Samantha Bertin for Park County Commissioner Dist#3

28 Jul 2010 13:29 #11 by 40coupe
Hello, Ms. Bertin! Thanks for addressing the questions offered up here. With regard to Tilt's Question #1, it has been my experience that the faster vehicles are driven upon dirt roads (particularly the heavier vehicles, say, 5000 lbs.+), the faster the 'washboarding' reoccurs. While I would think that grading the dirt roads every 6 - 8 weeks would be most welcome, I wonder if there shouldn't be some regulatory enforcement taking place out there, on occasion, also? I, myself, and no doubt other folks, too, have seen vehicles, both local and non- local, traveling the dirt roads, such as PC77 (Tarryall Rd.), the Elkhorn, PC43 and even PC1 (Mosquito Pass Rd.) at speeds well above the posted limits. Perhaps part of the revenue derived from such infractions could be redirected back into the road maintenance budget? Thank You, for your consideration of these suggestions, and I wish you a successful campaign.

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28 Jul 2010 14:32 #12 by Samantha Bertin
I agree that speed is an issue on the county roads and yes I do believe it affects the condition of the roads themselves. However the issue of funds comes up again. I would like to see the county roads be patrolled but how much will that cost and what other service will be cut to do it. I am keeping all of this in mind and if elected I intend to find out all the facts and make changes where I can. Keep the questions and ideas coming, I need to know everything that is important to you out there to do my job best!

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28 Jul 2010 19:28 #13 by Mtn Gramma

Samantha Bertin wrote: #3- I am quessing this is on CR72? I had not heard about the lighting thing so I would propose that the lighting only be on when needed for night games. I was under the impression this was an important asset to the homeowners there and they were wanting improvements. Was I misled? The homeowners association really should speak to the BOCC(organize alot of the homeowners to come before the board) If the homeowners are really against it and not just a few folks then I would Vote for the homeowners because that is who would be the most affected by these actions. I need more info on this matter though because I am confused as to the difference in opinions.

Were you ever misled!! I'd be interested in hearing who told you it was an important asset. Night games? In a developed neighborhood? And it's definitely not an asset. As it is, it's ok, but the plan to fill in that whole valley with baseball boggles the mind. But the HUGE issue is water and a possible negative impact on the surrounding homeowners' wells.

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28 Jul 2010 20:49 #14 by Samantha Bertin
See there is always two sides to the story, I know about the water issue and thought that had been dealt with already and plans to drill were in the works, waiting on money? also I did not understand it to be just baseball, there is the arenas and round pens there that are being improved or proposed to improve.

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29 Jul 2010 23:14 #15 by Tilt
RE: The Roads- I don't propose a tax hike. I propose
what majority of counties do nationwide-biggest precentage
of road repair from home taxes. Lack of funds is no
excuse per state statutes. Unsafe and inconvenient travel
addressed in state stautes, just not followed by current BOCC.

Park county is only county in state to allow "ridgeline" homes
to be built. Under old Planning/building/zoning they were not
allowed in PK county. They are above the treelines and usually
formed from one or more remnant lots. Big lenders call that
type of abusive building-Illegal--but they agree you the
government can legally allow it. Just ,they the lenders say they won't have to buy/finance them. The teardown of one
forced by the courts would be at the taxpayers expense.

Water issue at proposed Sports Stadium. BOCC and Land Water Trust applied for a well permit without approval of homeowners
in a area with history of "dry wells"----the reason they were turned down by the state water board, again---for third time
in last 15 years!!!! And onward with plans to spend 2-3 million
more on this Stadium. Abusive!!!!!
Homeowners have no idea regarding the status, as secret non
public meetings continue regarding the Sports Stadium Complex.

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31 Jul 2010 07:09 #16 by mtntrekker

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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31 Jul 2010 10:23 #17 by Tilt
Mtntrekker, well then before you vote--You answer the above
questions, because she sidestepped my questions very
nicely regarding the infrastructure,large lighted loud Sports
Stadium and the military style "Telecommunications Bunker".
Total cost for Their needs $______________(you fill in).

Mom always said be sure to say something nice .

OK she is 100,000,000+ X better than the other two
Republican(?) candidates. Yet , appears to be far behind
Monica's no nonsense approach.

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31 Jul 2010 16:07 #18 by mtntrekker
perhaps it is the way you asked your questions?

a friend emailed with our questions and we got a timely, well thought out response.

sam has our votes.

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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31 Jul 2010 16:13 #19 by shilohloki
And mine. I've known her many years, and I'm happy to see she's running. Time for someone new without the past biases of the job.

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01 Aug 2010 08:07 #20 by truecolors
Her father was a commissioner. No bias?
The behavior that bothers me the most is that she appears to be easy to sway on important issues. She wants us to just eat the jail. That is not good enough. Her stand on a lot of issues has changed since she first started running. She is completely naive about what is going on with the county. She just doesn't have the experience or backbone to run park county.

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