'Americans Stole Our Land'

24 Mar 2011 22:46 #21 by Local_Historian

major bean wrote: Native Americans accept reality and deal with it. We cope with the opportunity to grasp hold of success and self improvement for us, our offspring, and our people.

They Do? Then why did the Utes do this? http://www.vernal.com/stories/Utes-to-p ... nds,800181

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24 Mar 2011 22:51 #22 by Residenttroll returns
Can we just give the Mexicans California and call it even....and require all illegals to move there?

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25 Mar 2011 06:16 #23 by Obam me
Replied by Obam me on topic 'Americans Stole Our Land'
:yeahthat: rofllol

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25 Mar 2011 06:41 #24 by TPP
Replied by TPP on topic 'Americans Stole Our Land'

Grady wrote:

LadyJazzer wrote: Yes, and the Republicans have shown them so much love, and given them so many reasons to vote Republican... I hope they keep it up.

there is a difference in giving someone a hand up (REP) verus giving someone a hand out (DEM)

Grady, I disagree, (R-RIGHT-Thinkers) believe in giving someone/anyone a hand up, where lj (D-leftist WRONG-Thinkers) believe in give somebody/anybody a hand out of somebody else’s HARD EARNED MONEY! (Ya see it makes them dependent on government & make the leftists FEEL good about themselves.

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25 Mar 2011 06:54 #25 by LadyJazzer
I repeat, the Republicans have shown them so much love, and given them so many reasons to vote Republican... I hope they keep it up.

It has nothing to do with your lame assumption that everyone who is Hispanic needs help...It has to do with the fact that to the Right-wing "thinkers", EVERYONE who is Hispanic is somehow grouped together and is somehow "in need of something." You treat them all as "less-than"...It will come back to haunt you. And I hope you keep it up.

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25 Mar 2011 07:06 #26 by Mayhem
Replied by Mayhem on topic 'Americans Stole Our Land'

residenttroll wrote: Can we just give the Mexicans California and call it even....and require all illegals to move there?

I second that motion.

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25 Mar 2011 07:50 #27 by FredHayek

LadyJazzer wrote: I repeat, the Republicans have shown them so much love, and given them so many reasons to vote Republican... I hope they keep it up.

It has nothing to do with your lame assumption that everyone who is Hispanic needs help...It has to do with the fact that to the Right-wing "thinkers", EVERYONE who is Hispanic is somehow grouped together and is somehow "in need of something." You treat them all as "less-than"...It will come back to haunt you. And I hope you keep it up.

Not all Republicans are this way. Reagan granted the illegals amnesty, "W" wanted to grant them amnesty again. W's brother married a Hispanic woman and speaks Spanish pretty well. Looking at the new census figures, Hispanics are at 50 million and rising quicker than any other group. It is more than likely my Social Security benefits will be paid by the up and coming generation of Latino workers.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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25 Mar 2011 08:24 #28 by Rick
Replied by Rick on topic 'Americans Stole Our Land'
Don't bother bringing up facts SS, they make LJ's tired regurgitated talking points become even less effective and will need to be repeated more often to her dwindling choir.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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25 Mar 2011 08:48 #29 by deltamrey
OK - here are a few FACTS: Spain in 1492 sent C Columbus and a group of conquistodores to the West to plunder gold and silver from the new world. They were over 75-100 years exceptionally successful and Spain became the world power for 150 years. This handful of Spain's finest conquered lands from Canada to Central America.....thus New Spain. Along the way they impregnated the indian population and thus today the "half breed" population that wants a free ride. They are not Spainairds. After 300 years there were only 2500 pure Spainairds in New Spain - and they lost New Spain because there just were not enough to hold the territory. FACTS.

A parallel: the Dutch settled Conneticut, New Amsterdam (New York) , Penn, Maryland, New Jersey......but also had inadequate Dutch in numbers to hold the lands - thus the English took it and today we have New York........did the English steal the lands - well sort of but the Dutch were too few to keep it. Spain lost New Spain for the same reason.

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25 Mar 2011 08:57 #30 by FredHayek
Side Note: I love when Indians try to upset the Italian's Columbus Day Parade when he was just a hired gun for the Spanish who did the actual damage to the Indian populations.

Demographics? The fate of America will be a Spanglish country better learn to accept it.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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