22 Oct 2011 18:55 #41 by BadgerKustoms



There we go, fixed the title. Maybe not fixed it, but certainly brought forward the ONLY point of attention that REALLY matters. Our soldiers are coming home, that should mean something to everyone, and it definitely does for those of us with friends and family currently serving.

By looking at even the original title however I figured it should be enough that there would be nothing but cheers. However, much like every other thread in here its turned into a left/right pissing match of finger pointing and complaints that doesn't solve one god damned thing. Granted, the entire forum isn't responsible for such actions, just the usual suspects of whiney ass little babies who apparently have nothing better to do than to blame some other party rather than take a good look at their own efforts and what kind of difference they can make on an individual basis. Its those select few that just really make me sick and they wonder why I'm such a dick when they meet me in person....

Our troops are coming home.... regardless of 'who' gave the. order to 'make it so', they're coming home.... that should be all that really matters.


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22 Oct 2011 19:53 #42 by Wayne Harrison
The title of the thread was the headline on the Fox News article I posted.

It's important to know who or what caused the action and that matters. The troops aren't magically coming home. Someone made the decision. Your headline leaves the reader wondering why: were they ordered out, asked to leave?

I wasn't aware discussions here were supposed to "solve" anything. They are here to discuss and yes that means hearing both sides (what you call a p*ssing match").

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22 Oct 2011 21:12 #43 by navycpo7

BadgerKustoms wrote:



There we go, fixed the title. Maybe not fixed it, but certainly brought forward the ONLY point of attention that REALLY matters. Our soldiers are coming home, that should mean something to everyone, and it definitely does for those of us with friends and family currently serving.

By looking at even the original title however I figured it should be enough that there would be nothing but cheers. However, much like every other thread in here its turned into a left/right pissing match of finger pointing and complaints that doesn't solve one god damned thing. Granted, the entire forum isn't responsible for such actions, just the usual suspects of whiney ass little babies who apparently have nothing better to do than to blame some other party rather than take a good look at their own efforts and what kind of difference they can make on an individual basis. Its those select few that just really make me sick and they wonder why I'm such a dick when they meet me in person....

Our troops are coming home.... regardless of 'who' gave the. order to 'make it so', they're coming home.... that should be all that really matters.


damn I am not the only one thinking this, but then like badger said when you have family serving over there, you have a different light on the subject. There are only two things that matter, the men and women there will be home , and we do not forget those that lost thier lives over there. Not a damn thing else matters

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22 Oct 2011 21:33 #44 by Wayne Harrison
It's a news story, reporting the facts of what happened that day. It's not a blog.

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22 Oct 2011 21:54 #45 by otisptoadwater
IMHO those who never served will never completely understand, those who believe they owe no service to the nation and live free while others volunteer to defend us but suffer injuries and/or die to preserve their way of life need to be educated.

It's easy to talk policy and the way things ought to be when you aren't on the wrong end of a gun barrel held by people who intend to terminate your life immediately.

To the men and women who have served and are returning home, you have my complete and total respect. There are no thanks I can offer that could ever compensate for the sacrifices you have made, all of you are to be congratulated for your professionalism and patriotism. Your actions have ensured the continued security of the United States of America.

I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him; better take a closer look at the American Indian." - Henry Ford

Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges; When the Republic is at its most corrupt the laws are most numerous. - Publius Cornelius Tacitus

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22 Oct 2011 23:56 #46 by Residenttroll returns
Obama is using just recycling the same story.....

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23 Oct 2011 11:07 #47 by Wayne Harrison

otisptoadwater wrote: Your actions have ensured the continued security of the United States of America.

Have they really? Is the United States more secure or less secure after invading Iraq? Do you feel safer now than you did before?

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23 Oct 2011 11:22 #48 by FredHayek
Rigth wing talk radio is spinning it as Iraq is ordering US troops out. Seems the Iraqis think our troops and contractors should have to face Iraqi court justice if they use too much force. Imagine the public relations disaster that would be for Obama. US soldiers locked up in Iraqi prisons.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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23 Oct 2011 11:28 #49 by badgersbrat
Otisptoadwater was showing his respect for THE TROOPS, and Conservation Voice has to turn that into something negative... I may not agree with all the decisions that the GOVERNMENT has made, but I respect the soldiers that carry out those decisions made for them. The military is not only trained for invasions in other countries, but also for invasions in THIS country. Will it take the USA getting invaded to see the respect the military deserves from you, Conservation Voice? Instead of turning someone else's show of respect into something political, respect these people for doing what MANY others are not brave enough to do, because someday they MIGHT have to protect YOU!

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23 Oct 2011 11:39 #50 by Soulshiner
In one paragraph he offers his respect. The rest of his post is a slam, in fact it starts off as negative. CV didn't turn something negative that started that way...

When you plant ice you're going to harvest wind. - Robert Hunter

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