David E Kintz Jr For Park County Coroner

16 Jul 2010 20:34 #21 by CC
To the best of my knowledge she did not speak out and endorse Mr Kintz. but she did not deny her endorsement of him either.

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18 Jul 2010 09:56 #22 by mtntrekker

No thanks. You just represent the same BS from the same county leaders that want you in. You and your father (yep, Roads and Bridges Director) will soon be looking for work.

please tell me tht could really happen. then maybe we can get our roads properly maintained?

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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18 Jul 2010 10:29 #23 by LadyJazzer
David, I wish you well... I live in JeffCo, so I don't have a dog in this fight... So, I ask this question of the forum, and not you...

Based on what I see happening here, as in other local forums, I have to ask: Does this turn into a TeaParty-right-wing vs. anything-else-that's-not tussle like the Sheriff battle? Destroy the opposition at all costs? (So tell me, how does being a coroner fit into the political jihadism that's going on now?)

I guess we'll know pretty soon, because if the same folks line up behind one candidate and begin a pogrom of destruction against the other, we'll obviously have our answer.

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25 Jul 2010 20:00 #24 by Fairplay Mountain Mama
Here are some facts you might want to check out. This was an article published in the Westword Magazine. It seems that Ms. Davis has a criminal history for domestic violence, with a deferred sentence, which in court-speak basically means that if she is a good girl, she won't do jail time. Do we need yet another criminal in our midst serving the good citizens of Park County. I think NOT!!! Just a disclaimer here, I do not know David Kintz from anyone else on the street, but I think that we don't need yet another dishonest politician in office!

http://blogs.westword.com/latestword/20 ... he_job.php ?

Coroner race in Park County gets messy: Who's dead wrong for the job?
By Alan Prendergast, Wed., Jul. 21 2010 @ 6:58AM
Comments (1)
Categories: Follow That Story, News, Politics

tammy davis.jpg
Tammy Davis
​Who wants to be a coroner? More people than you think, now that CSI and its ilk have made death investigation seem like a hip and even lively career choice.

In Colorado practically anyone can apply for the job, which has made for some intriguing races this year. Especially in Park County, where a 26-year-old EMT and a deputy coroner turned massage therapist are trading allegations about inflated credentials, police records and dirty politics as they vie in the Republican primary.

Under the state's current system, elected coroners aren't required to have a medical background or other special qualifications for the job -- other than the ability to hire forensic pathologists to conduct autopsies. Since there are less than twenty FPs in Colorado, most rural counties hire out the work to a very exclusive pool of contractors.

But the elected official is still the one who deals with law enforcement and bereaved families and decides whether an autopsy is even needed -- a situation that's led to some grim controversies, as detailed in my 2009 feature "The Body Shop."

"You just have to be breathing, 21, a registered voter and not a convicted felon to be a coroner in this state," says Joanne Richardson, the Summit County coroner. "I would like to see our system be more professional."

Richardson isn't a pathologist but has a master's degree in forensic science -- and definite opinions about the current race in Park County between Tammy Michelle Davis, a former Summit County deputy coroner, and EMT David Kintz.

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25 Jul 2010 20:08 #25 by Fairplay Mountain Mama
I think the voters of Park County should be informed of the TRUTH, and not answers pulled out of thin air by coroner candidate Tammy Davis. Below is a bullet point list of claims made by Tammy Davis, and then the verified facts, AND the sources so that if you don't believe it, you can check it out for yourself. We don't need yet another crooked politician in our county! Please educate yourself before you vote.

**AV8TOR** You might want to check out the facts about Ms. Davis working with the Forensic Pathologists because when asked, they didn't know who she was and verified that she had never worked with them. That is verified FACT. I have also spoken with someone that actually worked with Ms. Davis, and 95% of what she has claimed or put on her website is all lies in order to make her look more qualified than she actually is.

Statement: (Republican County Assembly, April 10, 2010) “I am in good standing with the Colorado Coroners Association”.
Fact: To be a member of the CCA one has to be associated with a member Coroner’s office. Ms. Davis has not been a member since January 2003. Additionally, she did not qualify for associate membership under the bylaws of the CCA.
Source: CCA bylaws

Statement: (Republican County Assembly, April 10, 2010) “I have assisted in the identification of persons by working with a forensic odontologist and have observed autopsies and assisted Drs. Ben Galloway and Mike Dobersen”
Fact: Dr. Galloway states that he does not remember her and that he knows she never assisted him. During her time with Summit County Dr. Galloway provided his own paid assistant or was assisted by Jefferson County staff members. Dr. Dobersen stated in an e-mail that he does not remember her. He also supplies his own paid assistans..
Source: Dr. Ben Galloway via Pat Dunn, chief deputy at Douglas County where he also does autopsies. Triena Harper, former chief deputy, Jefferson County Coroners Office. Dr. Mike Dobersen via e-mail of 5/14/2010. Training source- training manuals from the above mentioned conferences, all of which are available at the Park County Coroners Office.

Statement: (Republican County Assembly, April 10, 2010) “ I am trained in forensic odontology, toxicology, anthropology, ballistics, and blood spatter patterns.
Fact: To be trained in these subjects takes many years. The training referred to was through the annual Spring Training Conference of the Colorado Coroners Association. Ms. Davis did attend four 2 1/2 day training conferences in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002. Those topics were covered, in one-hour overview lectures designed to give a brief acquaintance with the topic or update participants on new technology. This does not connote that she is ‘trained’ in these subjects merely that they were touched upon.
Fact: She has not indicated that advance training was taken or that any training has been taken for the past 8 years, during which time scientific advances have been many.
Source: Training source- training manuals from the above mentioned conferences, all of which are available at the Park County Coroner’s Office.


Statement: (The Flume, April 16, 2010) “She has conducted about 400 death investigations she said”.
Fact: Summit County did not have 400 cases during the period of time that Ms. Davis worked with the Coroners Office. There were 204 cases from Oct 1998 through the first week of January 2003 when Ms. Davis was employed. 10 cases in 1998 from Oct-Dec 1998 50 total in 1999, 47 in 2000, 50 in 2001, 46 in 2002 and 1 in 2003.
Fact: Additionally, Summit County Coroner Records show that she was on 26 scenes. 14 with other deputy coroner’s and 12 solo. Additionally, she signed 13 death certificates but there is no report in the file to indicate if the scene was even investigated.
Source: The number of death certificates filed during this period was confirmed with the Colorado Department of Health – Vital Statistics Division. Additional information from the Summit County Coroner’s Office.

Statement: (The Flume, same s/a) “She was the deputy coroner in Summit County from 1998 until 2003”
Fact: There were six other deputies, all of whom investigated a portion of the above mentioned cases and the Coroner who also investigated many of the cases.
Source: Summit County Coroner’s Office

Statement: (The Flume s/a) She claims to be a licensed X-Ray Technologist.
Fact: She is not registered or licensed with the American Registry of Radiology Technicians.

Statement: (The Flume, s/a) “Since 2003, she has had a mobile massage therapy business in the county.”
Fact: Massage therapists are licensed by the Colorado Department of Regulatory Affairs. Ms. Davis is not licensed by that agency.
Source: DORA website

Statement: The Flume, April 23, 2010. “She said she also found a facility to perform autopsies that will be half what the county is currently paying” She further stated at the meeting “with the same pathologist”.
Fact: The current pathologist, Dr. Ben Galloway” is a contract pathologist who sets his own rates. He stated that Ms. Davis has not discussed fees with him and he is not likely to cut his current rate. The facility she refers to is a mortuary in Idaho Springs where Dr. Galloway does do autopsies for Clear Creek and Gilpin counties. Transport to this location would be more difficult and out-of-the-way and further away from a funeral facility families may chose to use. It negates the current availability of autopsy services in Colorado Springs for those persons deceased in the Lake George and Guffey areas, a service to families in that area. Additionally, many of the services provided by Jefferson County would not be available at that location.
Source: Dr. Ben Galloway, board certified forensic pathologist. Park County Coroner’s Office.

Letter: (The Flume May 28, 2010) Mr. Greer states that “According to the report and scene entrance log neighbor Ms. Davis nor Sgt. Schlunsen the author of the letter was ever on this scene.”
Editor’s note: “Tammy Davis said she was on call 24/7. “Not all Deputies were listed on each case”. She said.
Fact: There were 6 other deputy coroner’s during the time Ms. Davis was affiliated with the Summit County Coroner’s office. They usually took calls for a week at a time. If you look at the case count for Ms. Davis you will see she went many months without a case. In most of the reports more than one deputy was listed and I contend that if you didn’t write the report, you didn’t really investigate anything.

Source: Summit County Coroner’s Office.

Letter: The Flume June 4, 2010 Authored by Mr. Joslin who states yet again that he was coroner until 2004.
Statement: Joslin states that Ms. Davis “was involved in ‘hundreds’ of cases during the five years that she was with the office even though her name may not appear on the investigation paperwork. During that time she responded to more cases than any of my other deputies”.
Fact: If either of them knew how to conduct a competent investigation these facts would be listed. So if they weren’t, they aren’t so.
Source: Summit County Coroner’s Office.


Statement: Tammyforcoroner.com website “I already have many of the necessary certifications to be coroner. This will save money for the taxpayers of Park County because you will not have to pay for my education”.
Fact: Ms. Davis has NONE of the necessary certifications. Colorado statutes requires attendance at a 40-hour new Coroner Institute to be taken between election and assuming the office. Additionally an approved medicolegal death investigation course is required to be taken within one year of taking office as well as 16 hours of continuing education required each year. Any certifications Ms. Davis may have (she should provide certificates) would be outdated and not usable to satisfy any of the above requirements.
Source: CRS 30-10-606 et al, meeting minutes of the Colorado Standards and Training Board.

Statement: Website, same as above “the proof is in the recommendations I have received from many former and current Coroners with whom I have worked”.
Fact: Only one letter, from former Summit County Coroner Dave Joslin, appears on the website recommendations page. Comment:This does not constitute ‘many’.
Fact: This letter was also published in the Flume.
Fact: Ms. Davis was also employed as Mr. Joslin’s administrative assistant.
Fact: Mr. Joslin states she was employed through 2004 when she was only employed through January,2003.
Fact: Mr. Joslin was not coroner until 2004.

Fact: Another letter, from an unknown police officer appears on the website and at the time he did not wish his name to be used. Comment: No name does not make it legitimate.
Fact: This letter was published along with the officer’s name in May 21st Flume.
Statement: “The first investigation I was present at was a suicide at Swan Meadow Village, As it turned out this was Ms. Davis’ first investigation.”
Fact: Swan Meadow Village is not in Dillon Police Department’s normal response area.
Fact: Coroner records indicate that Ms Davis’ first investigation was with another deputy coroner and was a natural scene.
Statement: “The second investigation involved an autoerotic accidental hanging in Dillon.”
Fact: The coroner’s report does not list Ms. Davis as having been in attendance, nor do Dillon Police Department records indicate this or this particular officer’s response.
Source: The website. Case reports and scene entrance logs from Dillon Police Dept along with the coroner’s report from the Summit County Coroner’s Office.

Letter: (The Flume May 28, 2010) Mr. Greer states that “According to the report and scene entrance log neither Ms. Davis nor Sgt. Schlunsen the author of the letter was ever on this scene.”
Editor’s note: “Tammy Davis said she was on call 24/7. “Not all Deputies were listed on each case”. She said.
Fact: There were 6 other deputy Coroner’s during the time Ms. Davis was affiliated with the Summit County Coroner’s office. They usually took calls for a week at a time. If you look at the case count for Ms. Davis you will see she went many months without a case. In most of the reports more than one deputy was listed and I contend that if you didn’t write the report, you didn’t really investigate anything.

Source: Summit County Coroner’s Office.

Letter: The Flume June 4, 2010 Authored by Mr. Joslin who states yet again that he was coroner until 2004.
Statement: Joslin states that Ms. Davis “was involved in ‘hundreds’ of cases during the five years that she was with the office even though her name may not appear on the investigation paperwork. During that time she responded to more cases than any of my other deputies”.
Fact: If either of them knew how to conduct a competent investigation these facts would be listed. So if they weren’t, they aren’t so.
Source: Summit County Coroner’s Office.

Statement: (Website, s/a). (refer to Flume article which states she has found ‘another place to do autopsies’ above) “I vow to work with all the next of kin…….to help make arrangements assisting all of their difficult decisions….”
Fact: Colorado statutes prohibit Coroners from recommending funeral homes and making arrangements with funeral homes.
Source: CRS 30-1-606 et al

Exaggerated Website Statements:

“ Graduated Los Angeles College of Chiropractic in 1993”
Chiropractic Assistant
Massage Therapy
Physical Therapy
X-ray Technician
Question: With which degree or certificate?
Fact: In checking with the college, there were no X-Ray Technician or Physical Therapy certificate programs back then.
Comment: This is not the same as earning a certificate in each which is what the website makes it look like.
Fact: If she graduated as a chiropractic assistant the program would not have been longer than 400 hours. It takes 2 years to become and X-Ray technician and 6 years to become a physical therapist.

Statement: “Your Coroner should be someone committed not only to the facts and figures of each case:”
Fact: Clearly anyone can see that this is untrue given the facts above.

Statement: Death Investigations I've conducted (please refer to comment, fact and questions in red below. It is inflated to look more impressive).

Motor Vehicle Accidents
Blunt Force Trauma
Lacerated Organs COMMENT: (caused by blunt force trauma)
Skull Fractures

Skier Accidents
Blunt Force Trauma
High Altitude Pulmonary Edema
Arteriosclerosis - Heart Disease
Skull Fractures - Medulla Oblongata COMMENT: (Medulla is a piece of anatomy not a cause of death or investigation).

Overdoses Drugs and Alcohol
Gunshot Wounds
Autoerotic Asphyxiation COMMENT: (Autoerotic is NOT a SUICIDE nor was she present on this scene)
Exsanguination COMMENT: (This means blood loss, you get this with gunshot wounds)

Homicides FACT: (No record of attendance at ANY homicide in Summit County)
Blunt Force Trauma COMMENT: (lacerated organs occur with blunt force trauma)
Subdural & Epidural Hematomas
Multiple Lacerated Organs COMMENT: (see above)
Worked with Colorado Bureau of Investigations (CBI) QUESTION: WHEN?
and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) QUESTION: WHEN?

Natural Deaths and Hospice Cases COMMENT: (Yes, this is true but there is no narrative in any of these files where she signed the death certificate.)

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25 Jul 2010 22:21 #26 by AV8OR
Looks like the Coroner is back from Burro Days and writing.

I really wonder why Sharon Morris is so busy trying to get a 5th generation kid elected. This especially since she tried getting other folks to run. Seven to be exact. All of a sudden, she gets behind a 24 y/o boy who has NO coroner experience. I wonder how Kintz received his "so called" experience? He brags of more cases than someone that was an official deputy coroner. I could not imagine that that many folks have died in Park County to equal the hundreds that he has reported as working - as a "tag along."

FACT: Kintz was NOT a deputy coroner!

FACT: Kintz was a mere "tag along"!

Additionally, if KINTZ was working on our taxdollars for HIS FATHER, Kintz SR, how could he have handled all those cases?

Park County leadership is engaging in some serious covering activity. There must be a reason why Sharon Morris got marching orders from certain Park County elite to push Kintz through. I will submit some theories and let the rest of you add to it.

The county commissioners can be investigated for malfeasance of office and secret pay-offs by whom else? The SHERIFF.

In the event that the SHERIFF is removed from office, the CORONER fills in. If KINTZ is the CORONER (now SHERIFF replacement) how can a competent and thorough investigation be conducted? KINTZ would not. Because the powers to be will give him his marching orders.

It is important to look beyond the crap that is being placed on this site by the elites that hav a stake in keeping their county jobs and there butts out of the slammer!

I wonder what would happen if the current commisioners were all recalled or replaced, the sheriff lost his job and someone other than Kintz was elected?

I suspect serious sctions by these folks might reach sunlight. Let's give it a shot. What is there to lose? Certainly, an appreciable amount to gain...

It is time to recall the COMMISSIONERS,

Elect a candidate that is not related to a Road & Bridges Director,

Elect a new SHERIFF,

Clean house of several department heads within the county.

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26 Jul 2010 07:27 #27 by mtntrekker
av8or i don't know you but thank you. time to unload the good ole boy network and get people who can think for themselves and represent our county and the people in it.

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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26 Jul 2010 08:36 #28 by CC
I would like to see the personal car issues raised here answered by Fairplay Mountain Momma.
The chances of that happening are slim to none because these folks don't answer honest questions.....They just paste their posts from word docs and run off and hide under their rock.

It is becoming plain to me why they are so afraid of any new blood at the county. If someone new gets in that they can't control.....they run the risk of the dirty little secrets they have been keeping for so long will be exposed.

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26 Jul 2010 17:40 #29 by CC
I have a question for Mr. Kintz.
Why isn't he here answering questions the way the other candidate is. Why does he let the current coroner do his work for him. Will she do his work for him from New Mexico if he is elected?

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26 Jul 2010 21:41 #30 by Fairplay Mountain Mama
Just so all of you know that think I am the current Park County Coroner or someone who is associated with the Park County Government, I can most certainly assure you that I AM NOT any of those things! I am just a Park County citizen that is very concerned about someone of Tammy Davis' character getting into a public office. I don't even know David Kintz and have never met him. All I am doing is reporting facts that are known about Tammy Davis and all the lies that she has told. These are ALL verifiable FACTS!! That is why I gave the sources so that you can check them out for yourself. I know that nobody is perfect and I am sure that David Kintz has plenty of his known, but in my own opinion is that he is most certainly the lesser of two evils. As far as the personal use of a county vehicle by Sharon Morris, I wouldn't know anything about that since I am not her, so you are barking up the wrong tree here!

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