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Tebow 6/22 59 yards 2.7 avg 0 TD's 1INT, 2 fumbles 20.6 QBR

09 Jan 2012 22:05 #21 by UNDER MODERATION

LLIB wrote:

Vice Lord wrote: He's like a minor league pitcher with a 88mph fastball... No matter what he does all he's got is a 88mph fastball and thats not ever gonna cut it in the big leagues.

So if you were Fox or Elway, what would be your plan for Tebow next year and would you look to draft a new QB?

Oh I trade him to Jacksonville- Thats the only team that would want him- He's a big star down there. They just love Tim Tebow

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09 Jan 2012 23:16 #22 by Rockdoc
Tebow: 10/21 316 yds 15.0 ave 2 TD's 0 INT 125.6 QBR If you want to highlight the lows, it's only fair to highlight the highs also. ...And while some may see Tebow believers as the crazy ones,
We see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, Are the ones who do.

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10 Jan 2012 05:03 #23 by UNDER MODERATION
lol @ 10/21

Thats a highlight!

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10 Jan 2012 05:44 #24 by LOL
CG that was a very well written synopsis of the Broncos and QB's! You should be a sports writer! Sounds like you know lots more about it than VL. :lol:

BTW I know Vance Johnson, he was a top receiver at University of Arizona when I was there. I would like to find that book.

I quoted it in case anyone missed it.

CinnamonGirl wrote: First they have to get behind their QB. Here is what I think is going on.

Elway and Fox have big egos. They are not happy that Tebow was brought in by an idiot like McD. One of my favorite books is Vance Johnson's book about his career with the Broncos. He was really honest about what he did and what the organization is like. Politics are heavy in the NFL. They will pick who they want to work with. Orton would still be our QB if it were not for the fans complaining. I don't think Fox and Elway were on board until this week. Now he is in. You remember he is still pretty young and green and the lock out did not help at all. No one worked with him in the off season.

I swear, all they have to do is get on board and he is good as gold. We have had really stupid decisions at QB since elway. We gave Greise a 6 year contract without his being proven. He was awful. The problem with Plumber is he just was out for the money. Cutler has talent but is a man child. Orton had no talent and McD was a disaster and dismantled the team. Tebow is mobile, really mobile. I believe he could be a great QB. And the talk this week about quin was ridiculous. It might have just been about getting him motivated.

There is your scenario. I am usually right about QBs in the league. You should listen to me. LOL

If you want to be, press one. If you want not to be, press 2

Republicans are red, democrats are blue, neither of them, gives a flip about you.

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10 Jan 2012 07:02 #25 by CinnamonGirl

Joe wrote: CG that was a very well written synopsis of the Broncos and QB's! You should be a sports writer! Sounds like you know lots more about it than VL. :lol:

BTW I know Vance Johnson, he was a top receiver at University of Arizona when I was there. I would like to find that book.

I quoted it in case anyone missed it.

CinnamonGirl wrote: First they have to get behind their QB. Here is what I think is going on.

Elway and Fox have big egos. They are not happy that Tebow was brought in by an idiot like McD. One of my favorite books is Vance Johnson's book about his career with the Broncos. He was really honest about what he did and what the organization is like. Politics are heavy in the NFL. They will pick who they want to work with. Orton would still be our QB if it were not for the fans complaining. I don't think Fox and Elway were on board until this week. Now he is in. You remember he is still pretty young and green and the lock out did not help at all. No one worked with him in the off season.

I swear, all they have to do is get on board and he is good as gold. We have had really stupid decisions at QB since elway. We gave Greise a 6 year contract without his being proven. He was awful. The problem with Plumber is he just was out for the money. Cutler has talent but is a man child. Orton had no talent and McD was a disaster and dismantled the team. Tebow is mobile, really mobile. I believe he could be a great QB. And the talk this week about quin was ridiculous. It might have just been about getting him motivated.

There is your scenario. I am usually right about QBs in the league. You should listen to me. LOL

Joe, great book. I tell everyone about it. He said some stuff that was unbelievable, even shocking. I think I have the book somewhere if you want to borrow it. If not I saw it on Amazon. I wonder if the Denver library might have it. It is worth the read. But it is out of print.

My son should be a sports writer. LOL I have ideas about football that others don't. But the QB thing I have always been right on. And no one will admit it. tongue:

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10 Jan 2012 07:16 #26 by CinnamonGirl

Rockdoc Franz wrote: And why not? I find it amusing to listen to the "experts" lambasting Tebow for one thing or another and constantly having to change their position or conditions because he continues to destroy them. The amusing part is that many of these experts are incapable of out of the box thinking or evaluation. If it's not a cookie cutter sample, it can't be good, eh VL. What you have in Tebow is a very intelligent young man,

We spent about seven hours together,'' McDaniels said. "Our offense is pretty complicated, and the terminology and the scheme is totally different from what he did at Florida. But about midway through my time there, we're going through plays, and he starts using our terminology. He's so smart about football that he was able to begin to speak my language and talk apples to apples. He'd already translated what he knew of our scheme into my words.
Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2012/w ... z1j1Vkvkvz

he is most coachable, he is loyal to the organization, he is not interested in advancing personal statistics, but puts the team ahead of himself, he is very marketable and well spoken, he has loads of talent to build upon and will continue to get better as shown over the past 8-9 games. Tebow does not have problems passing accurately, rather he has problems making sure no unnecessary risk are taken.

I am with you.... So many of the analysts are just like all the other MEN in sports. Risk is something that coaches have trouble with. I heard Chris Carter on Mike and Mike yesterday back pedaling because he and one of the Mikes said that Sunday's game was going to be Tim's last as a Bronco or maybe an NFL player. How the hell do you say something like that about a young player? You know how he tried to get out of it? He said that analysts have to say something and are forced to give opinions. What an idiot. I have always hated Chris Carter since I saw him at Vikings training camp when he yelled at a fan for trying to get his autograph. And there is only woman writer in sports that knows what she is talking about, Jackie MacMullan. I just love her.

It really bothers me that all these Sports stations will only pick pretty women that know nothing and keep them on the sidelines. I think there are a couple of those girls that know what they are talking about but we will never know because they keep them hidden on the sidelines. And most of them are on those shows as eye candy. They know nothing. I hope to see that change. Okay off my soap box.


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10 Jan 2012 19:37 #27 by UNDER MODERATION

CinnamonGirl wrote: I heard Chris Carter on Mike and Mike yesterday back pedaling because he and one of the Mikes said that Sunday's game was going to be Tim's last as a Bronco or maybe an NFL player. How the hell do you say something like that about a young player?

Literally 100's of QB's have had just one or two opurtunities in the NFL before they are dumped- It's not an instructional league. You either can play or you can't. Tim Tebow has had more chances than any QB ever has in the history of the game and if he woulda had another bad game on Sunday- He was gone. He bought himself another week, lets see what does with the opurtunity

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12 Jan 2012 06:56 #28 by Rick

Vice Lord wrote:

CinnamonGirl wrote: I heard Chris Carter on Mike and Mike yesterday back pedaling because he and one of the Mikes said that Sunday's game was going to be Tim's last as a Bronco or maybe an NFL player. How the hell do you say something like that about a young player?

Literally 100's of QB's have had just one or two opurtunities in the NFL before they are dumped- It's not an instructional league. You either can play or you can't. Tim Tebow has had more chances than any QB ever has in the history of the game and if he woulda had another bad game on Sunday- He was gone. He bought himself another week, lets see what does with the opurtunity

Would you have benched Elway in his first horrible year?

“We can’t afford four more years of this”

Tim Walz

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12 Jan 2012 11:57 #29 by CinnamonGirl
It was pointed out to me yesterday that I spelled Plummer (Plumber) and Quin wrong in my earlier analysis. I don't have spell check for names. And I am really bad at names. Ask my son how I once pronounced Khabibulin.

Sorry for the misspell.

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12 Jan 2012 18:31 #30 by Rockdoc

LLIB wrote:

Vice Lord wrote:

CinnamonGirl wrote: I heard Chris Carter on Mike and Mike yesterday back pedaling because he and one of the Mikes said that Sunday's game was going to be Tim's last as a Bronco or maybe an NFL player. How the hell do you say something like that about a young player?

You have brain dead people.

Literally 100's of QB's have had just one or two opurtunities in the NFL before they are dumped- It's not an instructional league. You either can play or you can't. Tim Tebow has had more chances than any QB ever has in the history of the game and if he woulda had another bad game on Sunday- He was gone. He bought himself another week, lets see what does with the opurtunity

And the stats to back up that flawed opinion are what? Hyperbole, shouting and insisting you are right equate to zero credibility or expertise.
Would you have benched Elway in his first horrible year?

I've not bothered to look up all the QBs that had a wining record and then got dumped. I'd speculate that the list is very short.

Further, I'll predict that if Denver dumps Tebow, NE will pick him up very quickly and that the rest of the AFC will be looking up to NE for the next decade while NE continues it's winning ways with Tebow all the way through to the Superbowl.

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