AspenValley wrote: I don't doubt that many "libs" will be out of office 2012, and it will not break my heart as they don't represent my politics anyway as I am not a "lib"
May I be so bold as to ask what you think your politics are? As a casual observer, it is my opinion, that if yo are not a Liberal, then you are something close to one. Please enlighten those of us who are confused.
Something "close to one (a liberal)"? Forgive me, but my problem with some of you hyper-conservatives is that you have pushed politics so far into a corner that anyone that disagrees on any point with the Conservative Ten Commandments is classified as a "lib", if not a communist.
Why don't you ask any person you know who self-identifiies as a liberal if they agree with these, all of which I do:
-Eliminating abortion on demand and overturning Roe v Wade
- Support for charter schools and vouchers
-Eliminating most barriers to homeschooling
-Ending the so-called "anchor baby" route to legal citizenship by not automatically granting citizen status to babies born to parents who are illegally in this country
-Drastically reduced foreign aid
-Drastically simplified tax code, including elimination of most deductions and a move towards a flatter tax structure
-Elimination of many regulations that make it difficult for small farmers and food producers to sell their products
-Elimination of forced vaccination programs
-Extreme reduction in the number of regulations governing small business licensing and other requirements
-Elimination of many "penalty" taxes on small businesses
-Elimination of many local ordinances that limit property use rights of land and homeowners
-Elimination of much of the social welfare system as we know it
-I belong to what most consider a conservative religious tradition.
Those are just off the top of my head. I also will point out to you that I am no fan of the current President, in fact on these pages in the past two days I have called him "in the running for the 2nd worst President in history".
Anyway who is a liberal will readily tell you these are not liberal positions. However, anyone who is an arch-conservative, as some of you on this board, will tell me that unless I agree in every point with your inflexible "conservative agenda" that is what I am. It reminds me of how in the South, they used to say that if a person had even one drop of "Negro" blood, they were 100% a "Negro".
So you ask what I am? I would say I am a moderate non-partisan. I support the positions taken by the Republicans on some things, and the Democrats in others. I don't hold extreme views in either direction. I am finding it very amusing watching how some of you who are very extreme who simply cannot figure out someone if you can't put a label of them. The more I deny the label, the more you try to stick it on me as it obviously makes some of you very nervous not to be able to pigeon-hole me. It's as though some of you literally panic if you have to deal with anyone more complex than cardboard cutouts labelled "Lib" or "Con" all of them holding exactly the positions you expect them to. I like to think for myself and make up my mind on the merits of INDIVIDUAL issues, not on a party line. My politics are neither my religion nor my identity, as they seem to be for some of you.
outdoor338 wrote: AV, just admit you're a closet lib..and be done with it! Pretending not to be a very funny! :VeryScared:
Just admit you can't see the world in terms more complicated than black/white, lib/con, us/them and be done with it. You really can't mentally accomodate the idea of someone who is neither a lib nor a con can you?