Samantha Bertin for Park County Commissioner Dist#3

21 Jul 2010 10:21 #1 by Samantha Bertin
I am Samantha Bertin, most people call me Sam. I've lived in Pk Cty for 25 years, I graduated highschool in Fairplay and married my high school sweetheart, Larry. We have three children, all of whom I have homeschooled. My oldest graduated in 2009. I have been a small business owner all my adult life. My busines experience has been in management, contracting, accounting, manufacturing, packaging, distribution and retail establishments. Currently I run a housekeeping business and am a licensed contractor. I take great pride in my relationships with my clients in any of my businesses. I am able to maintain a respectful/honest/caring relationship with them and they always know that I have their best interests in mind. I would like to provide that same knid of service to the citizens of Pk Cty as your commissioner.
We as Americans and taxpayers are facing serious economic distress and frustration with the government system as a whole. Pk Cty is no different, we have issues that need to be addressed in the immediate future and not be put on hold.There are decisions that will be tough to make and hard on some but the truth of the matter is that it must be done all the same. This county does not have the money to do some of the things proposed and cuts will have to be made to keep our funds in a safe place for day to day operations. How can this be done without cutting positions, salaries, or programs? It can't! We have gotto look at everything from a business point of view and cut back to the bare minimum and then prioritize new projects and work on them in a stepping stone order, keeping afist hold on our spending and making smart thought out decisions looking at the future and not just the present. I think we have wasted enormous amounts of money in the past just looking for the quick fix and not taking into acct the future and what it may bring. Also addressing things as they are brought to our attention or starting to develop, not when they have gone past emergency stage, such as our MacNamara building. This building was looked at and warnings wer given as to it's condition over two years ago! Why did'nt someone start implementing plans to refurbish/restore or build new back then? This problem would not be pressed in with the current issues if it had been addressed back then and it would not be an emergency now!! This is the very thing I feel our commissioners should be on top of and managing so that decisions can be made properly and to the benefit of the citizens. To be a commissioner means to be a leader and to be a leader you must be willing to stick your neck out there and say whatever needs to be said, like it or not, and then act upon that statement, meaning you can't wait around for someone else to handle the problem, that is your job! I am ready to be a leader and stay on top of the issues that affect this county and act on solutions for these issues.
Lillian says that the commissioner candidate must have experience in all the critical depts. of the county and can not provide an adequate service while learning on the job! I think that is baloney and here is why. My father, Jim Gardner, was never a county employee or commissioner before he served and I am constantly told that he was of great service to this county! He learned on the job! I believe he did a good job because he was constantly learning, meeting and talking to the people of Pk Cty all the time!! He had a passion for this place and the heart to serve his fellow citizens. I have that same vested interest in this county, I plan to spend my lifetime here, and feel that I can provide that same kind of service to my fellow citizens.
If the people of Pk Cty want someone who has been entrenched in the county for years and knows all the goings on and agendas, then by all means vote for that candidate. I happen to believe the citizens of this county want blank slate, no hidden agendas or personal ties, someone eager to learn and ready to serve with an honest, straight forward, and down to earth common sense approach! If that is what you are looking for in your next commissioner then vote for me! I am not looking for a paycheck or prestige, I have a successful business that keeps me plenty busy, that I am setting aside to be available full time for this. In fact, I am willing to work for less(I know that the salary is state mandated, but thereare ways to reduce my salary back to the county) and still put in full time hours. I am ready and willing to invest my time and money back into our communities to better our way of life. Please cast your vote on Aug 10 and Nov 2 for Samantha Bertin. Thank you!
I may be contacted @ 719-839-0843 or . or go to

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25 Jul 2010 14:04 #2 by Nic at Night
Great info. substance over style, especially in Park County.

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25 Jul 2010 15:15 #3 by Rorschach81

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25 Jul 2010 16:57 #4 by ColoradoXprss
Great information Sam...thanks for sharing again. Good Luck in the elections.

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26 Jul 2010 05:30 #5 by Let the Wildlife run PC
To me you're a breath of fresh air!! It's way past time to get the bad out and the good in!!

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26 Jul 2010 10:06 #6 by Grady
I think the lady has some great ideas, she deserves your support.

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27 Jul 2010 17:06 #7 by Tilt
Appears you have brought fresh new expression to old ideas?

1.Infrastructure in county failing/failed. All candidates
in 2008 admitted roads bad and #1 priority. We heard about
monitoring the roads, investigating them, and the five year
plan repeated every campaign.
You indicated need more money. Whats wrong with
with budgeting Road and Bridge per state statutes the
same way the majority of surrounding counties and states
do. By using home taxes for the budget, just like Park
county did pre 2002. Then grading the roads just like
99% of counties/nearby states do--Every 6-8 weeks,Verified

2. The LURS were made to shift away from a polished zoning,
planning building policies . LURS- created loopholes
and abuse. Example how will you stop "ridge line" homes
being built that take views from neighbors. Or lot splitting,
creating high density in the mountains. ???? How will you
stop it.
3. Current BOCC and peoples Land Water Trust trustees want to build a large lighted ballfield in a built up residential
"bowl shaped" mountain neighborhood. The homeowners
say no. What do you say.


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28 Jul 2010 08:38 #8 by Samantha Bertin
#1- I don't know alot about this 5year plan that cycles through the election years as you indicate but I do think our roads are huge issue/problem and will be addressed if I am elected. We have 1700 miles of road to maintain and not enough money, plain simple truth! If you think that home taxes should pay for that again like pre 2002 then you should bring that forward s a ballot question. I do not support more taxes, I feel that the money needs to be reassigned and reprioritized and used more frugaly on our projects. That is where I agree with your suggestion of grading the roads every 6-8 weeks. I watch them waste money every week on my road and it does'nt last longer than a day. I have joked that the locals pick our path down the road around the washboards and holes and we get quite upset when they come along and mess up our path. The tourists think the dirt roads are quaint.

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28 Jul 2010 09:03 #9 by Samantha Bertin
#2- The LUR's are a guideline for how we in the mountains want to live with our neighbors. There are some things that are alot more restrictive than I would like however I did not get involved and speak up when that citizens committee and the officials were putting them into place and therefore I must deal with them now on a case by case basis as they come up. The loopholes and abuse that you refer to are a result of not having the money to allow enforcement. I am a firm believer in property rights and having the ability and right to do as you please with your own property. Ridge line homes fall into this, I don't believe we should take that property owners right to choose where on thier property they will build. If the neighbor is truly worried about that, thought should have been given at the time of purchase and building plans. Just because you own a piece first does'nt mean that you have a right to dictate how everything around you will be. If there were other pieces for sale around then you must accept that in the future you may have neighbors that have thier own ideas and plans and will have to take into account that you are there already. Or buy the whole place so you don't have neighbors! I know in some circumstances that that is impossible, What I am trying to portray is that we have to treat our fellow neighbors like we would want to be treated and I for one do not want anyone to tell me what I can and cannot do with my property (within reason obviously).

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28 Jul 2010 09:16 #10 by Samantha Bertin
#3- I am quessing this is on CR72? I had not heard about the lighting thing so I would propose that the lighting only be on when needed for night games. I was under the impression this was an important asset to the homeowners there and they were wanting improvements. Was I misled? The homeowners association really should speak to the BOCC(organize alot of the homeowners to come before the board) If the homeowners are really against it and not just a few folks then I would Vote for the homeowners because that is who would be the most affected by these actions. I need more info on this matter though because I am confused as to the difference in opinions.

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