This is what happens when you can't afford healthcare

25 Aug 2013 23:11 #41 by archer
I don't want any examples of anything....this is a message board, people are entitled to their anonymity.....we may all know who each other are....but lurkers, guests on the board, google bots, and other visitors do not and I think it was absolutely over the line not only for Walter to post what he did but for all the others who jumped on the "band wagon". This did not directly involve me....but made me stop and think that yeah, that could be me in the future.

To SC....I think maybe there needs to be some additional moderators/administrators to help monitor this site. If we can't trust the posters to follow the TOS, then there should be someone to step in and delete/star/or in someway remove personal information when it appears.....posters should not feel that they are one argument away from having another poster take revenge by posting personal information not intended for the public.

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25 Aug 2013 23:16 #42 by FOS
I couldn't agree more archer.

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26 Aug 2013 06:17 #43 by Reverend Revelant

archer wrote: I don't want any examples of anything....this is a message board, people are entitled to their anonymity.....we may all know who each other are....but lurkers, guests on the board, google bots, and other visitors do not and I think it was absolutely over the line not only for Walter to post what he did but for all the others who jumped on the "band wagon". This did not directly involve me....but made me stop and think that yeah, that could be me in the future.

To SC....I think maybe there needs to be some additional moderators/administrators to help monitor this site. If we can't trust the posters to follow the TOS, then there should be someone to step in and delete/star/or in someway remove personal information when it appears.....posters should not feel that they are one argument away from having another poster take revenge by posting personal information not intended for the public.

I think the moderators need a ban stick... whack... you're out of here.

Waiting for Armageddon since 33 AD

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26 Aug 2013 06:47 #44 by PrintSmith

archer wrote: I don't want any examples of anything....this is a message board, people are entitled to their anonymity.....we may all know who each other are....but lurkers, guests on the board, google bots, and other visitors do not and I think it was absolutely over the line not only for Walter to post what he did but for all the others who jumped on the "band wagon". This did not directly involve me....but made me stop and think that yeah, that could be me in the future.

To SC....I think maybe there needs to be some additional moderators/administrators to help monitor this site. If we can't trust the posters to follow the TOS, then there should be someone to step in and delete/star/or in someway remove personal information when it appears.....posters should not feel that they are one argument away from having another poster take revenge by posting personal information not intended for the public.

Oh stop with the melodrama already. Where was Wayne's outrage when his personal information was shared in this exchange?

jmc wrote: 19 years ago he created Pinecam. A true visionary, hated by both sites. He has my thanks and admiration. Wayne, thank you for getting 285b off the ground and for setting the model with Pinecam. When I get the vile from both sites, I remember you took the arrows first. Great role model,you are appreciated.

Conservative Voice wrote: I just saw this thread. Thanks for the nice comments, everyone. And if this 285/MyMountainTown thing doesn't get resolved, I do own, and and am interested in selling the domain names (cheap). I've held them for years, thinking they might become useful to a someone interested in starting a local news website.

I'm blowing this pop stand in a few years and don't really want to keep them. (That means I'll be leaving the area when I retire.)

And yes, Pinecam in the early days was a lot of fun. I couldn't have done it without a lot of help.

And later on he shared even more "private" information with the entire world

Conservative Voice wrote: If you're talking to me and not VL, I had a previous committment to my daughter. But you already knew that. She was 10 that year. Now she's in pre-med at CU, graduating a year early. I guess that fatherly attention paid off.

So what do we know if we are a lurker or a guest and even the slightest bit curious? That the person known as CV started Pinecam. From there it is but a modest leap to getting CV's first and last name, given he uses them at that site and from there whatever information posted by Walter follows quite easily.

If one wishes to protect their private life, then perhaps one should be outraged whenever their name is used instead of being selectively outraged about it. Just a thought.

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26 Aug 2013 07:14 #45 by Reverend Revelant
And anyone could find out a hell of alot more info about ***** if they read this thread.

It wouldn't take anyone with a little smarts to come up with all sorts of personal info that ***** hasn't ever posted PUBLICLY.

I'm a public figure within the world of live theatre in the Denver area, have been since 1989. It would take ONE Google search using my name to come up with enough public information to open your own forum.

I will defer to SC (I wonder who she is?)... but I don't agree in this case. Issue closed.

Waiting for Armageddon since 33 AD

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26 Aug 2013 07:43 #46 by FOS
Are we all public figures and so therefore subject to having our ability to support our families and earn a living fair game? My opinion is NO.
I would prefer to see each individual use their own filter to determine what is fair game and what is not.
I have learned that the hard way.
A persons job SHOULD not be the subject of scorn or ridicule.
I disagree with you on this Walter. SC did the right thing here.
PC was fair game given the fact that an entire thread was dedicated to that fact here. His personal name is also fair game here given the fact that he has acknowledged his identity when it met his purpose.
I cannot cry fowl when others here refer to me by my real name. I have a preference to using it but unfortunately, my real name has been repeatedly linked to the fine business I work for and unfortunately, my ability to do my job has been harmed on numerous occasions, even by the subject of many of these posts. Two wrongs do not make a right.
We should all have the right to state an opinion here without fear that it will reflect upon our ability to support our families and pay our mortgage.
In a perfect world, we would all acknowledge that and act accordingly. Unfortunately....this is an imperfect world and our anger sometimes gets the best of us. Sometimes the absolute hypocrisy of a behavior makes our self discipline harder to reign in. We are all good people here.
Perhaps some. introspection might be in order.
I am certainly trying to remember the "golden rule" here.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

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26 Aug 2013 08:03 #47 by Reverend Revelant

frogger wrote:

I disagree with you on this Walter. SC did the right thing here.


Where did I say SC didn't do the right thing? Any actions, rebuffs, calling the shots are SC prerogative. I just said I didn't agree. The right thing is her rules.

My revelations really backfired- It appears that now I'm down in the gutter with VL. I'm sorry. And I don't want anyone coming to see my new production (see links below). I couldn't face anyone from MMT at the theatre (see links below). I should be banned (first see links below).

Waiting for Armageddon since 33 AD

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26 Aug 2013 08:43 #48 by FOS
No...I don't think your revelations backfired and I think you are closer to the truth than most.
You have a right to make decisions for yourself but you do not have the right to make them for others.

What I find so interesting about this situation with WH is that in the very parting message he leaves, he skirts violating the very TOS he hangs his had on here. He talks about how others are such victims yet sees no resemblance of that observation within.
My apologies for misconstruing your post. It did not say that SC had done the wrong thing.
I assumed that since you disagreed, you believed she had done the wrong thing.
Heck....I even disagreed with my "lapcat" (dog) :)

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26 Aug 2013 08:48 #49 by Reverend Revelant
No comment. Like I said above... for me... case closed. Lesson learned.

Waiting for Armageddon since 33 AD

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26 Aug 2013 09:03 - 26 Aug 2013 09:33 #50 by archer
It's a fine line we walk on what is acceptable to post about another poster regarding personal information and what is not. I agree PrintSmith, it did get a little melodramatic last night..... I apologise

Edited to add.... Walter, if you had just removed the personal info when asked this would have been a non-issue.

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