Romney's VP pick leaked before Saturday announcement

12 Aug 2012 09:55 #51 by Photo-fish
You can take the boy out of the 1st congressional district, but...

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12 Aug 2012 10:32 - 12 Aug 2012 12:25 #52 by poubelle
You poor, poor pitiful souls , PS and BB. Still hung up on labels and generalities and ca ca.

"Collectivist", another Randroid word injected into almost everything you write, PS. Tell me, what is a church except a "collectivist" enterprise, subsidized by "We the People"? I say it's time to tax all of the churches and then we won't need to raise taxes too much on those poor little rich folks- or we simply stop the income deductibility of donations to churches. Let's see what happens to those religious coffers.

You say the "purpose for which government existed was to ensure your individual liberty to live your life in accordance with your own conscience" and "How is it possible that "progress" today now means that the primary purpose of your life is once again to support the goals and objectives of the government?" That's it? All you ever pontificate about is the "individual", rarely about the "WE" in our founding documents. Why? If government is primarily to "ensure your individual liberty" etc. then why oh why do WE heavily subsidize churches and businesses with very very tax-favorable policies? Why do WE enrich the military-industrial sector with endless contracts? Where is your outrage or even mild disapproval for any of those encroachments on "your own conscience"? Wrong question because it only and ever is all about you so if it's "right" for you, it must therefore be right for everybody. What does your conscience tell you, I wonder?

And you BB, what the heck are you ever writing about that deals with the subject at hand? Genocide? Say what? Do you mean something like the "wars" we are always fighting? What are you referring to this time?

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12 Aug 2012 10:57 #53 by Raees
Great post!

A follower of Ayn Rand's objectivist philosophy, with emphasis on the more cultic aspects of the movement. Often marked by exclusivist rhetoric, dogmatic individualism, and determinedly narcissistic self-praise.

To a Randroid, being nice, charitable, altruistic and fair is to be a morally reprehensible person and such things are vices.

A hero to them is a selfish man who takes what he wants, does what he wants and cares only about himself.

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12 Aug 2012 11:03 #54 by LadyJazzer

Raees wrote: Great post!

A follower of Ayn Rand's objectivist philosophy, with emphasis on the more cultic aspects of the movement. Often marked by exclusivist rhetoric, dogmatic individualism, and determinedly narcissistic self-praise.

To a Randroid, being nice, charitable, altruistic and fair is to be a morally reprehensible person and such things are vices.

A hero to them is a selfish man who takes what he wants, does what he wants and cares only about himself.

Dead on... I'm saving that one ...

:like: :thumbsup: :yeahthat: :cool:

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12 Aug 2012 16:05 #55 by Something the Dog Said

PrintSmith wrote: Ryan is a budget wonk archer - very few have his detailed knowledge of the federal budget, which is why he was chosen to lead the committee and the youngest ever to be chosen for that position. There is no substitute for knowledge - something that last 4 years have once again demonstrated.

Wonk - someone who has no real world experience or skills, has not accomplished anything, yet posits himself as an "expert". Interesting that Ryan claims himself as a "budget wonk" and a "deficit hawk", yet he voted for every single Bush budget, the unfunded tax cuts, two wars without any mechanism for paying for them, medicaid prescription benefits, TARP, the list goes on. If he is such an expert on the budget and deficits, why the hell has he not put his votes where his mouth is now?

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then always be batman." Unknown

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12 Aug 2012 16:09 #56 by Something the Dog Said
Oh yeah, let's not forget how he pushed for the auto bailout as well.

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then always be batman." Unknown

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12 Aug 2012 20:36 #57 by Blazer Bob

Raees wrote: @RexHuppke: BREAKING: Mitt Romney picks Paul Ryan as VP, saying he meets the requirements of being "white and not very fun at parties."

@jasonschreier: I don't get the big deal over romney announcing a VP don't mormons get like five?

Man, I love the collective wit of Twitter.

Gotta love twitter.

@datakcy: At Romney/Ryan rally in NC: overflow crowd. Arena full. Cars backed up for miles!

@GayPatriot: All these people back into the trees are listening to @PaulRyanVP on outside speakers. Wow.

@SarahPompei: You'd think a boy band walked into thousands of teenage girls. Nope.

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12 Aug 2012 20:51 #58 by Raees
More Twitter:

@LiberalPhenom Is it just me or is Paul Ryan now running for president? Yeah, Romney sucks.

@BuzzFeedAndrew: awkward look on Romney's face when Paul Ryan says he wants to get rid of tax shelters.

@abongoman: Under Paul Ryan's budget @MittRomney would pay an effective tax rate of 0.82%

@MicheleP123 10 Reasons Paul Ryan is Worse for Romney than Palin was for McCain .

@StudentsforO: Paul Ryan is the only Catholic I know of that has inspired a bus load of nuns to protest against his vision.

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