see the benefits of having their kids be able to stay on their policies until they turn 26; seniors are getting a break on their drug-coverage on the donut-hole; pre-existing conditions are no longer an excuse for terminating coverage--at least for kids; and the insurance-exchanges are beginning to be established. Embarrassed for "jumping on the bandwagon"? I think not. RUN, RUN! FEAR, FEAR!!


Whatever will you bitch about when the military does, in fact, turn things over to the newly elected majority? Ah well, I'm sure you'll have Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity, ad nauseum, to tell you what to think.

First off, I'm not sure who died and left you's a free forum and folks can talk about whatever they want to talk about.

Secondly, please stop labelling folks. I know it's tough..but try not to do it for a little while. Just consider them another person who has an opinion that is different than yours.

Lastly, who is bitching? The cards are already set for what will happen in Egypt. The interesting part is trying to predict the outcome.

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13 Feb 2011 12:36 #27 by LadyJazzer

lionshead2010 wrote: First off, I'm not sure who died and left you's a free forum and folks can talk about whatever they want to talk about.

And that includes me...

lionshead2010 wrote: Secondly, please stop labelling folks. I know it's tough..but try not to do it for a little while. Just consider them another person who has an opinion that is different than yours.

And you do the same thing with virtually every post. That one is truly getting tiresome... You want to stop being labeled? Stop labeling. :Snooze

lionshead2010 wrote: Lastly, who is bitching? The cards are already set for what will happen in Egypt. The interesting part is trying to predict the outcome.

Yes, which is why I'm sure you will continue to predict that the extremists will take over, when everybody else, including those in the middle of things over there, are working toward the desired outcome. We'll wait for you find out what to think as soon as the talking-heads on the Right tell you what it is.

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13 Feb 2011 12:47 #28 by lionshead2010

LadyJazzer wrote:

lionshead2010 wrote: First off, I'm not sure who died and left you's a free forum and folks can talk about whatever they want to talk about.

And that includes me...

lionshead2010 wrote: Secondly, please stop labelling folks. I know it's tough..but try not to do it for a little while. Just consider them another person who has an opinion that is different than yours.

And you do the same thing with virtually every post. That one is truly getting tiresome... You want to stop being labeled? Stop labeling. :Snooze

lionshead2010 wrote: Lastly, who is bitching? The cards are already set for what will happen in Egypt. The interesting part is trying to predict the outcome.

Yes, which is why I'm sure you will continue to predict that the extremists will take over, when everybody else, including those in the middle of things over there, are working toward the desired outcome. We'll wait for you find out what to think as soon as the talking-heads on the Right tell you what it is.

You are a piece of work LJ. I'm happy I'm not you. :VeryScared:

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13 Feb 2011 14:27 #29 by LadyJazzer
So am I... And I'm glad I'm not you.

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15 Feb 2011 07:48 #30 by lionshead2010
If you haven't seen this clip from MSNBC, you really must. This professor won't be going to any ritzy Washington D.C. parties THIS holiday season...but maybe we can make HIM the next president. I'm sure we can cover him on any "birth certificate issues" that may arise. rofllol rofllol

Egypt-How Obama Blew it ... gn-policy/

Now this guy isn’t LJ or Archer, but he is a Professor of History at Harvard University. Please check out Professor Niall Ferguson’s assessment of Obama foreign policy in Egypt and the Middle East.

Some gems from his narrative:

“(saying) I’m not George Bush is no substitute for a strategy.”

“Can I just remind you that the Army is officially in charge in Egypt which is not what one usually expects from a triumphant democratic revolution.”

”I came to the conclusion that the U.S. had two foreign policies running concurrently.”

“You have to have SOME sort of strategic concept.”

“You cannot make the foreign policy of a superpower up as you go.”

“I do feel that the President regards making touchy-feely speeches as a substitute for having a strategy.”

“As far as I can see, President Obama’s (strategic) concept is, “I’m not George W. Bush….love me.”

Tell me again what President Obama's foreign policy credentials are? This thing playing out in Egypt could be very interesting.

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