'Americans Stole Our Land'

25 Mar 2011 08:59 #31 by LadyJazzer

SS109 wrote:

LadyJazzer wrote: I repeat, the Republicans have shown them so much love, and given them so many reasons to vote Republican... I hope they keep it up.

It has nothing to do with your lame assumption that everyone who is Hispanic needs help...It has to do with the fact that to the Right-wing "thinkers", EVERYONE who is Hispanic is somehow grouped together and is somehow "in need of something." You treat them all as "less-than"...It will come back to haunt you. And I hope you keep it up.

Not all Republicans are this way. Reagan granted the illegals amnesty, "W" wanted to grant them amnesty again. W's brother married a Hispanic woman and speaks Spanish pretty well. Looking at the new census figures, Hispanics are at 50 million and rising quicker than any other group. It is more than likely my Social Security benefits will be paid by the up and coming generation of Latino workers.

And once again, you start out your usual attack with a diatribe about "illegals".... You don't get it, do you? That there are 50 MILLION Hispanics now in the U.S., and how many of them do you think are "illegals", and how many of them are not? How many of them are "looking for a handout from government, and how many of them are hardworking natural-born or legalized citizens who are earning their own way--but lumped into the group of ILLEGALS that you are so paranoid about? The Republicans have shown them so much love, and given them so many reasons to vote Republican... I hope you keep it up....Please....

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25 Mar 2011 10:42 #32 by FredHayek
10-20 million are illegal Hispanic citizens. I know if I was one of the 30-40 million legal Hispanics here, (some have been here for longer than the Pilgrims.) I would be all for clamping down on the borders. As predominately lower income and blue collar workers, they suffer more financially from the illegals than most other American ethnic groups.

I know I wouldn't support people from my home country of Germany coming here illegally.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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25 Mar 2011 11:02 #33 by LadyJazzer
That's pretty irrelevant to my point that the right-wingers and GOP treat ALL of them like second-class citizens, and they're pretty P.O.'d about it. Good luck with that strategy... I hope you guys keep it up. See how many votes FROM THE LEGAL Hispanics you get with that...

I don't support ANYBODY who is here illegally. But I also know that if you keep up with the usual screed that "all Hispanics are illegal, and lazy, and a drain on Society", after awhile I think you will see where it's going... Who put Harry Reid over the top in Nevada against that buffoon, Angle? Yessireebob, you guys just keep it up...Please!

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25 Mar 2011 11:39 #34 by outdoor338
LJ, we still will win in 2012, even those of hispanic who were born here want the illegals out..many support the republicans, take off your blinders and stop with the liberal koolaid...its making you all look foolish..

“Hispanics in California are very Democratic. It’s a state where white voters also tend to be Democratic,” Barone said. “Hispanics in Texas tend to be less Democratic…and you have states like Florida where Hispanics are voting majority Republican.” Patriot update

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25 Mar 2011 12:31 #35 by BearMtnHIB
I know many hispanic families who vote conservative. I'll have to admit - those who are coming here illegally tend to vote democratic - because there's somthing in it for them personally - a welfare state - they find yuppie liberals as disgustful as they do conservatives, but they won't tell you so while you are handing them a free lunch!

But those who came here legally- and are hard working good people - I'd say a majority of those folks vote against big government and against a socialist agenda. I know a handful who are business owners - and all of them vote for republicans.

I think the new generation thinks differently than their parents did. Like the new generations of Americans - they think they are entitled to a good life - and their parents understood that a good life is a product of hard work and effort.

Cuban hispanics are savagely fierce anti-communists - the result of having experienced communism in Cuba. In florida - the word liberal means the same thing as communism to Cuban Americans. The same thing is true by the way - for Vietnamese immigrants who came here in the 70's. Even today - they teach their kids to hate socialism - knowing what distruction is caused to their country.

The Democratic party is for the laziest of the illegal immigrants - even those illegals who intend to work hard when they get here detest those who take advantage of our system.

There's alot of potential conservatives in the immigrant pool - but not in the illegal pool. After all - those people broke our laws and disrespected our sovereignty just getting here - and they show no respect for America even after having been here illegally.

Deport all illegals - as soon as they are discovered - and we all will be better off.

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25 Mar 2011 13:12 #36 by ScienceChic
A quick search found this from the William C. Velasquez Institute.

About Us: Latino Community Research

The William C. Velasquez Institute has been answering statistical questions about the Latino community since it was founded in 1985. The links below represent various datasets, research projects, and publications produced or gathered by WCVI.

It looks like the majority of legal Latino immigrants vote Democrat, were born in the US, over half support allowing illegal immigrants to stay and obtain legal status, over a third graduated college, and 45% of them make over $70K/year. BearMtn, I think your sample might be biased.

http://www.wcvi.org/latino_voter_resear ... tpoll.html

About the Exit Survey

The William C. Velásquez Institute (WCVI) conducted an exit poll to measure how Latinos voted during the November 2008 General elections. Methodology: The William C. Velasquez Institute (WCVI) emailed over 160,000 mostly Latino registered voters in randomly drawn precincts from the eleven States of Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Emails were sent the morning of 11/4/2008 and survey gathered information until 11/8/2008 . Emails for registered voters were identified using the complete voter registration databases in all the named states. The email survey had both English and Spanish translations.

Toplines for WCVI Exit Poll Results for November 4, 2008 General Election
Last Updated November 18, 2008
Question 3: For whom did you vote for President and Vice President? Republicans John McCain and Sarah Palin? Democrats Barack Obama and Joe Biden? Or one of the other candidates?

Por quien voto para Presidente y Vice-Presidente? ,Votaria por el republicano John McCainy Sarah Palin? o el Democrata Barack Obama y Joe Biden? Alguno de los otros candidatos?

McCain - Palin
Obama - Biden

Question 6: Which comes closest to your view about what government policy should be used toward illegal immigrants currently residing in the United States? Should the government:
Allow illegal immigrants to remain in the United States and become U.S. citizens, but only if they meet certain requirements like working and paying back taxes over a period of time

Grant amnesty to all illegal immigrants in the country, giving them residence and the right to work without the fear of being deported

Have a guest worker program that allows immigrants to remain in the United States in order to work, but only for a limited amount of time

Make all illegal immigrants felons and send them back to their home country

No Opinion

Question 9: How would you characterize your political affiliation?
Democrat / Democrata
Republican / Republicano
Independent - Decline to State / Independiente o declina mencionar

Question 12: If not born in the U.S., when did you become a citizen?
I was born in the United States
During or Before 2004 / Durante o Antes del 2004
During 2005-2006 / Durante 2005-2006
During 2007-2008 / Durante 2007-2008

Question 13: In what country were you born?
United States
Puerto Rico
South America
Central America

Question 18: What is the highest grade in school you completed?
College graduate / Termine la Universidad y recibi un titulo
Graduate education or higher / Maestria o Doctorado
High School graduate or equivalent / Termine la secundaria
Some college or vocational / Asisti la Universidad o algo equivalente
Some high school or less / no termine la secundaria

Question 19: If you added together your entire household's income, would it be:
Over $100K
Under $10K

Question 20: In what state are you registered to vote?
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York

http://hispanic.cc/census_finds_huge_gr ... voters.htm

Census Finds Huge Growth in Hispanic Voters
The Census Bureau on Tuesday released a treasure trove of voting statistics, http://www.census.gov/prod/2010pubs/p20-562.pdf but perhaps most interesting were statistics comparing the Hispanic vote between 2004 and 2008. Here's Governing magazine's Josh Goodman on what happened:

The Census estimates that there were 9.745 million Hispanic voters in 2008, compared to 7.587 million in 2004 — an increase of 28.4%. Overall, an estimated 131.114 million Americans voted in 2008, compared to 125.736 million in 2004, an increase of just 4.3%. Another way of looking at it: there were 5.4 million additional votes cast in 2008 compared to 2004 and about 2.2 million of them were cast by Hispanics.

Overall, this has to be seen as good news for Democrats — when a group that makes up half of all new voters polls in your favor by a 2-to-1 margin (Obama polled at 67% in exit polls among Hispanics). It remains to be seen whether Hispanics continue to increase their participation rate (their voting rate was still only 49%, compared with 66% for non-Hispanic whites and 65% for blacks). But even if their voting rate falls off, growth among the Hispanic population will still make them a larger and larger proportion of the pool of voters.

Lots of stuff here, peruse at your leisure. One of the stories claims only 11.2 million illegal immigrants.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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25 Mar 2011 13:18 #37 by Local_Historian

deltamrey wrote: OK - here are a few FACTS: Spain in 1492 sent C Columbus and a group of conquistodores to the West to plunder gold and silver from the new world. They were over 75-100 years exceptionally successful and Spain became the world power for 150 years. This handful of Spain's finest conquered lands from Canada to Central America.....thus New Spain. Along the way they impregnated the indian population and thus today the "half breed" population. They are not Spainairds. After 300 years there were only 2500 pure Spainairds in New Spain - and they lost New Spain because there just were not enough to hold the territory. FACTS.

A parallel: the Dutch settled Conneticut, New Amsterdam (New York) , Penn, Maryland, New Jersey......but also had inadequate Dutch in numbers to hold the lands - thus the English took it and today we have New York........did the English steal the lands - well sort of but the Dutch were too few to keep it. Spain lost New Spain for the same reason.

EXACTLY!!! :woo hoo: (minorly edited for the irrelevant.)

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25 Mar 2011 13:24 #38 by BearMtnHIB
There are a number of hispanic organizations - many that I know of in L.A. - who are biased in favor of illegals. Many of these are pro-union and pro-communist outfits. I know some outfits in La that even have huge murals of che guevara on their buildings.

Just so you know - Che, was an Argentine Marxist revolutionary and guerrilla leader.

My second point would be that the numbers you post were taken in 2008- before all the recent "hope and change" got a chance to sink into people's heads - even if they were not taken by a leftist group those numbers would have favored Democrat in those days.

Ahh but what a difference 3 years can make. I doudt very seriously if that the numbers if taken today- would look like they did in November, 2008.

But you probably knew that- you being a science chick and all.

P.S. I think your sample might be biased.

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25 Mar 2011 13:45 - 25 Mar 2011 14:00 #39 by TPP
Replied by TPP on topic 'Americans Stole Our Land'
1 question who does the Census Bureau work for now dems. (using nazi tactics I may add)

And what were the questions that were left out of this bais ESTIMATED survey? (EDITED to add Questions 1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,14->17, 21->???????????)
(Edited to add...

Of the 11 States, 4- 5 are border states (including FL.), 2 Mid-west states, 5 western states, including the border states. 4 Eastern states. Something seems to be wrong with the “sample” states. Where do most settle? Western & borders states.

Why are not all the questions in English?

Nuff said...

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25 Mar 2011 13:56 #40 by ScienceChic
If you had checked more of the poll, you'd see that already 87% of those polled were dissatisfied with the direction of the country back in 2008, and I doubt that that number's changed much, but these voters are not likely to turn to Republicans instead since they see Republicans as even more out of touch with their goals. Yes, these numbers are from 2008 - there's nothing out there that's more recent except from the Hispanic Pew Group. And usually I get flack for using Pew, so I didn't bother. But here's the 2010 latino voting results from there:

Latinos and the 2010 Elections: Strong Support for Democrats; Weak Voter Motivation

When it comes to opinions of President Barack Obama, a greater share of Latino registered voters approve of his job performance than do all U.S. registered voters-63% versus 47%.

The new survey also reveals that the Democratic Party continues to hold a large advantage in party identification among Latino registered voters. More than six-in-ten (62%) Latino registered voters say they identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party, while one-quarter (25%) say the same for the Republican Party.

Democrats are seen as the party that has more concern for Hispanics. Nearly half (47%) of Latino registered voters say this about the Democratic Party-down from 55% in 2008, but similar to the share on this question expressed by Latinos for much of the past decade. In contrast, very few see the Republican Party as more concerned about Latinos than the Democratic Party-just 6% of all Latino registered voters and 18% of Republican Latino registered voters say this.

Illegal Immigration Backlash Worries, Divides Latinos

For example, fully 86% of Latinos support providing a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants if they pass background checks, pay a fine and have jobs, a level of support far greater than among the general public (68%). Among Latinos, about eight-in-ten (82%) of the native born and nine-in-ten (90%) of the foreign born say they support providing a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

On birthright citizenship, nearly eight-in-ten (78%) Latinos say the Constitution should be left as is, compared with 56% of the general public who say the same. And when it comes to who should enforce the nation's immigration laws, more than three-quarters (77%) Latinos say it should be the exclusive responsibility of federal authorities, while just 15% say the local police should play a more active role. On both questions, the native born and the foreign born hold similar views.

Finally, the vast majority of Latinos-79%-disapprove of the first-of-its-kind Arizona law enacted this year that gives police broad powers to check the immigration status of people they stop for other reasons whom they suspect may be in this country illegally.[2] By contrast, the general population approves of the measure by a ratio of two-to-one.

They aren't going to vote Republican if this big of a percentage favor allowing illegals to stay after qualifications are met (despite the fact that neither party really does much other than "for show" speeches, but the perception is all that matters and the perception is that Republicans aren't as sympathetic as Democrats toward this issue - who do you think they'll vote for?)

Biased - did you see how they conducted the poll? Yes, it's biased toward those who have a computer.

The William C. Velasquez Institute (WCVI) emailed over 160,000 mostly Latino registered voters in randomly drawn precincts from the eleven States of Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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