Dems: The Make Work Party. We don't have any jobs for this generation graduating college and high school because we have made our manufacturing unprofitable, so lets give them high paid paper pushing jobs in goverment regulating the producers and borrowing money to do this.
Egypt had been doing the same thing for 20 years. To prevent college graduates from revolting, they created make-work goverment jobs for them, we don't even care if you show up. Just keep quiet.
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.
Yes, let's "make jobs" like rebuilding roads, bridges, dams, infrastructure that are paid for with federal dollars that allow states/counties to hire firms that do such work. That indirectly makes the people who suddenly get good-paying jobs "government employees"... But they're probably all "deadbeats", so screw 'em...
I just love sociopathic neo-cons... I could sit and watch 'em for hours...
Would be nice if the federal government would get out of the individual welfare business at the expense of everyone else so that our tax monies could be used for those important infrastructure projects instead of the one size fits none individual welfare initiatives that they waste so much money buying support from the people who vote for their living on.
Democracy4Sale wrote: Yes, let's "make jobs" like rebuilding roads, bridges, dams, infrastructure that are paid for with federal dollars that allow states/counties to hire firms that do such work. That indirectly makes the people who suddenly get good-paying jobs "government employees"... But they're probably all "deadbeats", so screw 'em...
I just love sociopathic neo-cons... I could sit and watch 'em for hours...
Maybe next time you stop reading the HuffPo pablum, take a look at the Japanese economy of the last 20 years. They have been ruled by a liberal goverment for most of the post war period, so when the economy started to slow after they had a property bubble crash decades before ours, they looked to stimulate the economy with infrastructure stimulus spending. They built bullet trains, and massive highways, new airports, and doubled their debt. They know have debt levels twice their GDP.
I and a lot of people smarter than me like Bernanke & Geithner don't know how to fix this economy, but I do know how to duplicate the Japanese model, approve another trillion dollar stimulus package, add trillions in debt, and build stuff we don't need. And hire goverment workers we don't have work for and don't have money to pay.
But wait, Obama wants to bring back the Clinton tax hikes to stimulate the economy and pay a tiny bitof that debt.
Maybe if you tax the rich more, they will work harder and hire more people? Or move more of their money into tax free bonds and off-shore.
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.
Next time you stop reading and FauxNews' pablum, you might see that using federal funds to CREATE JOBS in a recession is the best thing that could happen right now.
FredHayek wrote: But wait, Obama wants to bring back the Clinton tax hikes to stimulate the economy and pay a tiny bitof that debt.
Maybe if you tax the rich more, they will work harder and hire more people? Or move more of their money into tax free bonds and off-shore.
Clinton didn't have a "tax hike"... Bush had a tax-cut. And yes, he wants to let that whopping 3.9% tax-cut expire on those making over $250,000. GOOD!!! It's about friggin' time. Since it only affects the top 2% of individuals, and the top 3% of so-called "small business", it's about time. (Interesting how some multi-billion dollar companies get away with calling themselves "small businesses" because they file as "Chapter-S" corporations for tax-reasons... Think: Koch Industries.)
Oh, and "giving tax-cuts to the rich" doesn't "create jobs"...We went down that road for 8 years... Money doesn't trickle-down. Jobs get created when there's a demand for more products & services...And without money in the hands of the consumer, there is no demand.
We have been creating federal jobs since 2006, hell, since, 2000, goverment workers as a percentage of employed has been increasing. Still stuck at 8.2%, and 14% real unemployment.
And never been to, the Japanese info is actually from the, a moderate left publication.
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.
If you actually read the article, it says women and minorities are hardest-hit...It also says the whole SECTOR is hardest hit...(taking federal/state/county/local government employees all together.) But I know how you hate facts--at least the ones that don't come from your Rightie blogs.
A new report says wealthy Maryland residents may be moving out due to recent tax hikes....
In total, Maryland has added 24 new taxes or fees in recent years, Change Maryland says. Florida, which has no income-tax, has been a large recipient of Maryland's exiled wealthy.
The study, by the anti-tax group Change Maryland, says that a net 31,000 residents left the state between 2007 and 2010, the tenure of a "millionaire's tax" pushed through by Gov. Martin O'Malley. The tax, which expired in 2010, in imposed a rate of 6.25 percent on incomes of more than $1 million a year.
And the results are in!!
The Change Maryland study found that the tax cost Maryland $1.7 billion in lost tax revenues. A county-by-county analysis by Change Maryland also found that the state's wealthiest counties also had some of the largest population outflows.
The conclusion....
"Maryland has reached the point of diminishing returns. We're taxing people too much and people are voting with their feet," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan. "Until we change our focus from tax increases to increasing the tax base, more people are simply going to leave, leading to a downward spiral of raising revenues on fewer citizens."