Samantha Bertin for Park County Commissioner Dist#3

03 Aug 2010 11:26 #31 by Samantha Bertin
Answer for Tilt questions #6 & 7, I agree that grants should be given in good times only and that they should also be on the website for public perusal.
Don't know about a blacklist but That is not how I operate so I would have no need for one. I would be the representative for all the people of Park County and not just the ones that agree with us.

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03 Aug 2010 11:38 #32 by Samantha Bertin

Tilt wrote: Yes, your right she did respond. But I didn't ask her to respond to
the word "Respond", just answer the questions, given the time
to research my questions regarding matters of concern for the
taxpayers since time questions presented. Welcome to the world
of politics.

Thanking you and candidate Bertin in advance.

Huh??????? my answers were not what you wanted?

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03 Aug 2010 11:43 #33 by shilohloki
Don't worry, we misunderstand a lot of things Tilt writes :wink:

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03 Aug 2010 12:02 #34 by Tilt
Shilohloki, She understood the questions and did a good job
answering most. She understands, you don't?
When one does not understand the questions they should
remain quiet so not to comment and make a ass out of themselves. Its may(may)indicate a low IQ, you don't want
to broadcast that in public do you. with "I(not we) don't
understand do "I". Repeat "I" not we.
May I suggest you try again under a new name. :wave:

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03 Aug 2010 12:06 #35 by shilohloki

Tilt wrote: Shilohloki, She understood the questions and did a good job
answering most. She understands, you don't?
When one does not understand the questions they should
remain quiet so not to comment and make a ass out of themselves. Its may(may)indicate a low IQ, you don't want
to broadcast that in public do you. with "I(not we) don't
understand do "I". Repeat "I" not we.
May I suggest you try again under a new name. :wave:

Insult me if you like, but at least I write very clearly. I was only making a joking statement but if you took offense, my apologies. She seemed confused by your response, as was I - hence "we".
And my IQ is high enough for my satisfaction, so I really don't worry too much what others think of it! :wink:

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03 Aug 2010 12:10 #36 by Samantha Bertin
Answers for posteryoyo: I am a contractor and I have delt with the building dept. I know how frustrating it can be and intrusive at times however I also have worked with alot of people and you would be shocked at how many of them don't have a clue and still try to do it themselves. Just because someone hires a contractor does'nt mean that contractor knows how to do it either. There have got to be some regulations within reason to protect people from themselves and scam artists. There are alot of rules and regs in the building code that are way out there ridiculus I agree but i would not vote to have them be voluntary.
The barn question is a great one, I have thought in the past that rule was stupid. What if you want to store your building materials for your house in there and your tools? I don't know the specifics on why you can't though so I can't really answer the question for you. I will try to find out more info and get back to you on that.
I want to protect property rights and keep us from losing more to the gov. I am not sure how to go about increasing them but I will fight for them if the opportunity comes to my attention.

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03 Aug 2010 14:24 #37 by Stand Proud N Speak Out
I have met Samantha, here is my take. She is a very nice person and approachable. Here is my say SHE IS TOO INEXPERIENCED for this position right now. Not GOOD for the county at this point. We need someone in that will STAND UP AND PUT A STOP to endless money going out everywhere to every department and put a stop to the endless spending on the county credit cards. Here's the senario let's elect Samantha and let Tighe and Hodges go over her head for the next 2 years like they have been with MARK 4 PARK. Can you say what a joke! Think before you vote.

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03 Aug 2010 18:36 #38 by Mtn Gramma

Tilt wrote: 5. How many millions are you willing to spend on a large, lighted loud Sports Stadium/Complex in the middle of a once quiet built up residential mountain neighborhood where the majority(99%+) Do Not Want it. BOCC third attempt in last 15 years.

Sorry for being off-topic. Tilt, did you get the notification of the Land & Water Trust meeting Thursday 8/5 at 6:30?

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05 Aug 2010 21:10 #39 by mtntrekker

Stand Proud N Speak Out wrote: I have met Samantha, here is my take. She is a very nice person and approachable. Here is my say SHE IS TOO INEXPERIENCED for this position right now. Not GOOD for the county at this point. We need someone in that will STAND UP AND PUT A STOP to endless money going out everywhere to every department and put a stop to the endless spending on the county credit cards. Here's the senario let's elect Samantha and let Tighe and Hodges go over her head for the next 2 years like they have been with MARK 4 PARK. Can you say what a joke! Think before you vote.

i haven't met sam but watched all the videos. wellll if mark for park has experience and still knuckled under to the commissioners why do you believe that sam will do the same, experience or not? she has already said that she will not allow endless spending. she is willing to look at the issues and assess and reassess as new info comes to light. getting someone outside the good ole boy network who can think and act independently and in our best interests works for me.

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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06 Aug 2010 14:20 #40 by Tilt
No candidate Bertin RE; Your comment huhh? my awnsers not what you wanted. Check above you answered 2 of 7. I'll waive the others except
#5. Tell the people of the county where you stand. Should the BOCC
and Land Water Trust build a large Sports Stadium-when the majority
of nearby(99%++++) homeowners DO NOT WANT it. Yes or no, please.
Should it be built anyway.?.

Dowlaby supports it, Lillian dodged the Yes-No.(possibly
does not understand the homeowners affected)

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