David, you said at the latest debate that we need a coroner who can be trusted or words to that effect. With your misinformation about Tammy's work with the doctors, how can YOU be trusted?
Living in ParkCo for 5 generations doesn't qualify anyone for any job with the county. I want to hear qualifications and experience. What qualifications from the State (certificates, licenses) do you have to do this job?
You disappointed me as well with these attack tactics at the debate, and then you stormed out with the same grim look as the Sheriff.
MtnGrandma has a point. It's your qualifications against your opponents qualifications that is of interest to most of us in the county, especially now that we know that the coroner could end up as Sheriff in an emergency situation that doesn't need to be elaborated on in this forum. It is enough that it is in the video of the debate.
I personally would love to see the official endorsements on official documentation.
quote David E. Kintz Jr. "In addition I am endorsed by Deputy Coroners Jim Eldridge and Glenn Pence as well as Coroner Sharon Morris".
Just out of curiosity, if Sharon Morris is so gung ho for Mr. Kintz Jr. to be our next Coroner, why hasn't she attended any of the meet the greets/debates to personally endorse Mr. Kintz Jr.? Just askin'......
I have a question, I've watched the debates 1st of all why were you chewing gum through the whole debate...very unprofessional! If Sharon Morris is backing you why did she never hire you as a coroner? David you had my vote but lost it over this last Bailey Debate!