Give it a break Becky, one thread with your and raees pissing match is quite enough.
Does the same apply to your pissing match with conservatives? Or theirs with liberals?
......and so it goes, I was trying to diffuse a situation where two posters were taking things well beyond what seems to be necessary by running their pissin' match from thread to thread.
I'm sure becky appreciates your defense, but it sure doesn't seem like she needed it, she does very well on her own.
The "you do it too defense" is pretty lame......once again we have a poster justifying someone's behavior by pointing out that someone has done it too, or worse, or different.
Raees wrote: Hey, I didn't bring it to this thread. I only responded because she seems to think I'm everybody else on the forum. Probably even you. LOL
AlpineMike wrote: Tell dispatch "I have a smoke and/or fire report" and that will make communication much easier for you and the dispatcher.
Good post Mike. To you and everyone, what comes after the above. I did not grow up here, have no sense of direction and frequently am not sure where I am. The best I can think of is a rough relative bearing from the sun IF I can see the sun. Can 911 get my latitude/longitude from my smart phone to get a line of bearing? What if I had a dumb phone?
After reading this post; it started off with a person Merlin showing concern, caring for others. Then, a couple of people expressing thanks you for the effort and time; doing their part for the community, homeowners, pets, livestock and wildlife. All of us need to be caring, good stewards of the forest, wildlife, pets, our homes, and livestock.
THEN THE FINAL INSULT FROM luckyluckhurst, raees, alpinemike,mtngtramma,archer, and jflacai. Your negative writings have nothing to do with the purpose and thoughtfulness of others posting on issues of concern and expressing caring of others. This fire situation is serious, concerning, lost of life, homes, pets, livestock, and wildlife, also, alot of stress on all of us. Fire, Fire, Fire just like drowning, drowning, drowning is life threatening. All of us have the right to know what's coming, if coming that's going to or could cause problems like lost of life, our homes, families, pets, etc. (Be proactive)
Just to let luckyluckhurst and alpinemike know; people living in the mountains are smart enough to know how to react to potential fire warnings. The roads in the mountains only will be backup from Denver coming here on holidays. Anyone living in the mountains will obviously call 911 first to report the fire sighting. It's good to know that a few people on 285bound are willing to post and give a range of area where a approx. fire could be and it's up to us to be proactive and seek additional information thu the sheriff depts or other agencies in order for the rest of us to react to our best interest and a plan of handling the fire sitution.
Already, too many fires in Colorado and all residents and (non-residents/visitors needing advance information concerning Colorado's fire protential). Everyone! needs to be on the same page to protect all of interest. Colorado is one of the prettiest scenery, recreational states in the US. I hate to see Colorado all burn up!
Thank you Merlin for your efforts and showing concerning overall for the community. All of us, need to be caring and proactive just like you. Folks, ALL OF US NEED TO BE GOOD STEWARDS OF THE FOREST, WILDLIFE AND OTHERS.